Wednesday, November 16, 2011

C'mon Liberals...get your reporting right....!

So, there's already a news report about head lice infesting the 'occupy' protests.....

Now, news is out today that scabies and ringworm have been added to the list of maladies...

But, during all this, the Liberals in the media have chocked these up to medical issues.

Obviously, they are wrong.

Ringworm, scabies and head lice are just three more "99 percent" groups protesting the rich!

Now, if the fleas, roaches and bot flies could just their lobbies together, ALL the parasites could unify under the "99%" banner......

Hirota: out

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hey....wait a minute....

So, it seems that the "occupy" idiots are being cleared out so that the respective cities can clean the streets of all the garbage....


How is it POSSIBLE that "occupiers" are filthy; leaving mountains of garbage everywhere?

Aren't these idiots good Liberals? Are they concerned about the enviroment? Global Warming?

I guess not....

Instead, what we have in these morons is lots of head lice, murders, rapes, child abuse, racism, anti-semitism, bigotry, violent fist fights, drug overdoses.....all from "the party of peaceful diplomacy"....

I know, I know....I'M surprised, too!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A BIG Thank You to all you brainy cattles....

I want to take a moment to thank ALL of you for following "The Right Stuff"! Tracking the stats, the readership has skyrocketed in the past few months (since around mid-July). I'm not sure if folks are getting more "activist", more interested in the REAL world (as opposed to the one that Liberals live in), or if you've just run out of other stuff to do.......doesn't matter to me! I'm just happy that you are here!

FAR too many Americans, having lived their entire lives in freedom and liberty, tend to under-appreciate just how great we have it.

But, since the '60's, and more recently, since 2006, we've sat idly by and watched those freedoms and liberties under attack by The Democratic Party....the new Socialist Party. And, certainly, the evidence is all around us: after all, it SHOULD send a CLEAR signal when our President is TWICE the Communist Party USA!

The fact that YOU are checking out not only THIS site, but other, Conservative and Liberal, sites as well, means that we STILL have a chance to take back our country and restore it to its Constitutional principles.

It will be a generational struggle, for it took longer that a generation to bring this country to its current state of disrepair.

But, again, the fact that YOU....PERSONALLY....have decided on a course of activism and self-education, coupled with the fact that a recent survey found that Conservatives outnumber Liberals by a ratio of 2:1, means that, WITH YOUR CONTINUED ACTIVISM, we WILL take America back for our children!

So, again, THANK YOU!!!

Now....if I could just get more of you to comment (as opposed to just sending me email responses....which I LOVE, BTW....) :-)

Tim Hirota: OUT!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Move along.....nothing NEW to see here....

It was only a few months ago that Liberals, during the Medicare debate, produced a video showing an actor (portraying Paul Ryan) pushing grandma off a cliff. (Forget the fact that, under the rules of Obamacare, Medicare is SEVERELY de-funded, while under Ryan's proposal, Medicare SPECIFICALLY protects ALL current recipients while reforming it for future recipients). Here's that video:

Today, at the "Occupy DC" protest, Liberals push grandma down the stairs...

My advice to Conservatives?


Hirota: out.

Alex Wagner: MSNBC Analyst, Huffington Post writer, idiot.

Alex Wagner, speaking as a part of a panel assembled by Bill Maher, was asked--by Maher--about what she'd change in the Constitution.

Wagner's response:

"Well, I'm going to be pilloried for this. I think get rid of the second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have; the right of assembly, free speech, I mean, owning a gun does not, it does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights. And being more discreet about who gets to have a firearm and right to kill with a firearm, I think is something that would be in our national interest to revisit that."

The framers of the Constitution disagree with her:

George Mason: " disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

Noah Webster: "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States"

Tench Coxe: "As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms."

Samuel Adams: "The Constitution shall never be prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms"

Tench Coxe (again): "Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state government, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people"

Richard Henry Lee: "To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms, and be taught alike especially when young, how to use them."

There are literally HUNDREDS of other quotes by our Framers, which strongly convey the same message: The Second Amendment stands as the citizenry's final defense FROM OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, should the Government attempt to enslave the citizenry.

Wagner, who either doesn't pay attention to, or is simply ignorant of, history (as are most Liberals) doesn't seem to realize that, in a WHOLE 'nother sense, her statement that the Second Amendment, "...does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional Rights...", is EXACTLY accurate: The Second Amendment is, without question, THE MOST IMPORTANT of ALL the Amendments to the Constitution of The United States, as it is the guarantor of all the other Amendments.

The question that Liberals (and ALL OTHERS) SHOULD be asking is:

WHO is it who wants to do away with the Second Amendment? And, then, ask: WHY?

The answer is as ABSOLUTELY unequivocal as it is obvious: LIBERALS want to do away with the Second Amendment. As to why? Simple: to enslave the American people.

Folks: Be VERY vocal with respect to preserving and defending the Second Amendment. You WILL need it, eventually, just as our forefathers did.

Hirota: out.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Guess who's running for Congress....again?

Heeeeeeeeee's back!

Just when you thought that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the most psychotically stupid human being on the planet (based on what comes out of her yap), along comes her mentor, Florida's own Alan Grayson!

That's right, folks!

Grayson, who was run out of town by his own constituents for not only being COMPLETELY useless as a legislator, but also for making statements SO COMPLETELY off the intelligence charts that ONLY a Liberal could POSSIBLY believe running for Congress.

Here is just one of Grayson's more noteworthy gems:

"The Republican health care plan for America is: don't get sick. That's right: don't get sick. If you have insurance: don't get sick. If you don't have insurance: don't get sick. If you're sick: don't get sick (whatever that means). Republicans have a backup plan in case you do get sick. If you get sick, America, the Republican health care plan is this: die quickly. That's right: Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick."

Folks, there's a reason WHY Liberals make these kind of statements. It's an old trick, used mainly by formally-unknown parasites who, now, because of this trick, are called "celebrities".

Think of Madonna "I'll do anything for a buck" Ciccone. And Kanye "Bush hates black people" West. Or Britney "pick-a-psychological-disorder-here" Spears. Or Lady "That IS a sausage in my pocket, but I'm happy to see you anyway" Gaga.

Some folks, folks, place money and power above all else. These folks will DO ANYTHING, SAY ANYTHING or COMMIT ANY ACT in order to feel important.

Liberals, Celebrities,'s all about the "me".

(BTW, Grayson CANNOT be allowed to win back his Congressional seat, people! If he does, Florida will steal what is rightfully California's: the title of "the most stupid constituency in America". California OWNS it! It MUST be protected and defended!)

Hirota: out.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Where is your outrage?

Liberals? "Occupy" groups? HELLO????

Where is the vitriol? Where is the outrage? Where are the calls for executives' heads? Where are the cries of "BIG CORPORATE!"?

News today, in the continuing sordid tale of "Solyndra", the solar company that received HUGE "stimulus" money, was visited PERSONALLY by Obama, who then was PERSONALLY involved in the GIGANTIC public loan.....

...and then went BK...

NOW it is discovered that, as Solyndra was plummeting off the financial cliff, the executives took ENORMOUS payouts and bonuses!

FOR WHAT? Being successful?????

So, again, Liberals......where is the outrage?

(Don't bother answering....American Conservatives already know the answer)

Hirota: out.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

OWS idiots just.....don't....get it!

These idiots, protesting...uh....well.....whatever they're protesting, seem to have only one ultimate target of hatred: THE SUCCESSFUL.

Of course, logic tells you that, if they hate the successful, it means that they admit that THEY are failures.

Anyway, what these idiots don't seem to understand is that they DESPERATELY NEED the successful.

After all, it's the most successful in our country who provide the means (through their hard-earned tax dollars) for these idiots to camp in tents on public property (without permits), defecate and urinate in public, leave TONS of garbage everywhere, rape other protesters, rob other protesters, molest kids attending the protests, providing "three hots and a cot" when they get arrested, etc.....

So, if anything, these idiot OWS sheep should be thanking GOD that the successful exist!

OWS sheep: stupid, ignorant failures....

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


In a news piece today, it was concluded that women who voted largely in favor of Obama in 2008 are "unsure" about voting for him again....


Are you kidding?

My guess is that these ladies are also "unsure" about letting the child molester on the block, who grotequesly violated their kids in the past are "unsure" about whether that molester should be allowed to have those kids over to his house for "movie night"....


Hirota: out


Such are the immortal words of Monty Python in "The Holy Grail".

And such is (and will continue to be) the attitude of the Obama administration while Bebe Netanyahu tries to defend Israel against Iran...

...stay tuned for more Obama "heroics"....

In the immortal words of Artie Johnson.....

The Liberals are carping, of course (and astonishingly) about how the economy is recovering. Change is happening! Obama's a SUCCESS! The Senate is a SUCCESS! The a SUCCESS!!!!

America, under the Liberals, is UP UP UP!!!


Let's see......

- Inflation is UP.
- The national debt is UP.
- The deficit is UP.
- Unemployment is UP.
- Citizens on food stamps is UP.
- Bankruptcies are UP.
- The "Misery index" is UP.
- The number of blacks at the poverty level is UP.
- The number of "middle class" moving to "lower class" is UP.
- Mortgage defaults are UP.
- Loan defaults are UP.

....and, ASTOUNDINGLY, the Liberals ARE PROUD OF THIS!



And, if these things DON'T matter to you, why not move to Venezuela? Or Iran? Or Cuba?

And, if these things DO matter to you, WHY AREN'T YOU TAKING A STAND, LIKE OUR FOREFATHERS DID?

...and so, as Artie said, "Very very interesting.....BUT STUPID!"

Hirota: out!


Quiz time:

Who said this (about Obama's election), "As an African-American, I'm especially proud because this is a country that's been through a long journey, in terms of overcoming wounds and making race less of a factor in life. That work is not done, but yesterday was obviously an extraordinary step forward."

And, also about Obama, who said this,"I do think we've come a long way in overcoming stereotypes, role stereotypes about African-Americans. I will say race is still a factor. When a person walks into a room, I still think people still see race."

Give up?

Answer: The SAME person....Condoleeza Rice...who today stated that Herman Cain "shouldn't play the race card"...

Said Rice, "...I actually am someone who doesn’t believe in playing the race card on either side. I’ve seen it played, by the way, on the other side quite a lot too and it’s not good for the country. We ought to be able to look at people and say, ‘All right, maybe this is a disagreement about policy.’ Everyone goes though their time in the barrel, if you will, if you choose to put yourself forward. And so, I’m not much for the race card."

So, for anyone keeping score, Condi Rice is OK with playing the race card, when it comes to Obama, but NOT OK with playing the race card when it comes to Cain...

Shameful, Condi, shameful.

Hirota: out

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A GREAT executive....

....surrounds himself/herself with equally qualified, often MORE-qualified, people.

Executives like Obama, on the other hand, do exactly the opposite: surround themselves with people who, unbelievably, are even LESS-qualified than them. And, as difficult as it is to fathom someone LESS qualified than Obama, well......just look at his clique....

Take Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, chief attack dog (no pun intended) of the Democratic Party...

Already well known for her Biden-esque mouth (and intellect), she again puked up another whopper, based not only her own, personal ignorance, but also dependent on the shocking stupidity of ANYONE willing to take her at her word.

This time, she accused President Bush of "creating Hamas".

Really? Bush created Hamas?

That's a pretty good trick, since Hamas was founded in 1987....

Hirota: out.