As the race for President heats up, the candidates are handling the abortion question like
typical politicians; opportunistically or avoidingly. I recently received an email from a gentleman named Pat Garcia, who's throwing his hat into the ring for a Congressional seat. I sent Mr. Garcia a note, since his web site did not mention his stand on abortion. I asked where he stood on Roe v Wade as well as his stance on abortion, in general. (In truth, these were trick questions, because I wanted to see whether he would take a TRULY Conservative stance......). Mr. Garcia provided a stock GOP answer: states' rights, bad SCOTUS decision, etc etc etc....pure vanilla.
Although his answer was consistent with the GOP, and CERTAINLY better than the position of his opposition (Loretta Sanchez, who is wildly, aggressively PRO-abortion), he failed to recognize the truth of abortion. In fact, BOTH parties now fail to recognize the truth of abortion; with a "it's a states' rights issue" on one side and a "it's a women's rights issue" on the other. The TRUTH of the abortion issue is this:
Republicans, when speaking on their stated positions about abortion, will often rest their
arguments on the fact that abortion is "not enumerated in the Constitution". And, in a sense,
they are correct: abortion ISN'T specifically mentioned in the language of the
Constitution. Liberals' position on abortion varies. Most consistently, it's a "women's
rights issue"; an "I can do with my body whatever I please" mentality.
But, consider:
- Slavery isn't enumerated in the Constitution, either.
- The stated right of women to vote isn't enumerated in the Constitution.
In the time of Lincoln, should Americans have accepted, from their legislators, a "it's a
states' rights issue" when it came to the question of slavery? Should slaveholders have argued "private property rights" in their defense of slavery?
In the early years of the 20th Century, should Americans have accepted, from their legislators, a
"leave it to the individual states" attitude when it came to the right of women to vote? Should legislators argued "men's rights issue" in defense of continuing to disallow women's voting rights?
Thank God, in both these cases, righteous people argued that suffrage and the abolition of slavery
were well within the spirit of the Constitution's recognition and requirement of equality for all (as spelled out specifically in the Declaration of Independence). And because "equality for all" is THE most important concept in the Constitution, horrific injustices were righted.
It is a matter of historical significance that both these issue, along with myriad other attempts at legislated discrimination, were…and ARE…perpetuated by, protected by and expanded by The Democratic Party. Yes, slavery, women excluded from the vote on to today with embryonic stem cell research and federal funding as well as abortion are 100% the product of The Democratic Party.
typical politicians; opportunistically or avoidingly. I recently received an email from a gentleman named Pat Garcia, who's throwing his hat into the ring for a Congressional seat. I sent Mr. Garcia a note, since his web site did not mention his stand on abortion. I asked where he stood on Roe v Wade as well as his stance on abortion, in general. (In truth, these were trick questions, because I wanted to see whether he would take a TRULY Conservative stance......). Mr. Garcia provided a stock GOP answer: states' rights, bad SCOTUS decision, etc etc etc....pure vanilla.
Although his answer was consistent with the GOP, and CERTAINLY better than the position of his opposition (Loretta Sanchez, who is wildly, aggressively PRO-abortion), he failed to recognize the truth of abortion. In fact, BOTH parties now fail to recognize the truth of abortion; with a "it's a states' rights issue" on one side and a "it's a women's rights issue" on the other. The TRUTH of the abortion issue is this:
Republicans, when speaking on their stated positions about abortion, will often rest their
arguments on the fact that abortion is "not enumerated in the Constitution". And, in a sense,
they are correct: abortion ISN'T specifically mentioned in the language of the
Constitution. Liberals' position on abortion varies. Most consistently, it's a "women's
rights issue"; an "I can do with my body whatever I please" mentality.
But, consider:
- Slavery isn't enumerated in the Constitution, either.
- The stated right of women to vote isn't enumerated in the Constitution.
In the time of Lincoln, should Americans have accepted, from their legislators, a "it's a
states' rights issue" when it came to the question of slavery? Should slaveholders have argued "private property rights" in their defense of slavery?
In the early years of the 20th Century, should Americans have accepted, from their legislators, a
"leave it to the individual states" attitude when it came to the right of women to vote? Should legislators argued "men's rights issue" in defense of continuing to disallow women's voting rights?
Thank God, in both these cases, righteous people argued that suffrage and the abolition of slavery
were well within the spirit of the Constitution's recognition and requirement of equality for all (as spelled out specifically in the Declaration of Independence). And because "equality for all" is THE most important concept in the Constitution, horrific injustices were righted.
It is a matter of historical significance that both these issue, along with myriad other attempts at legislated discrimination, were…and ARE…perpetuated by, protected by and expanded by The Democratic Party. Yes, slavery, women excluded from the vote on to today with embryonic stem cell research and federal funding as well as abortion are 100% the product of The Democratic Party.
The bottom line:
Until America recognizes that ALL people are created equal, then, truly, NO ONE is equal and our legislators will be left to determine WHO is equal and deserving of equality.
Isn't that something we should leave to God (as suggested by our framers…"certain unalienable
We (and by "we", I mean both those who advocate abortion as well as those who refuse to take a stand against it) have decided that one class of humans (the unborn) is not worthy of equality and protection under our Constitution.
So, on January 22nd, the United States witnesses another anniversary of the 1973 Roe v Wade
decision. Another year, another 800,000 abortions in the United States alone. Since that horrific decision, nearly 53 MILLION unborn children have been butchered.
If it takes you, say, 5 minutes to read this post, realize that, in that period of time, 400
abortions took place worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, an abortion takes place somewhere in the world every 1.33 seconds. That makes 80 abortions every minute, 4,800
abortions every hour, 115,000 abortions every day and 42 MILLION abortions every year.
Shockingly, over 60% of women having abortions call themselves "Christian".
To provide some perspective, in the twelve years that "Uncle Joe" Stalin ruled the Soviet Union,
his administration was responsible for the murder of 23 million human beings. In 12 years, in today's standards, the world witnesses 504 MILLION abortions.
Some more perspective?
Each and every year, worldwide, the number of abortions surpasses the population (2010) of California!
In America, over 2200 abortions take place EVERY DAY. That is three abortions every two minutes. So, in the five minutes it takes for you to read this piece, 7 unborn children were
butchered in the United States; the country which claims to champion human rights. And all these abortions are supported by, defended by, expanded by.....The Democratic Party.
Two lessons learned:
1. Liberals, throughout history, have arbitrarily decided who is "deserving" of equality; once upon a time, it was slavery, then it was a woman's right to, their target of discrimination is "the unborn". The Democratic Party's absolutely clear record of legislated discrimination...
2. What once was the downfall of the Whig Party is now the downfall of the Republican Party: the
unwillingness to take a stand against discrimination. The GOP is AS guilty as the DNC for the perpetuation of discrimination against the unborn.
When will we, as a people, recognize abortion for what it is: a human rights issue?
When will we decide that the most vulnerable among us are worth fighting for?
And when will we come to realize that either EVERYONE is equal, or NO ONE is?
Hirota: out.
Post Script:
Liberals consider the Roe decision as key in the "fight for women's rights". So, why is it that, on January 22nd, the Roe anniversary will pass without HUGE media attention, without Liberals in
Congress making long, loud speeches praising the virtues of abortion, without "Roe retrospectives" on Liberal cable shows and news sites, without Washington parties, without bombastic speeches by Obama? Why will this "great day for Liberalism" come and go like any other day?
The reason is simple:
Liberals KNOW that abortion is a grotesque violation of human rights. But they protect it, defend
it and expand it anyway, because, as they learned from their mentors in the past (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc), legislating inequality among people is THE key to controlling them....