First of all, I post this article because you WON'T be hearing about this in the mainstream media....they are COMMITTED to burying this case.
That said, there's NO reason whatsoever that Liberals (or ANY Obama supporter) can possibly be shocked by this. After all, it's EXACTLY what Obama supports.
He supported born-alive abortions in Illinois; and he has not changed his position to date.
So, not only are pre-born humans "not human", neither are newly-born humans.
....and to think that people scoffed when I predicted the out come of this piece of news:
Folks, Liberals now are just doing what Liberals have ALWAYS done: deciding that some segment of humanity is NOT human.
Hirota: out.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
That GO**AM phone!!! it's come to light that the US was contacted MANY times about the two MUSLIM EXTREMISTS who attacked at the Boston Marathon.
There it was.......
3:00am ... AGAIN!
...and the phone starts ringing off the hook.
Obama, Hillary......oh...EVERYONE in this administration and surrounding, in one big communal bed.....
Their response?
Gosh.....I wonder whether the press would display this level of blindness, ignorance and apathy if a Republican were in office...?
Hirota: out.
There it was.......
3:00am ... AGAIN!
...and the phone starts ringing off the hook.
Obama, Hillary......oh...EVERYONE in this administration and surrounding, in one big communal bed.....
Their response?
Gosh.....I wonder whether the press would display this level of blindness, ignorance and apathy if a Republican were in office...?
Hirota: out.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
....ever seen that one cartoon.....?
The one where one character dares another to "cross this line". So, when the line's crossed, another dare is laid down: " I dare you to cross THIS line".....on and on, the line's redrawn, and crossed until the darer, ever backing up, backs up over a cliff....
Very funny stuff in cartoons; somewhat more pathetic when it's our President and his administration...
And that is EXACTLY what is now going to happen with Syria.
Since Liberals have no memory, here's Obama's hawkish (snicker) words:
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation. . . . We’re monitoring that situation very carefully. We have put together a range of contingency plans.”
Well, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, the two gutless wonders in charge of keeping America secure (bang up job so far, boys...), have BOTH stated that Syria has, in fact, recently used chemical know....those things they USED to call "weapons of mass destruction".
So, what will Obama's response be?
Who knows.....hard to keep track of him right now, as he's very busy redrawing lines and backing up....
Oh....and to his "we have put together a range of contingency plans" statement...these will consist of:
- Draw more lines
- Back up
- Insert thumb
PS- one of your administration officials, after your feckless speech, commented on the power of deterrence.....hint: deterrence ONLY works when you actually DO what you say.
If I may quote Sarah Silverman in "School of Rock"...
"Oh my GOD......he's an IDIOT!"
Hirota: out.
Very funny stuff in cartoons; somewhat more pathetic when it's our President and his administration...
And that is EXACTLY what is now going to happen with Syria.
Since Liberals have no memory, here's Obama's hawkish (snicker) words:
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus. That would change my equation. . . . We’re monitoring that situation very carefully. We have put together a range of contingency plans.”
Well, John Kerry and Chuck Hagel, the two gutless wonders in charge of keeping America secure (bang up job so far, boys...), have BOTH stated that Syria has, in fact, recently used chemical know....those things they USED to call "weapons of mass destruction".
So, what will Obama's response be?
Who knows.....hard to keep track of him right now, as he's very busy redrawing lines and backing up....
Oh....and to his "we have put together a range of contingency plans" statement...these will consist of:
- Draw more lines
- Back up
- Insert thumb
PS- one of your administration officials, after your feckless speech, commented on the power of deterrence.....hint: deterrence ONLY works when you actually DO what you say.
If I may quote Sarah Silverman in "School of Rock"...
"Oh my GOD......he's an IDIOT!"
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
What's that old line?
.....about "creating a crisis"?
Liberals LOVE to IMMEDIATELY assign blame, for ANY act of violence, to Conservatives ("right-wing extremists", in their parlance).
And, really....why not? After all, they KNOW, FOR FACT, that their followers will NEVER seek the truth, question them, or DARE to take a "hey, wait a minute" stance...
Yesterday, I posted a "worth the read" piece about some bits of recent history where, as usual, Liberals IMMEDIATELY throw blame at Conservatives for various acts of violence.
Honestly, I'm a bit ashamed, as I only presented half the story.
The other half, which I SHOULD have included, is how these cases turned out:
In each case, what was eventually discovered is that the perps were either lunatics (which speaks VOLUMES to why Liberals REFUSE to make mental stability an issue in the gun control question), or they were garden variety Liberals.
How about!
The Liberals have been wrong EVERY TIME.
THAT is a perfect record!
So, the news comes out today that, thus far, two elected officials have been sent ricin-tainted letters:
One, to a Republican Senator from Alabama.
The other to Obama.
My predictions:
2. When the dust settles (not that Liberals will care or even pay attention), it'll be found that those letters were sent by either a lunatic or a Liberal (I know....redundant).
3. My conspiracy theory? It was perpetrated by operatives within the administration; designed to a) show Democrats as "strong on National Security" and b) take the focus away from Democrats' weakness on National Security, based on the Boston TERRORIST incident.
Folks, this is nothing more than garden variety Liberalism.
Hirota: out.
Liberals LOVE to IMMEDIATELY assign blame, for ANY act of violence, to Conservatives ("right-wing extremists", in their parlance).
And, really....why not? After all, they KNOW, FOR FACT, that their followers will NEVER seek the truth, question them, or DARE to take a "hey, wait a minute" stance...
Yesterday, I posted a "worth the read" piece about some bits of recent history where, as usual, Liberals IMMEDIATELY throw blame at Conservatives for various acts of violence.
Honestly, I'm a bit ashamed, as I only presented half the story.
The other half, which I SHOULD have included, is how these cases turned out:
In each case, what was eventually discovered is that the perps were either lunatics (which speaks VOLUMES to why Liberals REFUSE to make mental stability an issue in the gun control question), or they were garden variety Liberals.
How about!
The Liberals have been wrong EVERY TIME.
THAT is a perfect record!
So, the news comes out today that, thus far, two elected officials have been sent ricin-tainted letters:
One, to a Republican Senator from Alabama.
The other to Obama.
My predictions:
2. When the dust settles (not that Liberals will care or even pay attention), it'll be found that those letters were sent by either a lunatic or a Liberal (I know....redundant).
3. My conspiracy theory? It was perpetrated by operatives within the administration; designed to a) show Democrats as "strong on National Security" and b) take the focus away from Democrats' weakness on National Security, based on the Boston TERRORIST incident.
Folks, this is nothing more than garden variety Liberalism.
Hirota: out.
Monday, April 8, 2013
So, on ONE hand, we've got Obama, Kerry (the new Hillary) and his administration, who've now....suddenly...decided that the US will be cancelling missile test, so as not to unduly provoke North Korea.
On the OTHER, we've got North Korea's response: a series of missile tests taking place as scheduled.
If there's ONE positive thing in this:
IF the two of them were in prison (Obama and Kim Jong-un), there'd be no mucking about to determine who the wife would be...'s kind of funny, in a pathetic sort of way:
BOTH these idiots (Obama and Un) are equally qualified, in terms of their qualifications for highest office. Yet, Un is CLEARLY....OBVIOUSLY....FARRRRRRRR ahead of Obama, in terms of "what I've learned about leading a country"....
WOW! Did WE re-elect a loser!
Folks, make no mistake: we are not going to be going to war with North Korea. They know....FOR SURE....that, except for our current leadership, we easily possess the ability to free their people.
This is about money.
And, just like back in the Bill Clinton days, (you know....the guy who GAVE them the nuclear reactors back in the 90's), North Korea is extorting money from, what they know, is an EASY mark.
After all....think about it.....
Kerry? Obama? Please.....
Obama's new nick-name:
Hirota: out.
On the OTHER, we've got North Korea's response: a series of missile tests taking place as scheduled.
If there's ONE positive thing in this:
IF the two of them were in prison (Obama and Kim Jong-un), there'd be no mucking about to determine who the wife would be...'s kind of funny, in a pathetic sort of way:
BOTH these idiots (Obama and Un) are equally qualified, in terms of their qualifications for highest office. Yet, Un is CLEARLY....OBVIOUSLY....FARRRRRRRR ahead of Obama, in terms of "what I've learned about leading a country"....
WOW! Did WE re-elect a loser!
Folks, make no mistake: we are not going to be going to war with North Korea. They know....FOR SURE....that, except for our current leadership, we easily possess the ability to free their people.
This is about money.
And, just like back in the Bill Clinton days, (you know....the guy who GAVE them the nuclear reactors back in the 90's), North Korea is extorting money from, what they know, is an EASY mark.
After all....think about it.....
Kerry? Obama? Please.....
Obama's new nick-name:
Hirota: out.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
......TOLD you so.....
The Liberal "fifth column"
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Hillary quote:
"Why do I have to keep proving that I am not a liar?"
Watch, folks, as 2016 nears.
Then, remember THESE Hillary quotes....
“I am very happy doing what I’m doing, and I am not in any way interested in or pursuing anything in elective office.” — Nov. 21, 2010 in an interview on Fox News Sunday.
“I am not.” — Asked about running in 2016 by Marie Claire magazine in an interview published Oct. 18, 2012.
“I have ruled it out. … I will always want to be in service to my country.” — Oct. 25, 2012 in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.
“Oh, I’ve ruled it out, but you know me. Everybody keeps asking me. So I keep ruling it out and being asked.” — Nov. 11, 2012 in an interview with the New York Times’ Gail Collins.
The reason that you keep being accused of lying is because, well, YOU KEEP LYING.
What's that old joke, paraphrased?
How can you tell when Hillary Clinton is lying?
....not that ANY of this matters to Liberals who, wouldn't know or understand the difference anyway....
Hirota: out.
Watch, folks, as 2016 nears.
Then, remember THESE Hillary quotes....
“I am very happy doing what I’m doing, and I am not in any way interested in or pursuing anything in elective office.” — Nov. 21, 2010 in an interview on Fox News Sunday.
“I am not.” — Asked about running in 2016 by Marie Claire magazine in an interview published Oct. 18, 2012.
“I have ruled it out. … I will always want to be in service to my country.” — Oct. 25, 2012 in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.
“Oh, I’ve ruled it out, but you know me. Everybody keeps asking me. So I keep ruling it out and being asked.” — Nov. 11, 2012 in an interview with the New York Times’ Gail Collins.
The reason that you keep being accused of lying is because, well, YOU KEEP LYING.
What's that old joke, paraphrased?
How can you tell when Hillary Clinton is lying?
....not that ANY of this matters to Liberals who, wouldn't know or understand the difference anyway....
Hirota: out.
Let's keep something in mind......(because Liberals and so-called "Independents" will aggressively ignore...)
Hillary IS running for President in 2016....make ABSOLUTELY no mistake about it.
Think about it:
- She resigned her post (at which she has been an ABJECT failure, since it's now known that Obama is MORE hated by other countries than Bush) as Sec-State. Why? Because she needs to distance herself from the OTHER failure, Obama.
- She's repeated MANY times how she will NOT be running in 2016 (remember that, running for Senator in NY, she PROMISED her voters that she would NOT be running for the 2008 slot...then, of course, about a week after she was elected, she announced her campaign for the 2008 election)
So there is PRECISELY ZERO chance that she'll be sitting this one out.
But there IS something to keep in mind:
Hillary famously painted the "3am" scenario, suggesting that Obama, as President, would fail to protect Americans. And, sadly, she was right; he IS a failure.
HOWEVER, that 3am scenario ALSO reveals Hillary.
Remember Benghazi? That WAS a "3am" scenario. And, Obama wasn't the ONLY one hitting the snooze button....again and again.
Hillary, WHO WAS THE PERSON MOST DIRECTLY INVOLVED, did NOTHING. Not only did she miss the 3am call, but missed the snooze alerts, the regular wake up call, her morning coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Folks, Hillary IS Obama.....they are interchangeable.
But, then, I suppose that is Americans were STUPID enough to elect him TWICE, they'll do so again.
Hirota: out.
Think about it:
- She resigned her post (at which she has been an ABJECT failure, since it's now known that Obama is MORE hated by other countries than Bush) as Sec-State. Why? Because she needs to distance herself from the OTHER failure, Obama.
- She's repeated MANY times how she will NOT be running in 2016 (remember that, running for Senator in NY, she PROMISED her voters that she would NOT be running for the 2008 slot...then, of course, about a week after she was elected, she announced her campaign for the 2008 election)
So there is PRECISELY ZERO chance that she'll be sitting this one out.
But there IS something to keep in mind:
Hillary famously painted the "3am" scenario, suggesting that Obama, as President, would fail to protect Americans. And, sadly, she was right; he IS a failure.
HOWEVER, that 3am scenario ALSO reveals Hillary.
Remember Benghazi? That WAS a "3am" scenario. And, Obama wasn't the ONLY one hitting the snooze button....again and again.
Hillary, WHO WAS THE PERSON MOST DIRECTLY INVOLVED, did NOTHING. Not only did she miss the 3am call, but missed the snooze alerts, the regular wake up call, her morning coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Folks, Hillary IS Obama.....they are interchangeable.
But, then, I suppose that is Americans were STUPID enough to elect him TWICE, they'll do so again.
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Gun control....
We don't really have to look across the ocean to see the historic effects of gun control.
Liberals don't understand the role it played in Socialist (Nazi) Germany, in the Soviet Union, etc.
Bring those two bits of history up, and Liberals give the doe-in-the-headlights look.
So, Liberals....try this one for size....
You LOVE to talk about how cruel the white man was to the native Americans....forcing them from their land, packing them up and shipping them off to the reservations....yes?
Well, did you know that those native Americans WEREN'T ALLOWED TO OWN GUNS?
What surprises ME is that the Native American community is SILENT on this latest gun grab by Liberals.....
Perhaps they'll never learn....
Hirota: out.
Liberals don't understand the role it played in Socialist (Nazi) Germany, in the Soviet Union, etc.
Bring those two bits of history up, and Liberals give the doe-in-the-headlights look.
So, Liberals....try this one for size....
You LOVE to talk about how cruel the white man was to the native Americans....forcing them from their land, packing them up and shipping them off to the reservations....yes?
Well, did you know that those native Americans WEREN'T ALLOWED TO OWN GUNS?
What surprises ME is that the Native American community is SILENT on this latest gun grab by Liberals.....
Perhaps they'll never learn....
Hirota: out.
The AXIS...
Remember when President Bush talked about "the Axis of Evil"?
Remember how PO'd the Liberals were, because Bush was talking about all their allies?
Well, folks, there's a WHOLE new "Axis".
I call them "THE AXIS OF IDIOTS".
This axis intends to bring America to its knees. They aim to cripple this great country.
And, unlike our enemies in the past, this one operates with a frightening new twist...
First, of course, we have North Korea who, even now, is beating the war drum. The Obama administration has reacted, thus far, by sending war ships and fighters in their general direction.
Will this deter the North Koreans?
They KNOW who they are dealing with. They KNOW he's a gutless coward. They know that he is a modern day Nero.
Next, we have Iran who, also threatens the US and Israel with nukes. And, again, they make these threats with impunity; knowing full well that the Obama administration will do nothing more than insert their thumbs.....their response to EVERY crisis.
The third of the Axis is, to me, the frightening one.
He's the rest of the Axis' "fifth column", working from the inside to bring America down.
I say this ALL the time: The oppressed, ultimately, CHOOSE oppression.
Are we, as Americans, choosing?
Hirota: out.
Remember how PO'd the Liberals were, because Bush was talking about all their allies?
Well, folks, there's a WHOLE new "Axis".
I call them "THE AXIS OF IDIOTS".
This axis intends to bring America to its knees. They aim to cripple this great country.
And, unlike our enemies in the past, this one operates with a frightening new twist...
First, of course, we have North Korea who, even now, is beating the war drum. The Obama administration has reacted, thus far, by sending war ships and fighters in their general direction.
Will this deter the North Koreans?
They KNOW who they are dealing with. They KNOW he's a gutless coward. They know that he is a modern day Nero.
Next, we have Iran who, also threatens the US and Israel with nukes. And, again, they make these threats with impunity; knowing full well that the Obama administration will do nothing more than insert their thumbs.....their response to EVERY crisis.
The third of the Axis is, to me, the frightening one.
He's the rest of the Axis' "fifth column", working from the inside to bring America down.
I say this ALL the time: The oppressed, ultimately, CHOOSE oppression.
Are we, as Americans, choosing?
Hirota: out.
Building the Liberal dream, one idiot at a time....
Because the media refuses to make this fact known, the future of America depends on YOU to spread the word.
Every day in the news, demands for increased funding for public schools are called-for by Liberal politicians, teachers' unions, etc.
They claim it's "all for our children". The second argument is because "teachers are so underpaid"....
Blah blah blah.....
ALL lies.
Check out this piece, THEN GO DO THE RESEARCH:
The nuts and bolts?
While, since 1950 (the beginning of the great slide into Socialism), the number of students in the public school system has grown just over 90%.
MEANWHILE, full time employees of the the system has grown almost 400%!
Now, you MIGHT think "hey...that's GREAT! More teachers for the kids!"
NON-TEACHER admin positions have grown over 700%.
What's all this mean? Simple:
We are spending more money stuffing the public school system with useless baggage, while giving our children NOTHING.
The kids are getting dumber (like in Chicago, where only 14% of high school grads.....IF they DO make it to graduation....can read).
Folks, Socialism REQUIRES a tame, ignorant, defenseless citizenry.
Oh yeah....and it requires one more thing:
Hirota: out.
Every day in the news, demands for increased funding for public schools are called-for by Liberal politicians, teachers' unions, etc.
They claim it's "all for our children". The second argument is because "teachers are so underpaid"....
Blah blah blah.....
ALL lies.
Check out this piece, THEN GO DO THE RESEARCH:
The nuts and bolts?
While, since 1950 (the beginning of the great slide into Socialism), the number of students in the public school system has grown just over 90%.
MEANWHILE, full time employees of the the system has grown almost 400%!
Now, you MIGHT think "hey...that's GREAT! More teachers for the kids!"
NON-TEACHER admin positions have grown over 700%.
What's all this mean? Simple:
We are spending more money stuffing the public school system with useless baggage, while giving our children NOTHING.
The kids are getting dumber (like in Chicago, where only 14% of high school grads.....IF they DO make it to graduation....can read).
Folks, Socialism REQUIRES a tame, ignorant, defenseless citizenry.
Oh yeah....and it requires one more thing:
Hirota: out.
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