Now, normally, I'd be ALL for taking it to Bashar Assad's regime.
That idiot, along with a few other psychos-in-chiefs (North Korea, Iran.....), needs to be completely removed from the playing field. Permanently.
HOWEVER, I'm not a real big believer in such actions when the people in charge are incompetent idiots. And, make NO mistake, the people in charge ARE incompetent idiots.
This administration couldn't command a raft in a bathtub...they'd ALL drown.
And, truly, it's not about America looking stupid (we elected him twice....we're already there).
It's about placing great men and women in harm's way, when a) there's no plan, b) there's no backup and c) these same incompetent idiots will end up blaming and condemning those great men and women, irrespective of whether the mission is a success.
With respect to our heroic men and women in uniform, Democrats have ALWAYS been good for only one thing:
You want to WIN? Put a Conservative in charge.
THEN, the world will NEVER have to worry about Assad again....
Hirota: out.
Friday, August 30, 2013
I smell a photo op coming.....
Remember Dukakis in a tank, trying to look like a hawk? about Hillary, Obama and others in the situation room, viewing the raid on bin Laden...all of THEM tying to look like hawks?
Hollywood does the same thing, you know....
Arnold, in some movies, plays a cyborg.
Damon plays a bad-ass human lethal weapon.
Madonna plays....uh....well....herself: a trollop with a mattress strapped to her back (and a mentor to Britney and Miley) we've got the mostly-plastic Pelosi pretending to be a hawk; rallying Congress and beating the drums of war (after all....God forbid Obama act Bush was accused of doing).
A "411" to idiot Liberals:
- Arnold ISN'T really a cyborg.
- Damon ISN'T really a bad ass human lethal weapon.
- Madonna....well...ok, you got me there.....
.....and NONE of these Democrats are hawks.
But hey...even I understand that "gutless, POS coward" doesn't really translate well as a photo-op....
Hirota: out. about Hillary, Obama and others in the situation room, viewing the raid on bin Laden...all of THEM tying to look like hawks?
Hollywood does the same thing, you know....
Arnold, in some movies, plays a cyborg.
Damon plays a bad-ass human lethal weapon.
Madonna plays....uh....well....herself: a trollop with a mattress strapped to her back (and a mentor to Britney and Miley) we've got the mostly-plastic Pelosi pretending to be a hawk; rallying Congress and beating the drums of war (after all....God forbid Obama act Bush was accused of doing).
A "411" to idiot Liberals:
- Arnold ISN'T really a cyborg.
- Damon ISN'T really a bad ass human lethal weapon.
- Madonna....well...ok, you got me there.....
.....and NONE of these Democrats are hawks.
But hey...even I understand that "gutless, POS coward" doesn't really translate well as a photo-op....
Hirota: out.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Idiots-of-the-month award
Clearly a student of the Constitutional scholar Cameron Diaz, who famously said:
"We have a voice now, and we're not using it, and women have so much to lose. I mean, we could lose the right to our bodies. We could lo--if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote. But if you think that you have a right to your body, and you have a right to say what happens to you and fight off that danger of losing that, then you should vote, and those are's your voice. It's your voice, that's your right."
LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Luis Gutierrez stated:
So....just to put things into perspective (something that Liberal voters WON'T be doing....), Gutierrez is only concerned about illegal aliens being raped, etc.
The "idiot of the month" award goes to:
Every person who voted for Gutierrez, along with every person NOT doing enough to vote him out.
Hirota: out.
"We have a voice now, and we're not using it, and women have so much to lose. I mean, we could lose the right to our bodies. We could lo--if you think that rape should be legal, then don't vote. But if you think that you have a right to your body, and you have a right to say what happens to you and fight off that danger of losing that, then you should vote, and those are's your voice. It's your voice, that's your right."
LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Luis Gutierrez stated:
So....just to put things into perspective (something that Liberal voters WON'T be doing....), Gutierrez is only concerned about illegal aliens being raped, etc.
The "idiot of the month" award goes to:
Every person who voted for Gutierrez, along with every person NOT doing enough to vote him out.
Hirota: out.
LOTS of chatter about Martin Luther King march.
(Did you know that the nation's ONLY black Senator WASN'T invited to speak? Of course, he IS a "Uncle Tom", and "Oreo", a "house nigger" to Democrats).
Although I haven't read ALL the commentary, I'm fairly sure that the one, TRUE, KEY speculation about how Dr. King would view America today (go look up the idiot Carter's remarks, for just of taste of the "stupid") WASN'T mentioned....
If Dr. King were around today, THIS is what he'd say.....and he'd say it STRAIGHT to Democrats:
"Uh......that's NOT what I said".
Hirota: out.
(Did you know that the nation's ONLY black Senator WASN'T invited to speak? Of course, he IS a "Uncle Tom", and "Oreo", a "house nigger" to Democrats).
Although I haven't read ALL the commentary, I'm fairly sure that the one, TRUE, KEY speculation about how Dr. King would view America today (go look up the idiot Carter's remarks, for just of taste of the "stupid") WASN'T mentioned....
If Dr. King were around today, THIS is what he'd say.....and he'd say it STRAIGHT to Democrats:
"Uh......that's NOT what I said".
Hirota: out.
Just how stupid ARE you???? food workers are striking; demanding higher wages (FOR WHAT?????) and the option to unionize.
Perhaps someone should tell them that when unemployment is at historic highs (and growing), this means that there are a LOT of people out of work....people who would LOVE to have their job.
Perhaps someone should remind them that the skill set required for their job is pretty much zero.
Perhaps someone should remind them that, as minimum wage increases, so does unemployment.
Perhaps.....just perhaps.....the unions will educate them.....
Hirota: out.
Perhaps someone should tell them that when unemployment is at historic highs (and growing), this means that there are a LOT of people out of work....people who would LOVE to have their job.
Perhaps someone should remind them that the skill set required for their job is pretty much zero.
Perhaps someone should remind them that, as minimum wage increases, so does unemployment.
Perhaps.....just perhaps.....the unions will educate them.....
Hirota: out.
Did you hear?
The supremely hostile Rachel Maddow's show is sinking like the Titanic.
In fact, her show is falling off the cliff even faster than her MSNBC masters'!
So....let's reason this out like Liberals:
Rachel is bombing.
Her viewing audience is nearly 100% extremist Liberal.
ONLY conclusion possible:
Liberals hate lesbians.
In fact, her show is falling off the cliff even faster than her MSNBC masters'!
So....let's reason this out like Liberals:
Rachel is bombing.
Her viewing audience is nearly 100% extremist Liberal.
ONLY conclusion possible:
Liberals hate lesbians.
So, now that Obama and Kerry have (snicker) taken a firm, decisively indecisive, nuanced stand on Syria's use of chemical weapons, the REST of the world has begun to demonstrate the close, positive relationships started by Hillary and developed by Kerry:
EVERYONE is backing away from America.
Obama and Kerry: two turds in the pool.
Hirota: out.
EVERYONE is backing away from America.
Obama and Kerry: two turds in the pool.
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The only downside?
The P.O.S. perp lived.
Hirota: out
The only downside?
The P.O.S. perp lived.
Hirota: out
A couple questions for the chicken hawk....
So, Barry.....
With regard to your 2-3 day airstrike on Syria....
- What happens when (not 'if'....WHEN) Syria, after your airstrike, resumes their use of chemical weapons?
- What happens if Syria, in reaction to your airstrike, decides to "retaliate" by lobbing some weapons into Israel? (.....NOT that you give a rat's ass about Israel...).
- What happens when (not 'if'...WHEN) Iran steps in the aid and defend Syria and starts to take war shots at your fighters and bombers?
Of course, I realize that you have absolutely NO idea how to answer these questions, since I seriously doubt you've even considered them....
Hirota: out.
With regard to your 2-3 day airstrike on Syria....
- What happens when (not 'if'....WHEN) Syria, after your airstrike, resumes their use of chemical weapons?
- What happens if Syria, in reaction to your airstrike, decides to "retaliate" by lobbing some weapons into Israel? (.....NOT that you give a rat's ass about Israel...).
- What happens when (not 'if'...WHEN) Iran steps in the aid and defend Syria and starts to take war shots at your fighters and bombers?
Of course, I realize that you have absolutely NO idea how to answer these questions, since I seriously doubt you've even considered them....
Hirota: out.
It's Michelle Obama and Maxine Waters when they were kids......
Between the Obama administration and his media, I'm not sure I've ever witnessed a more stupefyingly incompetent group.
YES....that even includes Carter and his group!
So.....Obama's pals in the media have leaked to the Assad regime that, now that his bestest pal Obama has made a promise that he NEVER thought he'd have to keep (the one about "crossing the line"), and now, after redrawing the line for the second time, he's going to have to take action!
But.....not to worry, because, according to sources, the bombing will only last a couple days.
2...3 days, done!
Mission accomplished, right?
Let's see......
Out of Afghanistan.
Out of Gitmo.
Universal healthcare for EVERY American.
Deficit cut in half.
And now........out in 2 or 3 days.
Not only have NONE of our Gutless-Wonder-in-Chief's promises not been fulfilled, but EVERY one of them have headed in EXACTLY the wrong direction!
I'm SURE that this "2 or 3 days" mentality is how Kennedy justified sending combat troops to Viet Nam......
To paraphrase (the moron) Sarah Silverman in "School of Rock", "Oh my god......they're IDIOTS!!!"
Hirota: out.
YES....that even includes Carter and his group!
So.....Obama's pals in the media have leaked to the Assad regime that, now that his bestest pal Obama has made a promise that he NEVER thought he'd have to keep (the one about "crossing the line"), and now, after redrawing the line for the second time, he's going to have to take action!
But.....not to worry, because, according to sources, the bombing will only last a couple days.
2...3 days, done!
Mission accomplished, right?
Let's see......
Out of Afghanistan.
Out of Gitmo.
Universal healthcare for EVERY American.
Deficit cut in half.
And now........out in 2 or 3 days.
Not only have NONE of our Gutless-Wonder-in-Chief's promises not been fulfilled, but EVERY one of them have headed in EXACTLY the wrong direction!
I'm SURE that this "2 or 3 days" mentality is how Kennedy justified sending combat troops to Viet Nam......
To paraphrase (the moron) Sarah Silverman in "School of Rock", "Oh my god......they're IDIOTS!!!"
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
You must be VERY proud!
Certainly, you've either heard about or witnessed Miley Cyrus' "performance" at the VMA this weekend?
In true, HOLLYWOOD, style, Cyrus presented herself as the "new Madonna".....the OTHER woman with a "mattress strapped to her back"...
...all for money. (You a hooker...)
Billy must be VERY proud, indeed, to have raised a child without morals, who idolizes someone like Madonna.
So, since Billy MUST be so proud.....
Two words for Billy Ray.....
How much?
In true, HOLLYWOOD, style, Cyrus presented herself as the "new Madonna".....the OTHER woman with a "mattress strapped to her back"...
...all for money. (You a hooker...)
Billy must be VERY proud, indeed, to have raised a child without morals, who idolizes someone like Madonna.
So, since Billy MUST be so proud.....
Two words for Billy Ray.....
How much?
Monday, August 19, 2013
Folks, the answer is rather simple.....
Why do Liberals pander to blacks?
Blacks can vote.
Why do Liberals pander to homosexuals?
Homosexuals can vote.
Why do Liberals pander to Hispanics?
Hispanics can vote. (even the illegal ones...)
.....they can't vote.
Folks: THAT is the way to overturn "Roe": give the unborn the vote.
Hirota: out.
Blacks can vote.
Why do Liberals pander to homosexuals?
Homosexuals can vote.
Why do Liberals pander to Hispanics?
Hispanics can vote. (even the illegal ones...)
.....they can't vote.
Folks: THAT is the way to overturn "Roe": give the unborn the vote.
Hirota: out.
I haven't written much about Uncle Joe lately.....I miss the guy and his hilarious hijinx!
I'm not sure, but it seems that the "National Socialist Party" (the Democrats) have either muzzled dumb ol' Joe, or Obama is simply dominating the "Look what that moron said/did THIS time!" headlines....
Either way....he's back! YAY!!!!!
So, Uncle Joe is contemplating a run for the title in 2016!
I think that this is THRILLING! Should be a hoot!
Let's see........what do you suppose his campaign slogan might be?
Here's a few ideas for the Biden camp:
"Two words: VOTE FOR BIDEN!"
"Let's stick it to Hillary AGAIN!!"
"Like Obama, but even LESS competent!"
"I know I LOOK white, but actually I'm a black, Hispanic, Muslim, Jewish, female, transgender, quadriplegic, Christian atheist!"
"Change you can believe in again"
"The choice is simple: thighs or forehead!"
Oh.....I can't wait!
And...I was quite worried.....2016 was starting to look like a circus without clowns!
Hillary: out.
I'm not sure, but it seems that the "National Socialist Party" (the Democrats) have either muzzled dumb ol' Joe, or Obama is simply dominating the "Look what that moron said/did THIS time!" headlines....
Either way....he's back! YAY!!!!!
So, Uncle Joe is contemplating a run for the title in 2016!
I think that this is THRILLING! Should be a hoot!
Let's see........what do you suppose his campaign slogan might be?
Here's a few ideas for the Biden camp:
"Two words: VOTE FOR BIDEN!"
"Let's stick it to Hillary AGAIN!!"
"Like Obama, but even LESS competent!"
"I know I LOOK white, but actually I'm a black, Hispanic, Muslim, Jewish, female, transgender, quadriplegic, Christian atheist!"
"Change you can believe in again"
"The choice is simple: thighs or forehead!"
Oh.....I can't wait!
And...I was quite worried.....2016 was starting to look like a circus without clowns!
Hillary: out.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Let's be clear.....
The headlines these days seem to be pointing a very accusing finger at our Clown-in-chief, with regard to Egypt.
Although it seems shocking that even the most Liberal media outlets are going after the buffoon, let's be clear about a couple of things:
- The slaughter in Egypt, with no end in sight, has Obama doing what he does best: inserting his thumb.
- Egypt shouldn't go counting on any help from the US, since the leader of the US, along with his astonishingly incompetent Secretary of State John "why the long face" Kerry, is COMPLETELY incapable of handling such a difficult situation.
In their little minds, it's better to hide.
- The biggest point: LET'S PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS DISASTER WAS SET IN MOTION BY HILLARY CLINTON. She was SecState back then. And, like everything else she's done, failed. Completely!
I'll continue to remind you: the "we aren't so sure about Barry" attitude from the Liberal media is crap. The bigger the failure a Liberal is, the more Liberals worship that loser.
So, Obama will NO DOUBT be considered one of the greatest human beings ever to come down and grace this earth!
No....this is all about setting the stage for Hillary: the female Obama.
Hirota: out.
Although it seems shocking that even the most Liberal media outlets are going after the buffoon, let's be clear about a couple of things:
- The slaughter in Egypt, with no end in sight, has Obama doing what he does best: inserting his thumb.
- Egypt shouldn't go counting on any help from the US, since the leader of the US, along with his astonishingly incompetent Secretary of State John "why the long face" Kerry, is COMPLETELY incapable of handling such a difficult situation.
In their little minds, it's better to hide.
- The biggest point: LET'S PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS DISASTER WAS SET IN MOTION BY HILLARY CLINTON. She was SecState back then. And, like everything else she's done, failed. Completely!
I'll continue to remind you: the "we aren't so sure about Barry" attitude from the Liberal media is crap. The bigger the failure a Liberal is, the more Liberals worship that loser.
So, Obama will NO DOUBT be considered one of the greatest human beings ever to come down and grace this earth!
No....this is all about setting the stage for Hillary: the female Obama.
Hirota: out.
Wouldn't it be nice?
Abortion coverage for Congress under health law?
Wouldn't it be nice if this meant that we can abort Congress?
Maybe the President will be covered, too....
Wouldn't it be nice if this meant that we can abort Congress?
Maybe the President will be covered, too....
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Kathleen Parker: idiot of the day.
Hillary's going to save the world?
Another Benghazi?
Another Egypt?
So far, in her tenure as SecState, she has managed to completely f*** up our international relations...
Does Kathleen REALLY think that Hillary will suddenly NOT be a complete buffoon, once in office???
Of COURSE Kathleen believes this: she's fundmentally a Liberal.
Which, of course, means she's an idiot.
Hirota: out.
Hillary's going to save the world?
Another Benghazi?
Another Egypt?
So far, in her tenure as SecState, she has managed to completely f*** up our international relations...
Does Kathleen REALLY think that Hillary will suddenly NOT be a complete buffoon, once in office???
Of COURSE Kathleen believes this: she's fundmentally a Liberal.
Which, of course, means she's an idiot.
Hirota: out.
Ahhhh....our beloved PUBLIC schools....
Well, one thing's for CERTAINLY get a quality education!
Here's ANOTHER ONE, folks:
While Liberals remain focused on Catholic priest abuse cases (which they ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE), they COMPLETELY ignore the abuses happening in public schools, which, OVERWHELMINGLY, are the schools involved in abuse cases.
Check it out:
Now, while I have no issue with (in fact, I applaud) Liberals taking to task the Catholic priest problem, I DO take issue with the double standard in ignoring/excusing/rationalizing the public school teachers problem.
AND......if you do the numbers, the public school teachers problem is FAR more rampant than the Catholic priest problem.
Hypocrisy, pure and simple.
And.....MAKE NO MISTAKE....ALL part of the agenda.
Hirota: out.
Here's ANOTHER ONE, folks:
While Liberals remain focused on Catholic priest abuse cases (which they ABSOLUTELY SHOULD BE), they COMPLETELY ignore the abuses happening in public schools, which, OVERWHELMINGLY, are the schools involved in abuse cases.
Check it out:
Now, while I have no issue with (in fact, I applaud) Liberals taking to task the Catholic priest problem, I DO take issue with the double standard in ignoring/excusing/rationalizing the public school teachers problem.
AND......if you do the numbers, the public school teachers problem is FAR more rampant than the Catholic priest problem.
Hypocrisy, pure and simple.
And.....MAKE NO MISTAKE....ALL part of the agenda.
Hirota: out.
The Clintons......
This "family" is the stuff of bad reality shows (which, of course, are designed to put on display the absolute WORST of America....).
Check out this article.....FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES!
"...ran HUGE deficits...".....
I know, I know.....
I already know the response from Liberals:
It won't be like this in the Hillary administration....
So, even though her husband's administration was ALL about cronyism....
And, even though EVERYTHING he and she have done SINCE the White House years have been ALL about cronyism....
SOMEHOW, Hillary's administration WON'T be ALL about cronyism.
Such is the mindset of Liberals.
Or rather...the lack thereof...
Hirota: out.
Check out this article.....FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES!
"...ran HUGE deficits...".....
I know, I know.....
I already know the response from Liberals:
It won't be like this in the Hillary administration....
So, even though her husband's administration was ALL about cronyism....
And, even though EVERYTHING he and she have done SINCE the White House years have been ALL about cronyism....
SOMEHOW, Hillary's administration WON'T be ALL about cronyism.
Such is the mindset of Liberals.
Or rather...the lack thereof...
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
The plan.....
PLEASE don't be fooled by the Liberals and the Liberal media. PLEASE...
Obama's poll numbers are dropping like a brick and the media is (GASP) actually beginning to report it!
AND....there have been a few recent Liberals in the media who've come out and disagreed with the messiah.
It's all part of the plan.
Here's how it'll roll:
America, through the prodding of the media, will get fed up with Obama.
Then, through the media, America will look to "the ONE person who can save us": Hillary.
All those opinion pieces asking "will Hillary's past prevent her from the Presidency"....PLEASE!!
Liberals have no memory for such things. AND, when reminded, they have no stomach to see the truth....
...and the truth is this:
Hillary is a bigger failure than Obama.
Think about it:
- She failed with "Hillarycare"
- Obama beat her for nomination in '08
BTW: Count on Huma for veep.....
Hirota: out.
PLEASE don't be fooled by the Liberals and the Liberal media. PLEASE...
Obama's poll numbers are dropping like a brick and the media is (GASP) actually beginning to report it!
AND....there have been a few recent Liberals in the media who've come out and disagreed with the messiah.
It's all part of the plan.
Here's how it'll roll:
America, through the prodding of the media, will get fed up with Obama.
Then, through the media, America will look to "the ONE person who can save us": Hillary.
All those opinion pieces asking "will Hillary's past prevent her from the Presidency"....PLEASE!!
Liberals have no memory for such things. AND, when reminded, they have no stomach to see the truth....
...and the truth is this:
Hillary is a bigger failure than Obama.
Think about it:
- She failed with "Hillarycare"
- Obama beat her for nomination in '08
BTW: Count on Huma for veep.....
Hirota: out.
Redundancy of the day

Obama. Clown.
On another note, the banning of this clown....I'm wondering how soon it will be before the federal law, prohibiting "making fun of the President" gets written....?
Hirota: out.
Did you hear?
Where are the cries of RACISM?
Where's the idiot Jesse Jackson? Idiot Al Sharpton? Moron Louis Farrakhan?
Where's dumb ol' Maxine Waters, screeching about how (to paraphrase) white ought to be going into black neighborhoods and burning them down? (Remember Rodney King riots?)
The answer is simple, folks: they don't give a rat's ass about whites.
Hirota: out.
Where are the cries of RACISM?
Where's the idiot Jesse Jackson? Idiot Al Sharpton? Moron Louis Farrakhan?
Where's dumb ol' Maxine Waters, screeching about how (to paraphrase) white ought to be going into black neighborhoods and burning them down? (Remember Rodney King riots?)
The answer is simple, folks: they don't give a rat's ass about whites.
Hirota: out.
Yes.....THIS time, you can blame someone else.....
Check out
This is 100% the product of parenting. Kids simply AREN'T born stupid. Stupid is learned. This kid is the product of stupid parents; or rather, parent (since, statistically, this kids doesn't know who his father is...).
Hirota: out.
This is 100% the product of parenting. Kids simply AREN'T born stupid. Stupid is learned. This kid is the product of stupid parents; or rather, parent (since, statistically, this kids doesn't know who his father is...).
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
So....where are all those racism-conscious Liberals?
You know the Congress, in the media.....who, when someone dares to point out the constant failures of the Obama administration, throw around accusations of racism?
Where are those idiots when Charlie Rangel (black...Liberal...racist) says, " is the same group we faced in the south with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn't care about how they looked. It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough."
A couple thoughts:
1. Rangel should be reminded (though he know perfectly well, and is simply playing on the ignorance of his supporters....other idiot Liberals) that those "white crackers and the dogs and the police" were....DEMOCRATS (well....except for the dogs...). Remember "Bull" Connor? DEMOCRAT. And, for that matter, the KKK itself was primarily composed of Democrats. DEMOCRATS.
Quite obviously, Democrats haven't progressed too far......still LOADED with racial hatred.
2. To those racism-conscious Liberals: since it's OBVIOUSLY ok, since they've been absolutely silent, for Rangel, a black man, to characterize whites as "white crackers", is it now ok for white men to refer to blacks as "black niggers"? How about if we call Rangel "uppity" that ok?
Quite obviously, it isn't.
Enough with the hypocrisy, please.
3. "It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough."
Seriously? This remarkable comment, from a person who staunchly supports abortion, speaking these words to a party that religiously supports abortion.....even calling it "sacred ground" (Nancy Pelosi, Wendy Davis....not exactly "the fringe"....). In fact, support for abortion requires EXACTLY the same frame of mind as support of slavery. It isn't about "women's rights"; just like slavery wasn't about "private property rights".
It's about HUMAN RIGHTS.
And the DEMOCRATS, who fully supported slavery, now throw their support behind abortion.
Rangel, in his comments, exemplify Liberalism (and
Hirota: out.
You know the Congress, in the media.....who, when someone dares to point out the constant failures of the Obama administration, throw around accusations of racism?
Where are those idiots when Charlie Rangel (black...Liberal...racist) says, " is the same group we faced in the south with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn't care about how they looked. It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough."
A couple thoughts:
1. Rangel should be reminded (though he know perfectly well, and is simply playing on the ignorance of his supporters....other idiot Liberals) that those "white crackers and the dogs and the police" were....DEMOCRATS (well....except for the dogs...). Remember "Bull" Connor? DEMOCRAT. And, for that matter, the KKK itself was primarily composed of Democrats. DEMOCRATS.
Quite obviously, Democrats haven't progressed too far......still LOADED with racial hatred.
2. To those racism-conscious Liberals: since it's OBVIOUSLY ok, since they've been absolutely silent, for Rangel, a black man, to characterize whites as "white crackers", is it now ok for white men to refer to blacks as "black niggers"? How about if we call Rangel "uppity" that ok?
Quite obviously, it isn't.
Enough with the hypocrisy, please.
3. "It was just fierce indifference to human life that caused America to say enough is enough."
Seriously? This remarkable comment, from a person who staunchly supports abortion, speaking these words to a party that religiously supports abortion.....even calling it "sacred ground" (Nancy Pelosi, Wendy Davis....not exactly "the fringe"....). In fact, support for abortion requires EXACTLY the same frame of mind as support of slavery. It isn't about "women's rights"; just like slavery wasn't about "private property rights".
It's about HUMAN RIGHTS.
And the DEMOCRATS, who fully supported slavery, now throw their support behind abortion.
Rangel, in his comments, exemplify Liberalism (and
Hirota: out.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Quite a revelation.....
Such a very interesting, revealing weekend this has been....
While Liberals everywhere are scratching their collective, communal heads, wondering how it is that their record of appeasement and cowardice could POSSIBLY have inspired terrorists to boldly threaten (and then act against) the United States, everyone else....the sentient ones...know precisely why...
So, it turns out (contrary to Obama's, Biden's, Reid's, Pelosi's....and Michael Moore's absolute pronouncements), that there IS a terrorist threat; the "War on terrorism" ISN'T over. Al Qaeda ISN'T defeated.
In fact, al Qaeda is not only NOT defeated, they are growing and becoming MORE vicious.
Congratulation, Liberals. This is ALL thanks to you.
We had them on the run....on the ropes. You came in, forgave them, and handed them a gun...
So, how do we react to this latest threat?
Rather than bothering with an in-depth analysis, I'll just offer you folks a couple of my favorite Monty Python bits:
I SHOULD probably mention the heroic efforts of our Sec State, John "Frankenstein" Kerry who, in the heat of crisis, is no doubt sipping champagne on his non-tax-paid yacht somewhere.....
....but I won't, because I couldn't find a youtube piece about inserting thumbs....
Hirota: out.
While Liberals everywhere are scratching their collective, communal heads, wondering how it is that their record of appeasement and cowardice could POSSIBLY have inspired terrorists to boldly threaten (and then act against) the United States, everyone else....the sentient ones...know precisely why...
So, it turns out (contrary to Obama's, Biden's, Reid's, Pelosi's....and Michael Moore's absolute pronouncements), that there IS a terrorist threat; the "War on terrorism" ISN'T over. Al Qaeda ISN'T defeated.
In fact, al Qaeda is not only NOT defeated, they are growing and becoming MORE vicious.
Congratulation, Liberals. This is ALL thanks to you.
We had them on the run....on the ropes. You came in, forgave them, and handed them a gun...
So, how do we react to this latest threat?
Rather than bothering with an in-depth analysis, I'll just offer you folks a couple of my favorite Monty Python bits:
I SHOULD probably mention the heroic efforts of our Sec State, John "Frankenstein" Kerry who, in the heat of crisis, is no doubt sipping champagne on his non-tax-paid yacht somewhere.....
....but I won't, because I couldn't find a youtube piece about inserting thumbs....
Hirota: out.
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