Affirmative action
Hate crime legislation
Women's rights legislation
And now, this:
Just one more example of Democratic-Party-driven legislation, legalized discrimination.
And, oh yeah.....a grotesque violation of human rights.
But, really, why would anyone care?
Hirota: out.
Monday, September 30, 2013
No, it isn't, stupid.
Rick Perry's wife:
No, it ISN'T a "woman's right".
Abortion ISN'T a "women's rights" issue and more than slavery is a "private property rights" issue.
Abortion is a HUMAN Rights issue.
And, plainly, their exist two camps in politics:
The extremist pro-abortionists: The Democratic Party
The cowards who refuse to fight for Human Rights: The GOP.
THIS is why the Republican Party was founded; then, it was slavery.
Hirota: out.
No, it ISN'T a "woman's right".
Abortion ISN'T a "women's rights" issue and more than slavery is a "private property rights" issue.
Abortion is a HUMAN Rights issue.
And, plainly, their exist two camps in politics:
The extremist pro-abortionists: The Democratic Party
The cowards who refuse to fight for Human Rights: The GOP.
THIS is why the Republican Party was founded; then, it was slavery.
Hirota: out.
No, I'm not talking about Boxer, though she CERTAINLY qualifies.
Check this out:
Jerry Brown and the extremist Liberals in California are passing legislation which will clear the way for UNLICENSED people to perform abortions.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We have Bill Clinton, with his LONGGGGG record of serial rape and sexual harassment.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We have John Edwards who impregnated a women while his own wife was battling cancer.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We've got Mayor Filner in San Diego, a serial sexual harasser.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We've got Anthony Weiner, serial "sexter".
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
So, the MORONS to whom I refer are those idiots who actually LISTEN to Barbara Boxer.....
Hirota: out.
Check this out:
Jerry Brown and the extremist Liberals in California are passing legislation which will clear the way for UNLICENSED people to perform abortions.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We have Bill Clinton, with his LONGGGGG record of serial rape and sexual harassment.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We have John Edwards who impregnated a women while his own wife was battling cancer.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We've got Mayor Filner in San Diego, a serial sexual harasser.
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
We've got Anthony Weiner, serial "sexter".
....and it's REPUBLICANS who "target women".
So, the MORONS to whom I refer are those idiots who actually LISTEN to Barbara Boxer.....
Hirota: out.
Just like Bill
And, to think.....Obama is Farrow's hero....
Of COURSE Obama is doing nothing about the genocide in the Sudan! What did you expect????
Remember Bill Clinton and Rwanda? How he lied about knowing anything? How he ignored the genocide? Then...oooops.....the discovery that he knew EVERYTHING and simply ignored it.
No.....worse than ignore.....he instructed his people NEVER to mention it or characterize it as a genocide (if that happened, the UN would be REQUIRED to act).
Read about it here:
Remember all that???
Now, the genocide in the Sudan goes back to the Bush era.
So.....why am I not condemning Bush, along with Obama?
Simple: Bush DID characterize it as a genocide, SPECIFICALLY to force the UN to act. they've acted......
This is just ONE article.
There're rapes, murders, robberies, etc.
ALL perpetrated by UN "Peacekeepers".
Folks, THIS is what happens EVERY TIME you put Democrats in charge.....of ANYTHING.
Hirota: out.
And, to think.....Obama is Farrow's hero....
Of COURSE Obama is doing nothing about the genocide in the Sudan! What did you expect????
Remember Bill Clinton and Rwanda? How he lied about knowing anything? How he ignored the genocide? Then...oooops.....the discovery that he knew EVERYTHING and simply ignored it.
No.....worse than ignore.....he instructed his people NEVER to mention it or characterize it as a genocide (if that happened, the UN would be REQUIRED to act).
Read about it here:
Remember all that???
Now, the genocide in the Sudan goes back to the Bush era.
So.....why am I not condemning Bush, along with Obama?
Simple: Bush DID characterize it as a genocide, SPECIFICALLY to force the UN to act. they've acted......
This is just ONE article.
There're rapes, murders, robberies, etc.
ALL perpetrated by UN "Peacekeepers".
Folks, THIS is what happens EVERY TIME you put Democrats in charge.....of ANYTHING.
Hirota: out.
The shooting gallery
I'm contemplating designating a special feature, her, at Brainy Cattle.
I'm thinking of calling it "The Shooting Gallery".
The Shooting Gallery is going to be dedicated to the Liberal dream of unrestricted gun violence.
Our first example:
VERY strict gun control in DC, folks! And, because criminals don't really need to worry about confronting an ARMED citizen, they're free to tase, beat, stab.....whatever.....
Makes you feel secure, doesn't it?
But, to the title, "DC police search for suspects in taser attacks"....
If private, honest, mentally-stable citizens were allowed to carry guns in DS, the cops wouldn't need to search too hard for these perps; they'd just need to take a trip to the morgue.
Hirota: out.
I'm thinking of calling it "The Shooting Gallery".
The Shooting Gallery is going to be dedicated to the Liberal dream of unrestricted gun violence.
Our first example:
VERY strict gun control in DC, folks! And, because criminals don't really need to worry about confronting an ARMED citizen, they're free to tase, beat, stab.....whatever.....
Makes you feel secure, doesn't it?
But, to the title, "DC police search for suspects in taser attacks"....
If private, honest, mentally-stable citizens were allowed to carry guns in DS, the cops wouldn't need to search too hard for these perps; they'd just need to take a trip to the morgue.
Hirota: out.
Thursday, September 26, 2013 do think THIS will go down?
If he were white and his victims black, of COURSE it'd a racially-motivated hate crime.
As it is, and since it doesn't fit the Liberal Socialist narrative, it'll be a rally point for gun control, then it will be buried by the media.
Hirota: out.
If he were white and his victims black, of COURSE it'd a racially-motivated hate crime.
As it is, and since it doesn't fit the Liberal Socialist narrative, it'll be a rally point for gun control, then it will be buried by the media.
Hirota: out.
The idiot GOP offered a compromise with Obamacare......
"Delay Obamacare for a year, and we'll roll over."
To me, this makes as much sense as having a criminal put a gun to my head, and me saying, "Well....ok.....I'll let you shoot me in the head on one condition: you remove one of the bullets in the gun".
AND, for the next year, Liberals (including the ones in the media) will be reminding us that, BECAUSE of the GOP delaying Obamacare, TRILLIONS of blacks, single women, homosexuals, old people and young people who are old enough to vote...are dying!
Folks: continue calling in to Congress. Continue SCREAMING. Continue protesting. Continue fighting!
The REAL reason that the GOP is making this ridiculous offer is because they want YOU to shut up.
Hirota: out.
"Delay Obamacare for a year, and we'll roll over."
To me, this makes as much sense as having a criminal put a gun to my head, and me saying, "Well....ok.....I'll let you shoot me in the head on one condition: you remove one of the bullets in the gun".
AND, for the next year, Liberals (including the ones in the media) will be reminding us that, BECAUSE of the GOP delaying Obamacare, TRILLIONS of blacks, single women, homosexuals, old people and young people who are old enough to vote...are dying!
Folks: continue calling in to Congress. Continue SCREAMING. Continue protesting. Continue fighting!
The REAL reason that the GOP is making this ridiculous offer is because they want YOU to shut up.
Hirota: out.
That old tune......
Remember that old camp tune "And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, yes they'll know we are Christians by our love..."?
I suspect that, perhaps, a similar tune could be...SHOULD BE....written for the Democratic Party.
"And they'll know we are Liberals by our human rights abuses, human rights abuses, yes they'll know we are Liberals by our human rights abuses....."
So, here in California, legislation is being signed, allowing NON-LICENSED people to perform abortions. read that correctly.
The obvious message to women: you are expendable for the cause (the cause being the legality of human rights abuse of abortion).
Now, ALSO IN CALIFORNIA, we have THIS gem:
Keep in mind that this law ONLY applies to schools in the public sector.
So, if you send you child to a public school and your child gets abused, you AND your child are S.O.L.
(Me? I'd take the law into my own hands. That teacher would never abuse anyone again. Ever.)
Liberals' message to children: you are expendable for the cause
Liberals' message to the parents of children: your child is expendable for the cause
Hirota: out.
PS......ya know, some principles are worth defending....physically.
I suspect that, perhaps, a similar tune could be...SHOULD BE....written for the Democratic Party.
"And they'll know we are Liberals by our human rights abuses, human rights abuses, yes they'll know we are Liberals by our human rights abuses....."
So, here in California, legislation is being signed, allowing NON-LICENSED people to perform abortions. read that correctly.
The obvious message to women: you are expendable for the cause (the cause being the legality of human rights abuse of abortion).
Now, ALSO IN CALIFORNIA, we have THIS gem:
Keep in mind that this law ONLY applies to schools in the public sector.
So, if you send you child to a public school and your child gets abused, you AND your child are S.O.L.
(Me? I'd take the law into my own hands. That teacher would never abuse anyone again. Ever.)
Liberals' message to children: you are expendable for the cause
Liberals' message to the parents of children: your child is expendable for the cause
Hirota: out.
PS......ya know, some principles are worth defending....physically.
Where's that broom, Nancy????
It's time to do a LOT of housecleaning in the GOP.
Nancy, since you OBVISOULY aren't using that broom, with which you promised to clean up Congress, can we borrow it?
Nancy, since you OBVISOULY aren't using that broom, with which you promised to clean up Congress, can we borrow it?
Why Cruz is important
The media is certainly hot and heavy about the Ted Cruz speech! From the finger-waggling GOP to the apoplectic psycho Left, it seems everyone wants to weigh in.
So do I.
And the problem I have with the consensus of opinion is....'s pretty much wrong....from BOTH sides.
HERE is the REAL reason why Ted Cruz is important:
No, I don't mean The Democratic Party....
From Merriam Webster:
I'm talking about the "fifth column" that the ideological LEFT has been quietly establishing within the GOP.
The "Establishment" GOP.
Using code words and phrases such as "moderate", "maverick", "compassionate", "fiscally conservative", etc, the Socialist Left in America has taken over the GOP.
From Boehner to McConnell, McCain to Christie, the GOP is no longer a Conservative party; rather, it has become a FAR left-of-center collection of Socialist ideologues, awaiting their opportunity to exert their influence under the guise of "Republican".
Look at McCain's speech, following the Cruz speech....
To suggest that the GOP should NOT fight to defund Obamacare because "the voters have spoken"?
A question for the Socialist McCain:
John, since Obama DID win, and the voters have spoken, why are Republicans fighting ANY piece of legislation forwarded by Liberals? After all, THE VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN.
According to YOUR statement, Obama and the Democratic Party SHOULD be able to pass their entire agenda WITHOUT ANY OPPOSITION, shouldn't they?
It's simple, folks.
The GOP ISN'T Conservative. It is Liberal, by design and relentless infiltration.
Senator Cruz merely exposed this truth.
The question now is:
How will REAL, ACTUAL Conservative voters react?
More complacency?
Hirota: out.
So do I.
And the problem I have with the consensus of opinion is....'s pretty much wrong....from BOTH sides.
HERE is the REAL reason why Ted Cruz is important:
No, I don't mean The Democratic Party....
From Merriam Webster:
Definition of FIFTH COLUMN
: a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or national borders
I'm talking about the "fifth column" that the ideological LEFT has been quietly establishing within the GOP.
The "Establishment" GOP.
Using code words and phrases such as "moderate", "maverick", "compassionate", "fiscally conservative", etc, the Socialist Left in America has taken over the GOP.
From Boehner to McConnell, McCain to Christie, the GOP is no longer a Conservative party; rather, it has become a FAR left-of-center collection of Socialist ideologues, awaiting their opportunity to exert their influence under the guise of "Republican".
Look at McCain's speech, following the Cruz speech....
To suggest that the GOP should NOT fight to defund Obamacare because "the voters have spoken"?
A question for the Socialist McCain:
John, since Obama DID win, and the voters have spoken, why are Republicans fighting ANY piece of legislation forwarded by Liberals? After all, THE VOTERS HAVE SPOKEN.
According to YOUR statement, Obama and the Democratic Party SHOULD be able to pass their entire agenda WITHOUT ANY OPPOSITION, shouldn't they?
It's simple, folks.
The GOP ISN'T Conservative. It is Liberal, by design and relentless infiltration.
Senator Cruz merely exposed this truth.
The question now is:
How will REAL, ACTUAL Conservative voters react?
More complacency?
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Because.... Democrats, it's just NOT enough to only kill the unborn ones...
Message from The Democratic Party:
If you can't vote, you're expendable (unless, of course, you happen to be a felon).
Message from The Democratic Party:
If you can't vote, you're expendable (unless, of course, you happen to be a felon).
Ah.....the benefits (and goal) of Socialized medicine (like Obamacare)
"Voluntary" now.
Just wait......
"Voluntary" now.
Just wait......
Secession or reform?
In Lincoln's day (when we had principled leaders), the answer was REFORM.
Check out this piece:
If Socialists like Jerry Brown and Obama were the leaders back in Lincoln's day, THEY'D allow secession.
(BTW, the reform to which I refer is ELECTORAL reform).
Hirota: out
Check out this piece:
If Socialists like Jerry Brown and Obama were the leaders back in Lincoln's day, THEY'D allow secession.
(BTW, the reform to which I refer is ELECTORAL reform).
Hirota: out
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Memo to Senate "Republicans" (in name only....)
With regard to "Obamacare" defunding....
If you stand with the Democrats, you'll be gone come next election.
Hirota: out.
If you stand with the Democrats, you'll be gone come next election.
Hirota: out.
Gennifer Flowers claims that Hillary is bisexual.....

Report--Hillary Makes Ultimatum to Huma: 'It's Your Husband or Me'
.....kinda puts a whole new spins on this, don't it!?
Because he's an idiot.
How stupid can a person be?
Well, on the upside, I'm SURE it'll work out as well for him as it did with the idiot Liberals in Colorado......
How stupid can a person be?
Well, on the upside, I'm SURE it'll work out as well for him as it did with the idiot Liberals in Colorado......
Headline of the CENTURY
VATICAN COURT: No Communion for Nancy Pelosi!
But why stop there?
How about John Kerry?
How about the ENTIRE Kennedy family?
EVERY person who supports abortion and claims to be Catholic should be excommunicated.
Hirota: out.
But why stop there?
How about John Kerry?
How about the ENTIRE Kennedy family?
EVERY person who supports abortion and claims to be Catholic should be excommunicated.
Hirota: out.
Did you hear the news?
Turns out that Tom DeLay was acquitted on ALL charges this week!
Certainly, Liberals remember took, what, 5 Grand Juries to indict him on charges ranging from bribery to illegal fundraising, blah blah blah.....
Liberals remember this, specifically, because they point to DeLay as the very personification of Republican corruption.
The cool thing about being a Liberal, now, is that they'll STILL point to the very personification of Republican corruption.
This is where anchoring comes in....
Liberals see the one thing: an indictment.
Now.....FOREVER.....DeLay is a criminal. Acquittal doesn't matter. And acquittal will NEVER matter, because acquittal doesn't fit the narrative.
Other anchoring issues?
According to Liberals:
- John Kennedy was a great, righteous person
- The are no WMD's in Iraq
- Al Qaeda isn't in Iraq
- John Kerry is a brilliant thinker
- Obama is a great leader
- Hillary is competent
FARRRRR to many examples to write down.....
Turns out that Tom DeLay was acquitted on ALL charges this week!
Certainly, Liberals remember took, what, 5 Grand Juries to indict him on charges ranging from bribery to illegal fundraising, blah blah blah.....
Liberals remember this, specifically, because they point to DeLay as the very personification of Republican corruption.
The cool thing about being a Liberal, now, is that they'll STILL point to the very personification of Republican corruption.
This is where anchoring comes in....
Liberals see the one thing: an indictment.
Now.....FOREVER.....DeLay is a criminal. Acquittal doesn't matter. And acquittal will NEVER matter, because acquittal doesn't fit the narrative.
Other anchoring issues?
According to Liberals:
- John Kennedy was a great, righteous person
- The are no WMD's in Iraq
- Al Qaeda isn't in Iraq
- John Kerry is a brilliant thinker
- Obama is a great leader
- Hillary is competent
FARRRRR to many examples to write down.....
Monday, September 23, 2013
Parts one and two: done and done!
Going forward into her inevitable run for 2016, Hillary will ALSO be:
- Black
- Hispanic
- Asian
- Transgender
- Homosexual
- Heterosexual
- Joe Biden
- Paraplegic
- Quadriplegic
- Catholic
- Jewish
- Islamic
- Single
- Single mother
- Married to a black man
- Married to a black woman
- Daughter of a mixed marriage
- Named after a famous dubstep song
- Named after a famous gangster rap song
- Daughter of slaves
- Devoutly religious
- Agnostic
- Atheist
(please forgive me if I missed a voting block....)
Hirota: out.
Going forward into her inevitable run for 2016, Hillary will ALSO be:
- Black
- Hispanic
- Asian
- Transgender
- Homosexual
- Heterosexual
- Joe Biden
- Paraplegic
- Quadriplegic
- Catholic
- Jewish
- Islamic
- Single
- Single mother
- Married to a black man
- Married to a black woman
- Daughter of a mixed marriage
- Named after a famous dubstep song
- Named after a famous gangster rap song
- Daughter of slaves
- Devoutly religious
- Agnostic
- Atheist
(please forgive me if I missed a voting block....)
Hirota: out.
I guess Samantha wants to weigh in, too.....
Seems as if, in lockstep with the Big O, Samantha Power ALSO wants to talk about what SHE really loves about Hillary.....
If Obamacare is SUCH a great thing:
- WHY is Congress exempt?
- WHY have over 1200 corporations filed-for and have been granted exemptions?
Anyone? Anyone?
I didn't think so.....
Hirota: out.
- WHY is Congress exempt?
- WHY have over 1200 corporations filed-for and have been granted exemptions?
Anyone? Anyone?
I didn't think so.....
Hirota: out.
Remember when.....
Anyone reading my blog long enough certainly remembers that, back when Bush was President (when the deficit was a paltry $116 billion and gas prices were around $2/gallon), I commented that "imitation was the sincerest form of flattery". This was when Germany, Australia, France and a host of other countries moved their governments to a FAR more Conservative stance.
Well, here I am, again, saying that imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery.
Or it WOULD be, if anyone bothered imitating our idiot-in-chief.
Instead, Merkel (right of center Conservative) SLAM DUNKED her election.
In Australia, same.
Let's see how other elections around the world, as they happen, pan out.
My guess?
It'll be a continuation of the "F*** YOU, OBAMA!" that we just saw in Germany and Australia.
Hirota: out.
Well, here I am, again, saying that imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery.
Or it WOULD be, if anyone bothered imitating our idiot-in-chief.
Instead, Merkel (right of center Conservative) SLAM DUNKED her election.
In Australia, same.
Let's see how other elections around the world, as they happen, pan out.
My guess?
It'll be a continuation of the "F*** YOU, OBAMA!" that we just saw in Germany and Australia.
Hirota: out.
Non Compos Mentis
Not of sound mind.
That is the ONLY way Liberals can be adequately described.
Take this gem:
“Our tears are not enough. Our words and our prayers are not enough,” Obama said. “If we really want to honor these 12 men and women, if we really want to be a country where we can go to work, go to school and walk our streets free from senseless violence without so many lives being stolen with a bullet from a gun, then we’re going to have to change.”
Well, he IS right in a sense....
The changes that need to take place, if we REALLY want to reduce gun-related crime, are as follows:
1. Abolish the notion of "gun-free zones". Has it occurred to these Liberal idiots that these so-called "gun free zones" end up making the news when someone WITH A GUN opens fire in a "gun free zone" and, BECAUSE its a "gun free zone", NO ONE IS ABLE TO STOP THE SHOOTER?!?!
2. Make it ILLEGAL for Liberals to own (or possess) guns.
Now, check out THIS gem:
Keeping in mind that the OVERWHELMING majority of gun-related crimes are black on black, what Obama is ACTUALLY saying is this:
"Congressional Black Caucus: we need to abolish the right of black law-abiding citizens. In doing so, we can allow black criminals to kill MORE innocent blacks."
That is the ONLY message.
Funny......Liberals are STRONGLY supported by blacks and women yet, blacks and women end up CONSTANTLY screwed over.....BY LIBERALS.
Yes, its stupid.
But what do you expect? They are Liberals.
Hirota: out.
That is the ONLY way Liberals can be adequately described.
Take this gem:
“Our tears are not enough. Our words and our prayers are not enough,” Obama said. “If we really want to honor these 12 men and women, if we really want to be a country where we can go to work, go to school and walk our streets free from senseless violence without so many lives being stolen with a bullet from a gun, then we’re going to have to change.”
Well, he IS right in a sense....
The changes that need to take place, if we REALLY want to reduce gun-related crime, are as follows:
1. Abolish the notion of "gun-free zones". Has it occurred to these Liberal idiots that these so-called "gun free zones" end up making the news when someone WITH A GUN opens fire in a "gun free zone" and, BECAUSE its a "gun free zone", NO ONE IS ABLE TO STOP THE SHOOTER?!?!
2. Make it ILLEGAL for Liberals to own (or possess) guns.
Now, check out THIS gem:
Keeping in mind that the OVERWHELMING majority of gun-related crimes are black on black, what Obama is ACTUALLY saying is this:
"Congressional Black Caucus: we need to abolish the right of black law-abiding citizens. In doing so, we can allow black criminals to kill MORE innocent blacks."
That is the ONLY message.
Funny......Liberals are STRONGLY supported by blacks and women yet, blacks and women end up CONSTANTLY screwed over.....BY LIBERALS.
Yes, its stupid.
But what do you expect? They are Liberals.
Hirota: out.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Only in California.....
It's kind of funny, really...
Check's absolutely HYSTERICAL, REALLY.....
In Huntington Beach, a transgender student was named Homecoming Queen.
What makes this especially, hysterically, funny, is the fact that an honor that SHOULD be bestowed on a woman ends up going to a GUY!
A GUY, folks, under the Liberal agenda, has taken ANOTHER piece of "womandom" away from women!
And Liberal women, the mindless sheep that they are, applaud!!
Well, one thing is for sure: they got the "queen" right......
Hirota: out.
Check's absolutely HYSTERICAL, REALLY.....
In Huntington Beach, a transgender student was named Homecoming Queen.
What makes this especially, hysterically, funny, is the fact that an honor that SHOULD be bestowed on a woman ends up going to a GUY!
A GUY, folks, under the Liberal agenda, has taken ANOTHER piece of "womandom" away from women!
And Liberal women, the mindless sheep that they are, applaud!!
Well, one thing is for sure: they got the "queen" right......
Hirota: out.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
A VERY quick 'take' on the Pope's recent comments......
"His words will be misconstrued CONSTANTLY by the ignorant...."
That was my comment to a dear friend, while discussing the recent comments by the Pope.
Already, I've been proven correct.
Liberals (and other ignorant people....especially Liberal Catholics) are delighted in what they see as MAJOR move toward Liberalism in the Catholic Church.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In his comments about entry into heaven NOT requiring organized "Faith"; that agnostics and atheists can also gain entry, the Pope merely points out that "conscience", however that word is expressed, is what must be acted-upon.
Since, irrespective of faith or creed, nationality or upbringing, EVERYONE has a conscience, it remains to choice of every person to either be true to it....or not.
Brilliant, as it is made clear that NO ONE is exempt from personal responsibility.
To his comments about NOT constantly focusing on some of the core issues (abortion, homosexuality, etc), the Pope states VERY clearly that THOSE issues are well-defined by the Church, so constant, incessant focus has the potential of losing focus to broader issues.
There'll be NO change in the Church's stance on "gay marriage", abortion, etc.
Sorry, Liberals.
Hirota: out.
That was my comment to a dear friend, while discussing the recent comments by the Pope.
Already, I've been proven correct.
Liberals (and other ignorant people....especially Liberal Catholics) are delighted in what they see as MAJOR move toward Liberalism in the Catholic Church.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In his comments about entry into heaven NOT requiring organized "Faith"; that agnostics and atheists can also gain entry, the Pope merely points out that "conscience", however that word is expressed, is what must be acted-upon.
Since, irrespective of faith or creed, nationality or upbringing, EVERYONE has a conscience, it remains to choice of every person to either be true to it....or not.
Brilliant, as it is made clear that NO ONE is exempt from personal responsibility.
To his comments about NOT constantly focusing on some of the core issues (abortion, homosexuality, etc), the Pope states VERY clearly that THOSE issues are well-defined by the Church, so constant, incessant focus has the potential of losing focus to broader issues.
There'll be NO change in the Church's stance on "gay marriage", abortion, etc.
Sorry, Liberals.
Hirota: out.
To Liberals, THIS is "debate"
News, just over the past week, has included such gems as:
- House votes to defund Obamacare
- Immigration Bill stalls in House
- Cruz to filibuster Obamacare?
Liberals in Washington as well as the media, meanwhile, are screaming about our dysfunctional Government, Government shutdown, etc.....
This is EXACTLY WHY the most intelligent of Americans, a few years ago, de-throwned Nancy Pelosi and handed control of the house to Republicans:
This has NOTHING to do with "dysfunction". When Liberals tell you that, THEY ARE LYING TO YOU.
(Their idea of "working together" is: you shut up and do as you are told).
And, let's make this VERY clear:
The ONLY time our nation strays from those principles is when we, as a citizenry, become complacent.
....why is WHY idiots like Obama are in power.
Hirota: out.
- House votes to defund Obamacare
- Immigration Bill stalls in House
- Cruz to filibuster Obamacare?
Liberals in Washington as well as the media, meanwhile, are screaming about our dysfunctional Government, Government shutdown, etc.....
This is EXACTLY WHY the most intelligent of Americans, a few years ago, de-throwned Nancy Pelosi and handed control of the house to Republicans:
This has NOTHING to do with "dysfunction". When Liberals tell you that, THEY ARE LYING TO YOU.
(Their idea of "working together" is: you shut up and do as you are told).
And, let's make this VERY clear:
The ONLY time our nation strays from those principles is when we, as a citizenry, become complacent.
....why is WHY idiots like Obama are in power.
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
A note to Naomi...
(Folks, check this out):
Naomi, you're taking the non-compis-mentis award today. Congrats.
Please keep something in mind:
You are famous for your body (which, of course, MUST make feminists happy), not your mind.
Please, in future, try to keep that in mind....
Hirota: out.
Naomi, you're taking the non-compis-mentis award today. Congrats.
Please keep something in mind:
You are famous for your body (which, of course, MUST make feminists happy), not your mind.
Please, in future, try to keep that in mind....
Hirota: out.
OOO.....OOOOOO.......hit us! Hit us!
Starbucks is setting themselves up to be the next "home of the next massacre"....
Increasing their commitment as "gun-free zones", Starbucks is a favorite Liberal hangout.
So, let's see......
- Lots of Liberals hanging about? Check!
- High-powered stimulants available? Check!
- No one able to defend themselves? CHECK!
(Remember: Nearly ALL recent mass shootings took place in "gun-free zones" (evidently, the shooters didn't get THAT message). Also, overwhelmingly, there were lots of Liberals around (university campuses...).
Just HOW stupid is Starbucks?
Well, they're setting up the EXACT circumstances which have led to all recent mass killings.
Apparently, they are GIGANTICALLY stupid.
Which makes sense.....they're Liberals.
Hirota: out.
Increasing their commitment as "gun-free zones", Starbucks is a favorite Liberal hangout.
So, let's see......
- Lots of Liberals hanging about? Check!
- High-powered stimulants available? Check!
- No one able to defend themselves? CHECK!
(Remember: Nearly ALL recent mass shootings took place in "gun-free zones" (evidently, the shooters didn't get THAT message). Also, overwhelmingly, there were lots of Liberals around (university campuses...).
Just HOW stupid is Starbucks?
Well, they're setting up the EXACT circumstances which have led to all recent mass killings.
Apparently, they are GIGANTICALLY stupid.
Which makes sense.....they're Liberals.
Hirota: out.
Why is it that no one is calling for a ban on violent video games?
After all......the guy was addicted to them.....
Hirota: out.
After all......the guy was addicted to them.....
Hirota: out.
More notes....
"History of mental illness"
That quote is ALLLLLLLLL over the news, folks.
The shooter (at the Washington Naval Yard) had an extensive history of mental illness.
Is this a "first". Nope. Not even close.
A review of nearly ALL these tragedies reveals that the shooters (or drivers, if cars were used as the weapon of choice, or "wielders" is knives were used, etc.....) had histories of mental illness.'d THINK that the news would key in on this, not as a headline, but as a rallying point around which gun control legislation can be pushed.
Yet, they don't.
In fact, with respect to the connection between the perps and mental illness, the media is silent. The politicos are silent as well.
Simple. It's part of the agenda.
You see, folks, if mental health screening were a key part of the background checks required to purchase a gun, fewer, if any, guns would make it into the hands of the mentally deranged....
....and gun crime would reduce.
This represents a significant problem for Liberals who, in order to achieve their goal of disarming America's citizenry, NEED big gun-crime numbers.
It is therefore VERY important to continue writing completely ineffective gun control legislation which, as it inevitably fails, can be pointed-to as a "See? We need VASTLY expanded laws" sales pitch...
.....just like what is happening right now.
Folks, this is all part of the Liberal agenda to disarm America.
(Of course, if we DID have mental health background checks, let's face it: NO Liberals would own guns. And.....truth be told......gun related crime would drop to zero).
Hirota: out.
That quote is ALLLLLLLLL over the news, folks.
The shooter (at the Washington Naval Yard) had an extensive history of mental illness.
Is this a "first". Nope. Not even close.
A review of nearly ALL these tragedies reveals that the shooters (or drivers, if cars were used as the weapon of choice, or "wielders" is knives were used, etc.....) had histories of mental illness.'d THINK that the news would key in on this, not as a headline, but as a rallying point around which gun control legislation can be pushed.
Yet, they don't.
In fact, with respect to the connection between the perps and mental illness, the media is silent. The politicos are silent as well.
Simple. It's part of the agenda.
You see, folks, if mental health screening were a key part of the background checks required to purchase a gun, fewer, if any, guns would make it into the hands of the mentally deranged....
....and gun crime would reduce.
This represents a significant problem for Liberals who, in order to achieve their goal of disarming America's citizenry, NEED big gun-crime numbers.
It is therefore VERY important to continue writing completely ineffective gun control legislation which, as it inevitably fails, can be pointed-to as a "See? We need VASTLY expanded laws" sales pitch...
.....just like what is happening right now.
Folks, this is all part of the Liberal agenda to disarm America.
(Of course, if we DID have mental health background checks, let's face it: NO Liberals would own guns. And.....truth be told......gun related crime would drop to zero).
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Weighing in
The tragedy on the Washington Naval Base is a positive BOON to Liberals, from Obama to Piers Morgan.
Dianne Feinstein, who never misses an opportunity to try to turn America into the Warsaw ghettos, has proclaimed....IMMEDIATELY....that it's time to renew the push for abolishing the Second Amendment.
The investigation into this tragedy has barely begun, yet Liberals have already concluded that:
a. The killer was a Right Winger.
b. Guns were the reason for this tragedy.
c. Guns must be strictly controlled.
d. The killer was a religious nut. be able to figure ALL that out with precisely ZERO ACTUAL details....other than some guy went on a rampage on a Naval Base....
There's a concept in psychology...."anchoring" or "focalism"....which explains WHY Liberals make these ridiculous, unfounded, unsupported, AND NEARLY ALWAYS WRONG, pronouncements.
And, it explains why they make these pronouncements IMMEDIATELY.
Anchoring is described as:
"During normal decision making, individuals anchor, or overly rely, on specific information or a specific value and then adjust to that value to account for other elements of the circumstance. Usually once the anchor is set, there is a bias toward that value."
You see, folks, when idiots like Obama, Feinstein and Piers Morgan make these outlandish, groundless claims, they know....KNOW....that soft-headed people (just like them) will assume these idiotic statements to be gospel truth, will, without hesitation or question, accept them as truth, and will, from that moment, believe NOTHING that strays from those statements.
So, its VERY important to understand, Liberals will now ONLY believe that this insane person is a Right Wing extremist.
They'll ONLY believe that guns MUST be banned.
They will NEVER believe the bits of news released today......THAT THIS IDIOT WAS A LIBERAL, OBAMA SUPPORTER!
AND.....they'll never believe that, once again, a massacre occurred IN A "GUN-FREE ZONE" which, by the way, is a gun-free zone BECAUSE OF BILL CLINTON, who, in 1993, disarmed all military personnel on military bases.
And, frankly, shame on the people who listen to these clowns.....these VERY dangerous clowns....
Hirota: out.
Dianne Feinstein, who never misses an opportunity to try to turn America into the Warsaw ghettos, has proclaimed....IMMEDIATELY....that it's time to renew the push for abolishing the Second Amendment.
The investigation into this tragedy has barely begun, yet Liberals have already concluded that:
a. The killer was a Right Winger.
b. Guns were the reason for this tragedy.
c. Guns must be strictly controlled.
d. The killer was a religious nut. be able to figure ALL that out with precisely ZERO ACTUAL details....other than some guy went on a rampage on a Naval Base....
There's a concept in psychology...."anchoring" or "focalism"....which explains WHY Liberals make these ridiculous, unfounded, unsupported, AND NEARLY ALWAYS WRONG, pronouncements.
And, it explains why they make these pronouncements IMMEDIATELY.
Anchoring is described as:
"During normal decision making, individuals anchor, or overly rely, on specific information or a specific value and then adjust to that value to account for other elements of the circumstance. Usually once the anchor is set, there is a bias toward that value."
You see, folks, when idiots like Obama, Feinstein and Piers Morgan make these outlandish, groundless claims, they know....KNOW....that soft-headed people (just like them) will assume these idiotic statements to be gospel truth, will, without hesitation or question, accept them as truth, and will, from that moment, believe NOTHING that strays from those statements.
So, its VERY important to understand, Liberals will now ONLY believe that this insane person is a Right Wing extremist.
They'll ONLY believe that guns MUST be banned.
They will NEVER believe the bits of news released today......THAT THIS IDIOT WAS A LIBERAL, OBAMA SUPPORTER!
AND.....they'll never believe that, once again, a massacre occurred IN A "GUN-FREE ZONE" which, by the way, is a gun-free zone BECAUSE OF BILL CLINTON, who, in 1993, disarmed all military personnel on military bases.
And, frankly, shame on the people who listen to these clowns.....these VERY dangerous clowns....
Hirota: out.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
A moment of reality....
Time for a reality check, folks....
Throughout this surreal Syria thing, a few of you (the ones who, as true Conservatives) have probably been thinking that this situation sounds vaguely familiar.
You are right.
Remember in the '90's, when North Korea was making it's usual threats to America, and beginning it's nuclear weapons program?
Remember the President, CLINTON, making a deal with the North Koreans? It went something like this:
Our part:
- We'll remove all sanctions.
- We'll give you BILLIONS in cash.
- We'll give you TWO NUCLEAR REACTORS.
In trade for:
- You, North Korea, will abandon your nuclear weapons program.
Remember how it worked out?
Here's how it worked out:
- We removed all sanctions.
- We gave them BILLIONS in cash.
.....They, in turn, had a FULLY ACTIVE nuclear weapons program underway within a year.
(Turns out that Clinton KNEW that the North Koreans re-started their nuclear weapons program......the news was in the paper that Clinton read every morning. He simply ignored it....which is why the North Koreans have a nuclear weapons program today.)
So, folks, now that Obama has demanded Syria turn over it's chemical weapons, has promised that he'll "trust but verify", does anyone.....ANYONE....think EITHER will actually happen?
(BTW, turns out that Syria, RIGHT NOW, is shipping it's chemical weapons to......IRAQ!)
OH........also........there is now credible evidence that the "rebels" ALSO have chemical weapons, shouldn't Obama ALSO BE DEMANDING THEIRS?
And yet....he isn't.....
Folks, when we decide, through our own complacency and deliberate ignorance, to put in charge complete idiots like Obama and Kerry, we can reasonably expect that these idiots will do idiotic, dangerous things.
Turns out we got EXACTLY what we bargained for. We wanted stupid; we got stupid.
Gosh.....I WONDER what we'll get next time......
Hirota: out.
Throughout this surreal Syria thing, a few of you (the ones who, as true Conservatives) have probably been thinking that this situation sounds vaguely familiar.
You are right.
Remember in the '90's, when North Korea was making it's usual threats to America, and beginning it's nuclear weapons program?
Remember the President, CLINTON, making a deal with the North Koreans? It went something like this:
Our part:
- We'll remove all sanctions.
- We'll give you BILLIONS in cash.
- We'll give you TWO NUCLEAR REACTORS.
In trade for:
- You, North Korea, will abandon your nuclear weapons program.
Remember how it worked out?
Here's how it worked out:
- We removed all sanctions.
- We gave them BILLIONS in cash.
.....They, in turn, had a FULLY ACTIVE nuclear weapons program underway within a year.
(Turns out that Clinton KNEW that the North Koreans re-started their nuclear weapons program......the news was in the paper that Clinton read every morning. He simply ignored it....which is why the North Koreans have a nuclear weapons program today.)
So, folks, now that Obama has demanded Syria turn over it's chemical weapons, has promised that he'll "trust but verify", does anyone.....ANYONE....think EITHER will actually happen?
(BTW, turns out that Syria, RIGHT NOW, is shipping it's chemical weapons to......IRAQ!)
OH........also........there is now credible evidence that the "rebels" ALSO have chemical weapons, shouldn't Obama ALSO BE DEMANDING THEIRS?
And yet....he isn't.....
Folks, when we decide, through our own complacency and deliberate ignorance, to put in charge complete idiots like Obama and Kerry, we can reasonably expect that these idiots will do idiotic, dangerous things.
Turns out we got EXACTLY what we bargained for. We wanted stupid; we got stupid.
Gosh.....I WONDER what we'll get next time......
Hirota: out.
Schoolyard bully wannabe..
So, now Badass Barry is threatening Iran. Great.
This reminds me of the schoolyard bully, pointing to people and threatening, "I'm gonna kick your ass!", then, pointing at another, "And I'm gonna kick YOUR ass!"....."...and then I'm gonna kick YOUR ass!".....on and on....
...until, one of those threatened kids walk up and, with a mighty "ah.....SHUTTUP!" proceeds to beat the crap out of the bully.
Hirota: out.
So, now Badass Barry is threatening Iran. Great.
This reminds me of the schoolyard bully, pointing to people and threatening, "I'm gonna kick your ass!", then, pointing at another, "And I'm gonna kick YOUR ass!"....."...and then I'm gonna kick YOUR ass!".....on and on....
...until, one of those threatened kids walk up and, with a mighty "ah.....SHUTTUP!" proceeds to beat the crap out of the bully.
Hirota: out.
Friday, September 13, 2013
....because they respect women.....
Because Liberal women are SO stupid, they're praising goofy ol' Jerry Brown's (and the California Democrats') passing and signing of AB154, the California bill which will allow NON-licensed people to perform abortions.
So, the messages are clear:
1. MORE ABORTIONS!!!!! LOTS more abortions! Not enough doctors? NO PROBLEM! We'll hand out licenses to ANYONE willing to butcher the unborn! (So much for the "rare" in Hillary's "safe, legal and rare"...).
2. Who really cares about women, anyway??!! I mean, so WHAT if a few....or a bunch....of them die, or get long as Liberals can butcher LOTS of the unborn?!? (So much for Hillary's "safe" in "safe, legal and rare"....).
When...oh WHEN are Americans going to figure out that The Democratic Party of today treats the unborn the same way they treat blacks, from the slave days right through today?
Their secret motto, with respect to the unborn, blacks...and women, OBVIOUSLY, is:
Expendable for the cause.
Because Liberal women are SO stupid, they're praising goofy ol' Jerry Brown's (and the California Democrats') passing and signing of AB154, the California bill which will allow NON-licensed people to perform abortions.
So, the messages are clear:
1. MORE ABORTIONS!!!!! LOTS more abortions! Not enough doctors? NO PROBLEM! We'll hand out licenses to ANYONE willing to butcher the unborn! (So much for the "rare" in Hillary's "safe, legal and rare"...).
2. Who really cares about women, anyway??!! I mean, so WHAT if a few....or a bunch....of them die, or get long as Liberals can butcher LOTS of the unborn?!? (So much for Hillary's "safe" in "safe, legal and rare"....).
When...oh WHEN are Americans going to figure out that The Democratic Party of today treats the unborn the same way they treat blacks, from the slave days right through today?
Their secret motto, with respect to the unborn, blacks...and women, OBVIOUSLY, is:
Expendable for the cause.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Oh......wait..... developments in Syria....
Folks, anyone with even a modicum of common sense (which eliminates The Democratic Party) would key on VERY important words "according to Syrian rebels" in this report.
According to the rebels?
Kinda makes you think.....
Let's see......earlier this week, THIS report was released, proving that rebels have, recently, been in possession of sarin. (Hmmmm....what was the chemical used in the recent attacks?)
And....let's see.....why would rebels claim that Assad, again, used chemical weapons?
I mean, it's not like they'd stand to gain anything if America bombed the bejesus out of Assad and his regime.
I mean, C'MON, rebels?!?! Seriously??????
Do you really think you're going to get away with this ridiculous, OBVIOUS lie???
Do you think you're dealing a bunch of idiots, in Obama and Kerry??
Do you have this crazy notion that Kerry is the most feckless, inept, flaccid Secretary of State since....well, since Hillary??
Do you think that Obama is in WAYYYYYYYYYYYY over his pencil-shaped head??
Do you think that the UN is just going to stand around with their collective thumbs up their asses??
Do you take Obama and Kerry for two morons who are being bitch-slapped by Putin and Iran??
Hirota: knowing what's coming..... developments in Syria....
Folks, anyone with even a modicum of common sense (which eliminates The Democratic Party) would key on VERY important words "according to Syrian rebels" in this report.
According to the rebels?
Kinda makes you think.....
Let's see......earlier this week, THIS report was released, proving that rebels have, recently, been in possession of sarin. (Hmmmm....what was the chemical used in the recent attacks?)
And....let's see.....why would rebels claim that Assad, again, used chemical weapons?
I mean, it's not like they'd stand to gain anything if America bombed the bejesus out of Assad and his regime.
I mean, C'MON, rebels?!?! Seriously??????
Do you really think you're going to get away with this ridiculous, OBVIOUS lie???
Do you think you're dealing a bunch of idiots, in Obama and Kerry??
Do you have this crazy notion that Kerry is the most feckless, inept, flaccid Secretary of State since....well, since Hillary??
Do you think that Obama is in WAYYYYYYYYYYYY over his pencil-shaped head??
Do you think that the UN is just going to stand around with their collective thumbs up their asses??
Do you take Obama and Kerry for two morons who are being bitch-slapped by Putin and Iran??
Hirota: knowing what's coming.....
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Seriously....does it get better than this????
AND he was on his way to a psycho-environmentalist rally....
AND he was on his way to a psycho-environmentalist rally....
OOOOOOOO....look at the pics.....
Hirota: laughing
OOOOOOOO....look at the pics.....
Hirota: laughing
Hi, my name is Debbie.....
Voter suppression?
....and your proof is....?
I forgot. Shame on me. Liberals don't NEED proof.
A note to Debbie:
Babe, think.....all those "suppressed" know, it's too bad that they were unable to defend themselves against the suppressors! Imagine.....if those suppressed voters could, say, have a means to defend themselves against those who would suppress them......
Wouldn't that be great, Deb?
"Hi, my name is Debbie, and I've been a f***ing idiot for....oh.....pretty much all my life."
Hirota: out.
Voter suppression?
....and your proof is....?
I forgot. Shame on me. Liberals don't NEED proof.
A note to Debbie:
Babe, think.....all those "suppressed" know, it's too bad that they were unable to defend themselves against the suppressors! Imagine.....if those suppressed voters could, say, have a means to defend themselves against those who would suppress them......
Wouldn't that be great, Deb?
"Hi, my name is Debbie, and I've been a f***ing idiot for....oh.....pretty much all my life."
Hirota: out.
Then....of course.....
Nat'l Dem Party Head Alleges 'Voter Supression'...
Ah yes. Of course. IMMEDIATELY, the Liberals claim fraud and suppression.
Folks, go do your research. Liberals ALWAYS make these claims when they lose. ALWAYS.
And....if you do your research, ONLY one thing is EVER revealed:
Hirota: out.
Ah yes. Of course. IMMEDIATELY, the Liberals claim fraud and suppression.
Folks, go do your research. Liberals ALWAYS make these claims when they lose. ALWAYS.
And....if you do your research, ONLY one thing is EVER revealed:
Hirota: out.
For today.....
I cannot let this day pass without weighing in on a couple things:
1. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Our great nation STILL, in spite of current attempts to destroy it, represents the great nation in history. We ARE the land of the free. We ARE the home of the brave.
2. GOD BLESS OUR CONSTITUTION. Again, in spite of attempts to render it useless, it remains history's greatest plan for a free people.
3. GOD BLESS THOSE WHO DEFEND OUR NATION, OUR CONSTITUTION AND OURSELVES. Without their selfless sacrifice, throughout our nation's history, we'd be in chains.
4. GOD BLESS THOSE WHO RESPECT ALL OF THE ABOVE. Great things happen because average folks decide that there ARE things worth fighting and, if necessary, dying for.
Finally, I cannot let this day pass without commenting on the biggest lie, which will be repeated constantly, today:
The headlines read: "Americans remember"
Liberals (Democrats), for the most part, DON'T remember. IF they DO "remember", it is only in the context that "America deserved it".
Hirota: out.
1. GOD BLESS AMERICA. Our great nation STILL, in spite of current attempts to destroy it, represents the great nation in history. We ARE the land of the free. We ARE the home of the brave.
2. GOD BLESS OUR CONSTITUTION. Again, in spite of attempts to render it useless, it remains history's greatest plan for a free people.
3. GOD BLESS THOSE WHO DEFEND OUR NATION, OUR CONSTITUTION AND OURSELVES. Without their selfless sacrifice, throughout our nation's history, we'd be in chains.
4. GOD BLESS THOSE WHO RESPECT ALL OF THE ABOVE. Great things happen because average folks decide that there ARE things worth fighting and, if necessary, dying for.
Finally, I cannot let this day pass without commenting on the biggest lie, which will be repeated constantly, today:
The headlines read: "Americans remember"
Liberals (Democrats), for the most part, DON'T remember. IF they DO "remember", it is only in the context that "America deserved it".
Hirota: out.
God bless them on their journey
These bikers, having been denied a permit to gather, are gathering anyway.
Folks, with respect to my ENDLESS condemnation of complacency, here's an example of what it's gotten us...
The First Amendment of The Constitution reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Did you catch that? "...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
It DOESN'T say, "...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, as long as they are issued permits by the appropriate agency."
Our that.
WE have allowed our Government to make the final decision about whether we, THE PEOPLE, are "permitted" to freely exercise our Rights. Now, legally, even though we're told that we have a voice, we must ask permission to use it.
Thank GOD for groups like these bikers who have simply decided to follow the Constitution's original intent.
.....I wish that more people had such guts.
Hirota: out.
These bikers, having been denied a permit to gather, are gathering anyway.
Folks, with respect to my ENDLESS condemnation of complacency, here's an example of what it's gotten us...
The First Amendment of The Constitution reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Did you catch that? "...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
It DOESN'T say, "...or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, as long as they are issued permits by the appropriate agency."
Our that.
WE have allowed our Government to make the final decision about whether we, THE PEOPLE, are "permitted" to freely exercise our Rights. Now, legally, even though we're told that we have a voice, we must ask permission to use it.
Thank GOD for groups like these bikers who have simply decided to follow the Constitution's original intent.
.....I wish that more people had such guts.
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
So...I saw this headline today.....
DEFIANT: Porn Industry Continues To Film, Despite 4 HIV Positive Actors...
Ummmm.....isn't this pretty much like putting all the gang-bangers in one room and handing each a gun?
Hirota: out.
Ummmm.....isn't this pretty much like putting all the gang-bangers in one room and handing each a gun?
Hirota: out.
Let's begin the count....
Australia: HUGE Conservative victory
Norway (go figure!): exit polls point to HUGE Conservative victory
...who's next.....America?
Do we have the guts? Do we have the courage?
Hirota: out.
Norway (go figure!): exit polls point to HUGE Conservative victory
...who's next.....America?
Do we have the guts? Do we have the courage?
Hirota: out.
I've got a question....
So, news this morning reports that Assad has accepted the Russian proposal to hand over his chemical weapons to "the International Community", in exchange for NOT being attacked by America.
I have a question.....
What happens if the finding sent to the UN, which concluded that Assad WASN'T responsible for the WMD attack on his own citizens....ALSO a product of Russia....turns out to be true and accurate?
What if it turns out that the REBELS (you know....those al Qaeda folks) were the ones who a) have chemical weapons and b) used them on innocent Syrians?
IF it is true that the REBELS were responsible, then Russia and the US just disarmed THE WRONG SIDE!
Of course......both Russia AND the Democrats have a LONGGGGGGG history of disarming the innocent......
Hirota: out.
I have a question.....
What happens if the finding sent to the UN, which concluded that Assad WASN'T responsible for the WMD attack on his own citizens....ALSO a product of Russia....turns out to be true and accurate?
What if it turns out that the REBELS (you know....those al Qaeda folks) were the ones who a) have chemical weapons and b) used them on innocent Syrians?
IF it is true that the REBELS were responsible, then Russia and the US just disarmed THE WRONG SIDE!
Of course......both Russia AND the Democrats have a LONGGGGGGG history of disarming the innocent......
Hirota: out.
Monday, September 9, 2013
The Red Line, v 246.2.1
The line has changed again......
The Supreme Buffoon, John Kerry, today stated that Assad has one week to hand over his inventory of chemical weapons:
Obama, later, repeated Kerry's (snicker) ultimatum, stating that a military strike would be "absolutely" on hold, should Assad hand over the weapons. we have ANOTHER "red line", from Kerry AND Obama.
(Remember that Bugs Bunny cartoon? "Ok, now step over THIS line! Ok, now step over THIS one. Alright, now step over THIS one..........")
The issue with regard to Syria...badass Obama's "red line".....had NOTHING to do with the possession of chemical weapons.
In fact, in Obama's statement of August 19th (you know, the one he said he never made...), Obama CLEARLY acknowledges Syria's chemical weapons inventory, but says NOTHING about forfeiting them:
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is [if] we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus.”
Obama's statement...the one he didn't make...drew a red line if Syria deployed or used those weapons.
This ISN'T a mistake, folks.
This is Obama (through Kerry) weaseling out of the "red line" ultimatum.....because he is FAR too big a gutless coward to follow through on his threats. Period.
UNFORTUNATELY, this new, improved, "red line" brings new and improved issues:
- What happens when Syria says "f*** you, Barry"?
- What happens when they only give up a portion of their weapons?
- What happens if they transfer their weapons to Iran?
- What happens when, feigning compliance, do what Iraq attempted to do when it was required to comply with UN demand to account for ALL WMD? (Remember? They dummied up a HUGE report, which was completely false, beginning to end).
Kerry and Obama (and the rest of the Democrats) have just made things FAR worse.
And yes, goofy ol' Pelosi is STILL out there, beating the drums of war, pretending she's a hawk....
Geezzzz....she's starting to sound like Gore and his Global Warming...
This proves, once again, that bad things happen when we put IDIOTS in charge....of ANYTHING!
Hirota: out.
The Supreme Buffoon, John Kerry, today stated that Assad has one week to hand over his inventory of chemical weapons:
Obama, later, repeated Kerry's (snicker) ultimatum, stating that a military strike would be "absolutely" on hold, should Assad hand over the weapons. we have ANOTHER "red line", from Kerry AND Obama.
(Remember that Bugs Bunny cartoon? "Ok, now step over THIS line! Ok, now step over THIS one. Alright, now step over THIS one..........")
The issue with regard to Syria...badass Obama's "red line".....had NOTHING to do with the possession of chemical weapons.
In fact, in Obama's statement of August 19th (you know, the one he said he never made...), Obama CLEARLY acknowledges Syria's chemical weapons inventory, but says NOTHING about forfeiting them:
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is [if] we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus.”
Obama's statement...the one he didn't make...drew a red line if Syria deployed or used those weapons.
This ISN'T a mistake, folks.
This is Obama (through Kerry) weaseling out of the "red line" ultimatum.....because he is FAR too big a gutless coward to follow through on his threats. Period.
UNFORTUNATELY, this new, improved, "red line" brings new and improved issues:
- What happens when Syria says "f*** you, Barry"?
- What happens when they only give up a portion of their weapons?
- What happens if they transfer their weapons to Iran?
- What happens when, feigning compliance, do what Iraq attempted to do when it was required to comply with UN demand to account for ALL WMD? (Remember? They dummied up a HUGE report, which was completely false, beginning to end).
Kerry and Obama (and the rest of the Democrats) have just made things FAR worse.
And yes, goofy ol' Pelosi is STILL out there, beating the drums of war, pretending she's a hawk....
Geezzzz....she's starting to sound like Gore and his Global Warming...
This proves, once again, that bad things happen when we put IDIOTS in charge....of ANYTHING!
Hirota: out.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
What Obama SHOULD be saying
Get the teleprompter, Barry.....and say this:
"If military action is taken against Syria and Iran attempts to step in (either into Syria OR takes action against ANY American or Israeli target), America will consider that to be an act of war against the United States....and we will respond with all the rage capable of this great nation".
Try not to stutter too much.
Try to limit your use of "uh" to 300 or so.
Don't pay attention when everyone starts laughing at you.
Go play golf; you'll feel better.
Hirota: out.
"If military action is taken against Syria and Iran attempts to step in (either into Syria OR takes action against ANY American or Israeli target), America will consider that to be an act of war against the United States....and we will respond with all the rage capable of this great nation".
Try not to stutter too much.
Try to limit your use of "uh" to 300 or so.
Don't pay attention when everyone starts laughing at you.
Go play golf; you'll feel better.
Hirota: out.
The Party of Racism....
Ah....those color-blind Liberals.
Check this out...
Dumb ol' Ed, a multiple winner of my "Idiot of the Month" award, is set to receive another.
Speaking of idiots-of-the-month (well.....of the millennium):
Where goofy ol' Garofolo?
Where ARE all those "conscientious" anti-war, make love not peace, idiots? They certainly were ALL over President Bush.
But now, they are nowhere to be found.
I wonder why......
Hirota: out.
Check this out...
Dumb ol' Ed, a multiple winner of my "Idiot of the Month" award, is set to receive another.
Speaking of idiots-of-the-month (well.....of the millennium):
Where goofy ol' Garofolo?
Where ARE all those "conscientious" anti-war, make love not peace, idiots? They certainly were ALL over President Bush.
But now, they are nowhere to be found.
I wonder why......
Hirota: out.
An agenda revealed....
NOW I get's not JUST about the Democrats' support of al Qaeda (though that's a BIG part of it).
Check out this piece from Breitbart:
The OTHER reason the Democrats are supporting the "moderate" rebels is because those "moderate" rebels are butchering Christians.
And, as you Liberals, the only thing more enjoyable than butchering the unborn is butchering Christians.
Hirota: out.
Check out this piece from Breitbart:
The OTHER reason the Democrats are supporting the "moderate" rebels is because those "moderate" rebels are butchering Christians.
And, as you Liberals, the only thing more enjoyable than butchering the unborn is butchering Christians.
Hirota: out.
Scratching my head.....
I honestly don't get it......can't fathom it....
John Kerry, so the news says today ( is failing to sway nay-sayers in the European Union, with regard to Obama's desire to attack Syria...
It just doesn't figure....
After all, here's guy who did the male version of "blowing his way to the top" (by marrying the ravishing Teresa), who's picture is on display in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (being honored for his anti-war protests), has acted on behalf of Communists during the Vietnam war, has accomplished precisely NOTHING as a US Senator and lost to "that idiot" (his words) George Bush......
I on earth can the world NOT listen to a man with SUCH substance?!?!
This, folks....THIS is why it's important to have leaders who KNOW HOW TO LEAD... opposed to what we currently have....
Hirota: out...and laughing
John Kerry, so the news says today ( is failing to sway nay-sayers in the European Union, with regard to Obama's desire to attack Syria...
It just doesn't figure....
After all, here's guy who did the male version of "blowing his way to the top" (by marrying the ravishing Teresa), who's picture is on display in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (being honored for his anti-war protests), has acted on behalf of Communists during the Vietnam war, has accomplished precisely NOTHING as a US Senator and lost to "that idiot" (his words) George Bush......
I on earth can the world NOT listen to a man with SUCH substance?!?!
This, folks....THIS is why it's important to have leaders who KNOW HOW TO LEAD... opposed to what we currently have....
Hirota: out...and laughing
Friday, September 6, 2013
Let's see.....
We've got Clinton.
We've got Wiener.
We've got Filner, Martinez and Edwards.
We've got Jackson.
We've got Spitzer.
Kennedy, Barry, Kilpatrick.....
They are all loved, admired, canonized by feminist groups.
Now....we have this:
Seems pretty clear to me....
If you want to be admired by feminists, treat women like shit.
Use them, abuse them, (in Kennedy's case) abandon them when they are drowning.
Treat them like meat. Cheat on them. Impregnate them, then leave them (while your wife is fighting for her life, stricken with cancer).
Does anyone else think that there is something wrong with these idiots?
Hirota: boggled.
We've got Wiener.
We've got Filner, Martinez and Edwards.
We've got Jackson.
We've got Spitzer.
Kennedy, Barry, Kilpatrick.....
They are all loved, admired, canonized by feminist groups.
Now....we have this:
Seems pretty clear to me....
If you want to be admired by feminists, treat women like shit.
Use them, abuse them, (in Kennedy's case) abandon them when they are drowning.
Treat them like meat. Cheat on them. Impregnate them, then leave them (while your wife is fighting for her life, stricken with cancer).
Does anyone else think that there is something wrong with these idiots?
Hirota: boggled.
Stupid....just stupid.
So....the new jobs report came out today....
Out of every group listed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (race, age, gender, etc), the greatest increase (AGAIN!) was with blacks.
BLACKS, who now have an unemployment rate of 13% (this number DOES NOT include those no longer seeking employment, which increases that number significantly).
THIRTEEN PERCENT, when overall unemployment rate is 7.3%.
Add to that another stat released this week about home ownership: black homeownership at an EIGHTEEN YEAR LOW.
Yet, while Obama's overall approval rating is at around 45%, his approval rating among blacks is 78%.
Like I said: stupid.
Hirota: out.
...and this is from the AP!!! Not exactly part of the "Right Wing Conspiracy"....
...and this is from the AP!!! Not exactly part of the "Right Wing Conspiracy"....
Funny, but......
Stewart, from time to time (like the Hillary "this is where boners go to die" clip) is absolutely hilarious!
He's done it again....this time, it's all about Wiener:
BUT....let's be VERY clear about something:
Liberals are now bound and determined to make Wiener fail in his bid to be Mayor.
Imagine what would happen if he DOES become Mayor......and is mayor when Hillary runs in 2016.
So, here's what Liberals are doing (and going to do):
- Make sure Wiener's bid fails
- AGGRESSIVELY ignore Wiener from the moment he loses. He will be kept COMPLETELY out of the Liberal media from the moment he loses until the day after the 2016 election.
Hirota: out.
He's done it again....this time, it's all about Wiener:
BUT....let's be VERY clear about something:
Liberals are now bound and determined to make Wiener fail in his bid to be Mayor.
Imagine what would happen if he DOES become Mayor......and is mayor when Hillary runs in 2016.
So, here's what Liberals are doing (and going to do):
- Make sure Wiener's bid fails
- AGGRESSIVELY ignore Wiener from the moment he loses. He will be kept COMPLETELY out of the Liberal media from the moment he loses until the day after the 2016 election.
Hirota: out.
I can't believe I'm saying...or even THINKING...this....
"...loses cool..."
OMG... Kerry is an IDIOT! Imagine him as President! BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....
A 411, Johnny-boy: America, BECAUSE of Obama, you and Hillary, HAS NO CREDIBILITY.
You cannot lose what you do not have.
Geez.....(I can't believe I'm even THINKING this)....
I practically miss Hillary (who, let's not forget, GOT US INTO THIS MESS)....
Hirota: off to toss my cookies.....
"...loses cool..."
OMG... Kerry is an IDIOT! Imagine him as President! BWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....
A 411, Johnny-boy: America, BECAUSE of Obama, you and Hillary, HAS NO CREDIBILITY.
You cannot lose what you do not have.
Geez.....(I can't believe I'm even THINKING this)....
I practically miss Hillary (who, let's not forget, GOT US INTO THIS MESS)....
Hirota: off to toss my cookies.....
Check it out, and, PLEASE....think about my comments about the electoral system.
Here's a little piece worth watching for a couple reasons....
I pretty much never agree with Chomsky. He's a garden variety Liberal, albeit with a bully pulpit.
However, when he's right, he's right.
And in this video, he's right about two things:
1. Palin, of course, WAS right about the "hopey-changey" thing. (Of course, Conservatives understood this ever since Obama first uttered "hope and change". It has taken, what, 6 years for a few of the Liberals to admit this. Now, that isn't to say we're going to see a change of heart, from Noam OR any other Liberal. Remember: they have a fundamental inability to learn.
2. Chomsky, in his characterization of the "Obama Model", is right; political campaigns are nothing more than marketing schemes. They are designed to prey on the weak (of mind), the deliberately, willfully short, they are fast food commercials. They depend on the complacency of people.
As for his comments on the electoral system, Chomsky is dead wrong. The Liberal REALLY comes out here.
For many years, there's been a push by Liberals (Socialists, Democrats) to abolish the electoral system and make a move to straight popular vote. One person, one vote.
Sounds fair, right? That way, EVERY vote counts, right?
Wrong. And the Liberals KNOW it.
With a popular-only voting system, population density matters. And Liberals KNOW this.
Think about it: where are the most densely populated areas of our country? New York City (and surrounding areas), California (Los Angeles, San Francisco), Illinois (Chicago), etc.....
In these VERY-densely-populated areas, where welfare payouts are highest, where food stamp handouts are highest, where ALL entitlement handouts are highest, HOW DO YOU THINK THESE POPULATIONS VOTE?
Answer: LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. The harder Left a candidate is, the more votes that candidate gets.
Now, what they ABSOLUTELY DON'T want is this:
Imagine a system, California, with it's 55 electoral votes...where those votes, instead of its current "winner-take-all" structure (which disenfranchises around 40% of the state's population), were split along the percentage of popular vote.
In the 2012 Presidential election, Obama captured 59% of the popular vote. Romney captured 38%; the balance going to other candidates.
Under current California (and most other states) law, Obama took ALL the state's 55 electoral votes.
Now, while this is a wonderful thing to Liberals, it is, in truth, a gross violation of what Liberals CLAIM to stand for: fair representation. 38% of California's population went unrepresented; they were disenfranchised; their votes did not matter. THAT is the law; and it is a law AGGRESSIVELY defended by Democrats, in the state as well as nationwide.
Want TRUE "fairness"? Split the electoral votes along popular vote count.
In 2012, under THIS reform, Obama would have taken 32 electoral votes and Romney would have taken 20 electoral votes (the other 3 votes going to other candidates).
The results: Obama would STILL have taken the national election (with a total of 309 electoral votes), but, in California, Romney-voters would have actually had a voice in the election, giving Romney 20 electoral votes.
Liberals, isn't this what this is SUPPOSED to be about: Fair representation?
Folks: ELECTORAL REFORM in California.
Hirota: out.
I pretty much never agree with Chomsky. He's a garden variety Liberal, albeit with a bully pulpit.
However, when he's right, he's right.
And in this video, he's right about two things:
1. Palin, of course, WAS right about the "hopey-changey" thing. (Of course, Conservatives understood this ever since Obama first uttered "hope and change". It has taken, what, 6 years for a few of the Liberals to admit this. Now, that isn't to say we're going to see a change of heart, from Noam OR any other Liberal. Remember: they have a fundamental inability to learn.
2. Chomsky, in his characterization of the "Obama Model", is right; political campaigns are nothing more than marketing schemes. They are designed to prey on the weak (of mind), the deliberately, willfully short, they are fast food commercials. They depend on the complacency of people.
As for his comments on the electoral system, Chomsky is dead wrong. The Liberal REALLY comes out here.
For many years, there's been a push by Liberals (Socialists, Democrats) to abolish the electoral system and make a move to straight popular vote. One person, one vote.
Sounds fair, right? That way, EVERY vote counts, right?
Wrong. And the Liberals KNOW it.
With a popular-only voting system, population density matters. And Liberals KNOW this.
Think about it: where are the most densely populated areas of our country? New York City (and surrounding areas), California (Los Angeles, San Francisco), Illinois (Chicago), etc.....
In these VERY-densely-populated areas, where welfare payouts are highest, where food stamp handouts are highest, where ALL entitlement handouts are highest, HOW DO YOU THINK THESE POPULATIONS VOTE?
Answer: LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. The harder Left a candidate is, the more votes that candidate gets.
Now, what they ABSOLUTELY DON'T want is this:
Imagine a system, California, with it's 55 electoral votes...where those votes, instead of its current "winner-take-all" structure (which disenfranchises around 40% of the state's population), were split along the percentage of popular vote.
In the 2012 Presidential election, Obama captured 59% of the popular vote. Romney captured 38%; the balance going to other candidates.
Under current California (and most other states) law, Obama took ALL the state's 55 electoral votes.
Now, while this is a wonderful thing to Liberals, it is, in truth, a gross violation of what Liberals CLAIM to stand for: fair representation. 38% of California's population went unrepresented; they were disenfranchised; their votes did not matter. THAT is the law; and it is a law AGGRESSIVELY defended by Democrats, in the state as well as nationwide.
Want TRUE "fairness"? Split the electoral votes along popular vote count.
In 2012, under THIS reform, Obama would have taken 32 electoral votes and Romney would have taken 20 electoral votes (the other 3 votes going to other candidates).
The results: Obama would STILL have taken the national election (with a total of 309 electoral votes), but, in California, Romney-voters would have actually had a voice in the election, giving Romney 20 electoral votes.
Liberals, isn't this what this is SUPPOSED to be about: Fair representation?
Folks: ELECTORAL REFORM in California.
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Doubling.....tripling......oh, and throw in revisionism
Democrats, this week, are in full wagon-circling mode, fearing that this Syria disaster might make Obama (and them) look REALLY stupid.
411 to Dems: too late. WAYYYYYYYY too late.
Since yesterday, they've reverted to their usual revisionism: tell everyone....and keep repeating it....that Obama never drew a "red line".
Here's his statement:
"First of all, I didn't set a red line," said Obama. "The world set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98 percent of the world's population said the use of chemical weapons are [inaudble] and passed a treaty forbidding their use, even when countries are engaged in war. Congress set a red line when it ratified that treaty. Congress set a red line when it indicated that in a piece of legislation entitled the Syria Accountability Act that some of the horrendous things happening on the ground there need to be answered for. So, when I said in a press conference that my calculus about what's happening in Syria would be altered by the use of chemical weapons, which the overwhelming consensus of humanity says is wrong, that wasn't something I just kind of made up. I didn't pluck it out of thin air. There's a reason for it."
Nancy Pelosi had this to offer:
“President Obama didn’t draw a red line; humanity drew a red line decades ago."
Remarkable statements for at least two reasons:
First, not even Jimmy Carter demonstrated this level of cowardice. These people....these Liberals, these Democrats....are gutless, spineless cowards.
It would seem that the only time they will take an unwavering, brave, courageous stand is when there's a chance to butcher the unborn.
But now; now that they are in full view of the world, it's like turning on the bathroom lights and finding cockroaches...
Dumb ol' Chris Matthews even admitted this week that Congress needs to pass a war resolution in order to "save the President's hide".
Second, it's a lie. Obama lied (about "not drawing a red line"). Pelosi lied.
They didn't mislead, they didn't make a mistake; this wasn't a nuanced statement.
It was a lie.
Liberals (Democrats) are in full revisionist mode; lying about this red line.
Here's what Obama ACTUALLY said (about WMD in Syria):
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is [if] we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus.”
So, on August 19th, Obama CLEARLY draws a red line. Yesterday, he says he never did.
So, why does he lie? Why does Pelosi lie? Why do ANY of these idiots lie (Republican idiots, too...)?
Because they can. Because Americans are stupid and complacent to call them on it.
Shameful. Obama is an embarrassment. But WE Americans are as embarrassing, because we allow it.
Hirota: out.
411 to Dems: too late. WAYYYYYYYY too late.
Since yesterday, they've reverted to their usual revisionism: tell everyone....and keep repeating it....that Obama never drew a "red line".
Here's his statement:
"First of all, I didn't set a red line," said Obama. "The world set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98 percent of the world's population said the use of chemical weapons are [inaudble] and passed a treaty forbidding their use, even when countries are engaged in war. Congress set a red line when it ratified that treaty. Congress set a red line when it indicated that in a piece of legislation entitled the Syria Accountability Act that some of the horrendous things happening on the ground there need to be answered for. So, when I said in a press conference that my calculus about what's happening in Syria would be altered by the use of chemical weapons, which the overwhelming consensus of humanity says is wrong, that wasn't something I just kind of made up. I didn't pluck it out of thin air. There's a reason for it."
Nancy Pelosi had this to offer:
“President Obama didn’t draw a red line; humanity drew a red line decades ago."
Remarkable statements for at least two reasons:
First, not even Jimmy Carter demonstrated this level of cowardice. These people....these Liberals, these Democrats....are gutless, spineless cowards.
It would seem that the only time they will take an unwavering, brave, courageous stand is when there's a chance to butcher the unborn.
But now; now that they are in full view of the world, it's like turning on the bathroom lights and finding cockroaches...
Dumb ol' Chris Matthews even admitted this week that Congress needs to pass a war resolution in order to "save the President's hide".
Second, it's a lie. Obama lied (about "not drawing a red line"). Pelosi lied.
They didn't mislead, they didn't make a mistake; this wasn't a nuanced statement.
It was a lie.
Liberals (Democrats) are in full revisionist mode; lying about this red line.
Here's what Obama ACTUALLY said (about WMD in Syria):
“We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is [if] we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus.”
So, on August 19th, Obama CLEARLY draws a red line. Yesterday, he says he never did.
So, why does he lie? Why does Pelosi lie? Why do ANY of these idiots lie (Republican idiots, too...)?
Because they can. Because Americans are stupid and complacent to call them on it.
Shameful. Obama is an embarrassment. But WE Americans are as embarrassing, because we allow it.
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Perhaps, by now, you've heard about McCain's idiotic statement, equating shouts of "Allahu Akhbar!" to Christians saying "Thank God"....
If you haven't, stop watching the Liberal media.
Here's what he said in response to a FoxNews host saying, "I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit..."
McCain: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God? That’s what they’re saying. Come on! Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you they are moderates.”
Yes, John, that IS, in fact, what Christians cry after they bomb a school bus.
It's what they cry as they chop the heads off of infidels.
It's what they cry as they detonate their roadside bombs.
It's what they cry as they open fire on children.
(And, BTW, my guess is that, YES, this host WOULD have a problem with a Christian shouting "Thank God" after he committed and act of terrorism)
McCain: one of the best hopes for the Democratic Party....
Hirota: out.
If you haven't, stop watching the Liberal media.
Here's what he said in response to a FoxNews host saying, "I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit..."
McCain: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God? That’s what they’re saying. Come on! Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you they are moderates.”
Yes, John, that IS, in fact, what Christians cry after they bomb a school bus.
It's what they cry as they chop the heads off of infidels.
It's what they cry as they detonate their roadside bombs.
It's what they cry as they open fire on children.
(And, BTW, my guess is that, YES, this host WOULD have a problem with a Christian shouting "Thank God" after he committed and act of terrorism)
McCain: one of the best hopes for the Democratic Party....
Hirota: out.
Come to think of it......this is what everyone who votes "Democrat" should be made to do...
Hirota: out.
Come to think of it......this is what everyone who votes "Democrat" should be made to do...
Hirota: out.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Conservative revisionist question about it!
Check THIS out.....
Thank God for abortionists?
Here's a great lesson, for young Liberals, about Conservative revisionist history.
Those nasty Conservatives, in order to make you THINK that Jesus was one of them, often bring up this quote:
"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (From the book of Matthew)
But, kids, the REAL Bible quote is this:
"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: bid them to be butchered, bathed in salt or partially-delivered while having their spinal cords severed; for of such is the freedoms accorded to women in the Kingdom of Heaven."
See? Doesn't that sound MUCH more like something Jesus would have said?
Hirota: out.
Thank God for abortionists?
Here's a great lesson, for young Liberals, about Conservative revisionist history.
Those nasty Conservatives, in order to make you THINK that Jesus was one of them, often bring up this quote:
"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (From the book of Matthew)
But, kids, the REAL Bible quote is this:
"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: bid them to be butchered, bathed in salt or partially-delivered while having their spinal cords severed; for of such is the freedoms accorded to women in the Kingdom of Heaven."
See? Doesn't that sound MUCH more like something Jesus would have said?
Hirota: out.
Almost forgot........
Remember when, immediately after 9/11, EVEN Gore's own people were thanking God that he wasn't the President?
I'm VERY sure Hillary's people are saying exactly that right now!! (Even though she is as responsible for this crisis as Obama)...
Unfortunately, while America DID have Bush instead of Gore in 2001, today we are stuck with something even worse than Hillary; we have Kerry, who is as incompetent as it gets.
I read this media piece the other day, characterizing the Syria crisis as "Kerry's defining moment"...
Without question, that definition will be:
Hirota: out.
I'm VERY sure Hillary's people are saying exactly that right now!! (Even though she is as responsible for this crisis as Obama)...
Unfortunately, while America DID have Bush instead of Gore in 2001, today we are stuck with something even worse than Hillary; we have Kerry, who is as incompetent as it gets.
I read this media piece the other day, characterizing the Syria crisis as "Kerry's defining moment"...
Without question, that definition will be:
Hirota: out.
Please, God......(my prayer for today...)
Please, O Lord, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be a ruse....a feint....
If you've been reading, watching or listening-to Liberal media outlets, you're no doubt aware of Obama's brilliant strategy for handling Syria.
And, certainly, you're aware of Obama's remarkable "calming of the raging seas" handling of Congress....
However, if you've been reading, watching or listening-to any other media outlet, you've instead been hearing the truth:
Our bumbling-circus-clown-in-chief is at it again.
Now that he's painted himself (and America) into a corner with Syria, he desperately seeks a way out and, even now, is doing what he does best: nothing. ( be fair, he DOES know how to be IMMEDIATELY decisive when it comes to butchering the unborn....).
So, NOW he's "seeking Congressional approval" after he stated flatly that no such approval is necessary (remember when he, along with all Liberaldom condemned Bush, accusing him of not seeking Congressional approval for Iraq?) Evidently, to Liberals, when you get nearly unanimous Congressional approval, it actually mean "didn't get approval"; however, when you don't seek Congressional approval, it means "you're our Lord and Savior".
Obama's new grand strategy?
Here goes:
1. Insert thumb. Give Congress a nice Labor Day Holiday. They can think about a war resolution when they come back and are nice and rested.
2. Golf. (Which is what he did immediately after his announcement)
3. Tell Congress to approve attack plan.
4. If Congress fails to approve, go it alone....a unilateral attack (remember when Liberals condemned Bush, accusing him of a unilateral attack on Iraq? I guess "largest coalition in history" means "go it alone" to Liberals...)
5. If Syria retaliates by lobbing weapons into Israel? No plan.
6. If Iran steps in? No plan.
7. If Iran attack Israel in retaliation? No plan.
8. If Assad resumes WMD attacks after the air strikes? No plan.
9. If terrorist cells in America are activated and conduct missions IN AMERICA, in retaliation? No plan.
Folks, the Democrats, led by our Savior-in-Chief and evangelized by the media, is in full damage control mode; trying to prove that they are hawks to both Americans as well as the world.
So, please, God, let this be a ruse. Let this be a feint. Let this be a trick to put our enemies at ease while we prepare to hammer them. Let this be a grand feint; let them think that we are bumbling fools, then bomb the living crap out of them. Let them think there's lots of time to hide. Let them think we are indecisive; while, secretly, the decision has already been made, carriers put in place to carry out a HUGE, aggressive, put-this-in-your-pipe-and-smoke-it campaign, demonstrating, once again, that America REMAINS the greatest world power in history; go against her and you're going to get thumped......HARD. Mistreat one of her allies, and you're going to receive it....IMMEDIATELY.
Because, folks, it's either that, or the Democrats ARE bumbling idiots; without a clue about how to deal with a leader who just painted them ALL into a corner (just like Kennedy....which is WHY we ended up with the Cuban missile crisis...).
While I'm praying for the former, I fully expect the latter, since the latter reflects the history, not only of Obama, but of the Democratic Party.
Hirota: out.
If you've been reading, watching or listening-to Liberal media outlets, you're no doubt aware of Obama's brilliant strategy for handling Syria.
And, certainly, you're aware of Obama's remarkable "calming of the raging seas" handling of Congress....
However, if you've been reading, watching or listening-to any other media outlet, you've instead been hearing the truth:
Our bumbling-circus-clown-in-chief is at it again.
Now that he's painted himself (and America) into a corner with Syria, he desperately seeks a way out and, even now, is doing what he does best: nothing. ( be fair, he DOES know how to be IMMEDIATELY decisive when it comes to butchering the unborn....).
So, NOW he's "seeking Congressional approval" after he stated flatly that no such approval is necessary (remember when he, along with all Liberaldom condemned Bush, accusing him of not seeking Congressional approval for Iraq?) Evidently, to Liberals, when you get nearly unanimous Congressional approval, it actually mean "didn't get approval"; however, when you don't seek Congressional approval, it means "you're our Lord and Savior".
Obama's new grand strategy?
Here goes:
1. Insert thumb. Give Congress a nice Labor Day Holiday. They can think about a war resolution when they come back and are nice and rested.
2. Golf. (Which is what he did immediately after his announcement)
3. Tell Congress to approve attack plan.
4. If Congress fails to approve, go it alone....a unilateral attack (remember when Liberals condemned Bush, accusing him of a unilateral attack on Iraq? I guess "largest coalition in history" means "go it alone" to Liberals...)
5. If Syria retaliates by lobbing weapons into Israel? No plan.
6. If Iran steps in? No plan.
7. If Iran attack Israel in retaliation? No plan.
8. If Assad resumes WMD attacks after the air strikes? No plan.
9. If terrorist cells in America are activated and conduct missions IN AMERICA, in retaliation? No plan.
Folks, the Democrats, led by our Savior-in-Chief and evangelized by the media, is in full damage control mode; trying to prove that they are hawks to both Americans as well as the world.
So, please, God, let this be a ruse. Let this be a feint. Let this be a trick to put our enemies at ease while we prepare to hammer them. Let this be a grand feint; let them think that we are bumbling fools, then bomb the living crap out of them. Let them think there's lots of time to hide. Let them think we are indecisive; while, secretly, the decision has already been made, carriers put in place to carry out a HUGE, aggressive, put-this-in-your-pipe-and-smoke-it campaign, demonstrating, once again, that America REMAINS the greatest world power in history; go against her and you're going to get thumped......HARD. Mistreat one of her allies, and you're going to receive it....IMMEDIATELY.
Because, folks, it's either that, or the Democrats ARE bumbling idiots; without a clue about how to deal with a leader who just painted them ALL into a corner (just like Kennedy....which is WHY we ended up with the Cuban missile crisis...).
While I'm praying for the former, I fully expect the latter, since the latter reflects the history, not only of Obama, but of the Democratic Party.
Hirota: out.
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