Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hillary WAS right!

What difference DOES it make???

Folks, I really can't understand WHY you're so heated about Obama's Obamacare lies.

Seriously, I can't!

Obama (and the rest of the Democratic Party and their media publicity group) has been lying to you CONSTANTLY, even BEFORE you elected him President.

So, really, I fail to see how ONE MORE lie makes ANY difference at all!

Check these whoppers out:

Think that's it? That's all of them?

How about his association with the racist idiot pastor of the Church he attended for years...Reverend "GOD DAMN AMERICA" Wright? Obama claimed he had NO idea his pastor....HIS MENTOR....was a racist and said such things!

How about his association with Bill Ayers? You know....the guy he claimed he'd never even met!

There are FAR too many to accurately recount, folks.

My God, if ever there was a more definitive characterization of "you know how you can tell a politician is lying.....their lips are moving", I don't know what it might be.

But understand something:

The reason he gets away with it is because YOU won't do anything about it.

Americans would rather be comfortable than to secure the future for our children.

Complacency got us here.

If we continue to be complacent, we can kiss this great nation goodbye.


Hirota: out.


It's the Democratic Party....ALL of them.

That's a "blue" state, isn't it??

A few reasons why you should elect me to Congress

1. I read The Constitution

2. I don't compromise on principles.

3. Four words: I'm not Biden.

Uh......that's about it.

Hirota: out

My two cents.....

Ok, so…..I've got some helpful input for Hillary.

Here are some FAR MORE accurate campaign themes:

"WHY NOT VOTE FOR ME??? After all, you were stupid enough to vote for Obama!"

"MY failures are WAYYYYYYYYY bigger than Barry's!"

"Two words: BIDEN!"

"So you'll get even MORE stupidity if you elect me.....WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE!?!?"

"More Benghazis, I PROMISE!"

"Huma? Huma who?"

"Just remember: I'm NOT a 'Goldwater girl' anymore"

"I'll continue bringing both sides together!"

"Hope and change" (it worked once, after all....)

Hirota: out

Connect the dots.......

...have you figured it out, yet?

Hirota: I told you so.

Ok, so.....HOW is this advantageous?

I'm sure you've already heard that Obama, once again, lied to you, regarding (this time) the "you can keep your own insurance...."?

So, NOW he's saying that you ought to shop around.

Help me out, here, folks.....

All insurance companies now have to carry the same range of coverage.

This means that all insurance companies will be about the same damn price!

So, WHY, exactly, would someone "shop around"?

Does Obama KNOW why people "shop around"?


If THERE aren't ANY better deals, there's no need to "shop around".

I'm CERTAIN that Jay Carney will now be claiming that Obama didn't know THIS, either!

Has there BEEN a President who knew LESS? In HISTORY?????

Hirota: out.

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Call your representatives. Email them. Send them letters.

DEMAND that they FULLY implement Obamacare.

Haven't you figured it out?

EVERY Democrat in the Senate who is up for re-election has SUDDENLY decided that they "support" a delay in Obamacare.

Are you thinking?

Have you thought: WHY? Why would they take this position????

Folks, they KNOW....ABSOLUTELY.....that Obamacare is going to sink our economy.

They began collecting taxes in 2010, and, without most of it EVEN being enacted, Obamacare is ALREADY LOSING HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY.

Full implementation will, without question, be the greatest train wreck this nation has EVER witnessed.

....and the Democrats KNOW this.

Which is WHY they do NOT want the collapse to happen BEFORE the next election.

Obama PROMISED Obamacare to the people.

We need to get out of the way.

Hirota: out.

Seriously, folks....what did you expect?

I'm speaking to the Democrats out there who continue to put their faith in Obama and his administration.

Additionally, I'm speaking to anyone who voted for Obama the first and/or the second time.

I ask: what did you expect?

I'd really like to know.

Let me ask a question:

If the decision were up to you, would you:

- Allow a doctor who has NEVER performed surgery....they've only read about it in perform a major operation on you?

- Would you allow a person who has never even lifted the hood of a car to fix yours?

- Would you allow a person who's never been behind the wheel of an automobile to drive you somewhere?

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Running America is, perhaps, the most difficult job on the planet.

Prerequisites of this job SHOULD include:

- Executive management experience

- "Promoted through the ranks" history of employment

- History of successfully managing people

- History of employment/management/ownership in the private sector

These are just a FEW of things that, if successfully performed, would be the kinds of accomplishments which would be excellent preparation for THE executive management position.

In my industry, we call it "carrying a bag".

Yet, what you voted for....the person in whom you placed your faith to govern our great nation...a person with precisely ZERO history of carrying a bag.

- NEVER been a manager......OF ANYTHING

- NEVER been in the private sector

- NEVER been in charge of managing ANY level or in ANY capacity in the private sector.

ALL of this was well known LONG before the 2008 election, but you voted for I'm anyway.

Since his election, he's broken EVERY promise he made to you. ALL OF THEM.

Then, remarkably, you voted for him again.

And since THAT election, he continues to break EVERY promise he made to you. 100% of them.

And, he's continued to surround himself with others who ALSO have never "carried a bag".

So, when things like Obamacare turn out to be a HUGE, UNMITIGATED disaster, I have to ask:


The mantra you SHOULD be adopting is:

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me TWICE: SHAME ON ME!

Just remember this in 2016......

Hirota: out.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Gosh, I wonder if…...

….Liberals will be as condemning about this as they were when Bush gave no-bid contracts to Halliburton (and while condemning, those same Liberals COMPLETELY ignored the fact that CLINTON ALSO gave no-bid contracts to…..HALLIBURTON!).

Pigs….feeding at the trough.

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This may very well be true!

However.....I rather doubt the Liberal husbands are picturing Kathleen Sebelius when they're making love to their wives.....(or husbands...).

C'mon, Bill.....ya gotta think things through....('course, this is a guy who probably dreams about Janet Reno, naked in a hot tub full of partially-chewed Jelly Bellies....)

Hirota: out.

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dumber

OMG.....seriously.....the only thing Obama and Kerry are missing are the beanies with propellers.....

And to think: when folks around the world see "the face of America", it's "Lurch" Kerry and "Mickey Mouse" Obama.


Hirota: out

Send to EVERYONE, please!

Jon Stewart Delivers Blistering Takedown of Obamacare Rollout: Dems Can't 'Spin This Turd' - YouTube
2 days ago - Uploaded by RawStoryFans
October 21, 2013 - After the government shutdown, Jon Stewart said all Democrats had to do to regain political ...

Where are the cries of RACISM!!!!?

Here's how it'll roll...

From the Liberals, it won't actually count as "Racism", since Cruz ISN'T Mexican. He's Cuban descent.

Hirota: out.


I thought Obamacare was supposed to be BETTER than what's available in the private market?

Isn't this the idiot who said:

If you're self-employed, between jobs, or can't get insurance through work, you'll have access to affordable health insurance as good as Congressman Paul Ryan's.
Why single out Paul Ryan, Kathy? After all, YOU are choosing to maintain your (obviously) outrageously priced healthcare plan, which you CLAIM Obamacare is every bit as good as...

Leadership by example?

Hmmmm....maybe not.



Hirota: out

Bang-up job, John and Barry!

Remember: Obama was going to be the great peacemaker, building and repairing friendships all over the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Why are people demanding Sebelius' head on a platter?

Honestly, I don't get it.

So she's a HUGE failure with this whole Obamacare rollout thing.

So she's now lying about "Obama didn't know".

So all the Obamacare numbers are wrong and it turns out that the people are being fleeced.

Folks, you need to understand something:

All these EPIC failures means only one thing:

She just attained LEGENDARY status in the Democratic Party!

She's positively presidential!


Hirota: out.

Haven't figured it out yet?

I'll help....

Alan Grayson (the idiot Liberal from Florida who only gets noticed when he does or says something breathtakingly stupid) is at it again.

Yes, that's his work....comparing the Tea Party to the KKK.

A couple notes:

1. News flash: The Ku Klux Klan is a contrivance of THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Grayson: you might want to read a history book, idiot.

2. Grayson reminds me of a kid, desperate for attention...ANY attention....that he sets things....schools, churches, his home, the neighbor's cat....on fire. He pulls wings off flies. Feeds dogs alum. You know that tend to read about him later on, after he commits mass murder.

Folks, don't bother condemning Grayson. He's an idiot. Everyone already knows that.

He's a little boy, trapped in (questionably) man's body; crying out for attention.

In other words: he's a garden variety Liberal.

Hirota: out.


Send this article to EVERYONE, Conservative and Liberal alike.

Hirota: out.

Best and brightest?

Ok, that Obama himself has decided that Obamacare is a train wreck, he announced that he's bringing in "the best and brightest" to fix it.

Couple questions:


Why would he treat this any differently than he has treated anything in the past six years? After all, didn't he get elected into a government that was FAR more of a disaster (because of Bush) than Obamacare? Wasn't government broken?

Yes, according to him, it was.

And how did he "fix" it? Did Obama bring in the "best and brightest"?

NO! He brought in academics; people who (aside from dodging taxes and committing all manner of felonies) haven't achieved anything meaningful in their lives.

THEY ARE ALL ACADEMICS; those who preach what they have never actually done.


If Obama is NOW bringing in the "best and brightest", who, exactly, designed the Obamacare operating systems and software?

One can only conclude that, if the best and brightest are required to fix this mess, then the mess was created by the "worst and dumbest"...

....which pretty much sums up the Obama administration.

Hirota: out.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Non compos mentis


What a REMARKABLE speech, today, by Obama! The event even had "fainters"!

If you watched the Rose Garden speech, or if you saws pics, you saw lots of vacuous expressions.

The only thing missing was some cud-chewing....

I'm not sure I've seen a person, let alone a PRESIDENT, SO completely out of touch with HIS OWN POLICIES! I mean, being brain-dead about the plight of the people is one thing, but this idiot hasn't a clue about the performance of HIS own program!

Not unexpected, really....

Oh....and.....the Non Compos Mentis?

That's not directed at Obama.

It's directed at WHOMEVER listens to him and agrees with him. stupid CAN you be?!?

Hirota: out.

Christie for Prez, 2016

We'll be seeing the signs and hearing the announcements soon enough.
Chris Christie will be entering the Republican primary for the 2016 election cycle.

How do I know this?


Without question, Establishment GOP (Liberals) and Democrats (Liberals) will be funding him HEAVILY.

This, BTW, is how they plan to put a Liberal in the White House, regardless of whether that Liberal is a Republican or a Democrat.

This SHOULDN'T be news to anyone, folks, since I've been screaming about how Christie is nothing but a Liberal posing as a Republican for years.

Well, his "Liberal" is showing.

Hirota: out.

Pigs in a blanket

I'm curious......

Why is it that Liberals, VOTERS ESPECIALLY, don't care about the misdeeds and illegalities of people like Hillary and Terry? After all, they CERTAINLY accuse Republicans of these things. So why not accuse their own side?

And remember: you Liberals CANNOT TURN THAT QUESTION ON ME since, if you have actually followed my blog, you'd already KNOW that I go after BOTH sides.

So, Liberals: why the hypocrisy?

Hirota: out.

An open note to The Tea Party

Dear Tea Party,

First of all: GOD BLESS YOU. Keep fighting the good fight.

A note: check out this latest piece regarding abortion:

Folks in the Tea Party: THIS issue should be your key issue.

Yes, keep doing what you are doing. It's working. You are winning. You ARE saving America.

BUT, if you read back to the days of Whigs, you'll see that the turning point....the beginning of the Republican Party.....was the issue of slavery.

Whigs refused to fight against slavery, just as Republicans today refuse to fight against abortion.

BOTH issues ARE human rights issues.

And it was the issue of slavery that ultimately brought about the Republican Party and did away with the Whig Party.

You CAN do the same.


But, it only works for those who dare. And it only works for those who are real, ACTUAL, Conservatives.

Hirota: out.

I'll bet you didn't here THIS:

UPDATE: Group of 10 black youths attack white couple in Brooklyn... 'GET THOSE CRACKERS! GET THAT WHITE WHORE!'

Know WHY you didn't hear about this (or pretty much any other like crime)?

It doesn't fit the Liberal (Democratic) narrative of "racism".

According to Democrats, ONLY white-on-black crime is racism.

When blacks commit crimes against whites, well....the cracker had it coming.

Yet, MOST crimes are black-on-white...or black on black (which aren't sensationalized either, btw). And these are absolutely ignored by the Liberal media and black leaders (unless your name is OJ, who dared to marry a white woman).

And, if you can't prove racism through objective fact, just make something up (Tawana Brawley).

See how it works now?

This is Socialism. This is the Democratic Party.

Hirota: out.

Gut check

Let's keep something CLEARLY in mind, folks:

Democrats, in the media as well as in elected office, are busy telling Americans how great a job they are doing. According to them, the economy is healthy, people are working and happy....

Truly, to Democrats, America is utopia.

But the truth is not quite how the Democrats characterize it.

Rather, the truth looks more like these headlines; headlines you'll NEVER see in the mainstream media, revealing disasters of policy elected Democrats will never discuss truthfully.

STUDY: Families living in poverty up in 49 states...

15% of youth out of school, work...

And those are just from this morning's news.

Black teen unemployment is the highest of any segment of population in the nation.

Teen unemployment, in general, is over 50%.

Unemployment for women continues to outpace overall numbers.

Black unemployment continues to outpace overall numbers.

On and on, the direction of the country since Democrats gained control of Congress in 2006 has been STRAIGHT DOWN.

(Let's keep THIS in mind, too: the deficit during the Bush administration REDUCED EVERY YEAR, until Dems took over in 2006. Bush's deficit then was $116 Billion. Upon assuming the Speaker position, Pelosi's first act was to increase minimum wage, which was to take affect in June of 2007. IN July of 2007, interestingly, the deficit began it's historic, unceasing rise, and unemployment began ITS historic, unceasing rise. So, no, where we are now is NOT because of Bush. It's because of Pelosi and the Democrats, who are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT AT FAULT)

Now, with Obamacare, the pace at which America sinks will increase.

Which means:

MORE people in poverty.

MORE women unemployed.

MORE blacks unemployed.

MORE youth out of school and out of work.

And THIS, folks, is the America that Democrats are praising as "heading in the right direction". 

Hirota: out.

PS: If you don't understand the intent of the Framers in creating The Second Amendment, you'd better learn....and learn FAST.

Gee.....and she's a DEMOCRAT....from CALIFORNIA

The name, folks, is....




And what do you suppose Liberals will say?

Nothing, because she's a Democrat...and a woman.

Hirota: out.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Some advice for Barry....

Dear Barack,

According to Jay Carney, Minister of Information, you are "disappointed" with the results, so far, of the Obamacare rollout.

And disappointed you should be!

But, let's make sure, as a true believer and, according to your own followers, the Son of God, that you focus your disappointment on the REAL issues with Obamacare.

1. Is it the 2700 page document itself which, to date, NO elected Democrat, including yourself, has read? Nope.

2. Is it the 10+ year old computer system, which not only doesn't work, but requires constant, massive maintenance? Nope.

3. Is it the VASTLY incorrect predictions of lowered premiums? Nope.

4. Is it the 11+ MILLION words of other restrictions/qualifiers/other language, NOT included in the Bill itself? Nope.

Here's the REAL problem:


Yup......THEY are the ones screwing everything up.

They complain.

They get frustrated after spending 17 hours trying to navigate the computer system, only to give up when it ultimately doesn't work.

They try to access the system, and get shut down (CERTAINLY their own fault)

Since you ARE God, you should do what you've done in the past (if you need a reminder, read the Old Testament) when people show SUCH contempt and un-appreciation for your great deeds:



Shut off their electricity. Shut off their water. Cut off their food stamps. AND their Social Security. AND their free schooling.


Anyway......that's just my humble opinion which, on bended knees, groveling, I lay at your merciful feet.

Hirota: out.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Norman Thomas was right.

We've got Obamacare, which is an unmitigated, completely out of control, disaster.

We've got the debt limit increase, stuffed with personal goodies for politicians.

We've got a Government machine-gunning the citizenry in order to get Republicans to collapse on the budget bill.

We have unprecedented, open attacks by the Federal Government on the Catholic Church.

We have a President who voted to butcher children AFTER they were born.

We've got uncontrolled agencies (IRS, NSA, others) gathering data illegally on US citizens.

We've got a Government attempting to confiscate means of self-protection and self-defense.

The US Post Office is bankrupt.

Social Security is bankrupt.

Medicare is bankrupt.

Public schools are among the lowest performing educational institutions on the planet.


The silence of the Left

...will be deafening.

I can't wait to hear more details about the "Fu** you, America" Bill...

Hirota: out.

Multiple winner!!!

So, Robert Redford, who has been awarded more than a few "Idiot of the week" awards, is recipient of another!

Congrats, Bob!

You've proven, again, that you TRULY are an idiot.

...Gridlock due to racism.....

Hirota: out.

Goodbye, McConnell.

Time to get rid of McConnell.

Not only did the Liberal Republican McConnell cave to Reid, he allowed himself to be bought.

Contained within the language of the settlement on debt is an earmark for his own state.....for a dam project.

Can someone help me with this?

How, exactly, does spending an extra $2BILLION work to REDUCE our debt?

Those who have the vote:


Elect a Conservative. THAT person will actually work to your benefit.

Hirota: out.


Thank you, Larry

What is it you STILL don't seem to understand??

An open memo to Conservative pundits:

What, exactly, is it you STILL don't understand????

You're hammering Kathleen Sebelius for the REMARKABLE, BREATHTAKING, EPIC FAIL of Obamacare (and we ain't seen NUTHIN' yet!).....calling for her resignation, speculating whether Obama will toss her......

(Something that shouldn't be a...) NEWSFLASH:

The cataclysmic failure of Obamacare is "street cred" for Liberals.

If Sebelius' next "accomplishment" is to be arrested and convicted for a serious felony, she'd be wise to run for office. To Liberals, failures and convictions would raise her to GOD status.

Congrats, Kat, you seem to be WELL on your way to Liberal immortality!

Hirota: out.

Liberal darling.....

Second only to abortion in "sacred" status, public schools are ABSOLUTELY, COMPLETELY, WHOLLY owned by the Democratic Party.

Which, of course, is why, on average, they have the poorest performance and why situations like this are now quite common (and almost completely ignored by Liberals):

But, can't really blame them....after all, Americans seem to be anxious to ignore these abuses, too.

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Catholics 1, Socialists 0

As I've said, the Socialists, currently led by Obama, have directly attacked the citizenry in an attempt to bring Conservatives to their knees.

It's failing, but what do THEY care?

So, now we have this rather HUGE win by the Catholic Church.

Where's the ACLU? Aren't they supposed to fighting for religious freedom?

Where are the other Christian churches? Don't they realize that if the government is allowed to attack one Church, it will eventually attack others?

Who prosecutes an elected official who, having sworn the oath of office, directly attacks the religious freedom of the citizenry?

And, for what it's worth, where are the secular (atheist) groups, who pride themselves in removing religion from public view? Aren't they ALL about "separation of church and state"? Isn't government's attempts to shut down Catholic worship in direct violation of that principle???

Socialists......all of them.

Hirota: out.

Liberals are Liberals everywhere....

Look at the list.

Liberals are TARGETING the citizenry in this shutdown.

Remember the Chechen (Muslim) radicals who took over a school in Beslan?

What happened when they didn't get their way?


Liberals are Liberals everywhere.

One more note about the last piece ("So")....

Keep something CLEARLY in mind, folks:

As I said, Liberals in the media, in the Republican Party and the entirety of the Democratic Party, are working VERY aggressively to condemn a small group of Conservatives for cockblocking the debt ceiling/Obamacare psychosis.

And, as I pointed out, what is happening right now is EXACTLY how our Government is SUPPOSED to work, based on the Constitution.

It's called balance.

You see, the Constitution works to create balance EVEN WHEN the citizenry becomes complacent and allows idiots like Liberals (from either side) to attempt a takeover of our country.

And let's be clear about this:



Hirota: out.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013



Conservatives fought and, for the time being, won.

Attempting to pass a bullish** debt limit increase, Boehner, along with the rest of the Liberal Republicans (I'll try to find the vote count, so that the rest of the Liberal Republicans can be exposed and defeated in the next election cycles) failed to silence the TRUE Republicans (the Conservatives).

Thank God.

The fight, however, continues.....

A couple thoughts about that:

1. Contrary to how the media will no doubt portray this (well...the media, the Democrats AND the Liberal Republicans), the government ISN'T "broken". In fact, this is EXACTLY how the Constitution mandates the government to work. It's called balance. The condemners' idea of "balance" is "do what we say and shut up!"  (It doesn't work for bullies anywhere; and that is EXACTLY what the Liberals are: BULLIES.

2. IF the government defaults, America WON'T go away. IF the government defaults, America will ABSOLUTELY end up stronger because of the default (with help from you, when you make those Liberals go away). IF the government defaults, it will be BECAUSE YOU.....REAL Americans....took stand to pull America back from the brink of collapse.

What to do now?

What can YOU do?

Keep up the heat. Make calls. Write emails. Write opinion pieces to news agencies. FIGHT. Or rather....CONTINUE FIGHTING to restore this GREAT country to it's Constitutional principles.


If they win, YOU lose. And your children lose.

The choice is yours. Yours alone.

I hope you choose wisely.

I know what I choose......

Hirota: out.

Liberals (ALL Democrats and many Republicans) vs Conservatives, 101

From the Vagabond Theorist:

“In order to maintain social control, the lives of individuals have to be stolen away. In their place, we received economic survival, the tedious existence of work and pay. We cannot buy our lives back, nor can we beg them back. Our lives will only be our own when we steal them back — and that means taking what we want without asking permission.”

I'd like to clarify part of this.....

The first part, "In order to maintain social control, the lives of individuals have to be stolen away. In their place, we received economic survival, the tedious existence of work and pay", PERFECTLY describes the America envisioned by The Democratic Party in general, Obama specifically.

The rest, however, is nearly without direction and, honestly, isn't a real solution:

"We cannot buy our lives back, nor can we beg them back. Our lives will only be our own when we steal them back — and that means taking what we want without asking permission.”

Here's how it SHOULD Conservatives:

“We cannot buy our lives back, nor can we beg them back. Our lives will only be our own when we TAKE them back — and that means doing whatever is necessary, by any means necessary, up to and including the use of violence, to take back what is RIGHTFULLY ours; given to us by God."


Now I feel a LOT better.


PLAN on losing EVERYTHING you aren't willing to fight, die or kill, for.

(Sorry for the crappy grammar)

Hirota: out.

A personal note to THE TEA PARTY


You ARE winning.

And the Socialists (Democrats, establishment Republicans, the media....) KNOW IT.

....and they are scared.

Good news? I doubt it.

A more Conservative America?

Forgive me my pessimism folks, but, to me, this is like owning a Ferrari and never taking it out of first gear.

The Silent Majority.

That's what they call us.

And there's a reason: we are silent.

We don't act to preserve our freedoms or liberties.

We don't defend our Constitution.

We don't prevent the spread of Socialism.

America is where America is because of two things:

1. A VERY active Socialist minority movement
2. A complacent Conservative "silent majority"

It takes BOTH to lose a country.

Hirota: out.

Milligram minds in a megaton world

Just had to pass this along.....everyone needs a laugh in the morning


FYI to the idiot (establishment) Republicans:

The Democrats win and Americans LOSE if ANY concessions are made in the debt deal.

A couple quick reminders:

- Democrats are targeting the citizenry, attempting to bring YOU to your knees (and Americans along with you). This tactic ISN'T working.

- The Democrats are playing "Chechen rebels" (opening fire on the kids when they don't get their way) and it ISN'T working.

- The Government has been shut down for a while now......AND AMERICA IS STILL HERE.

- Because of the shutdown, we've cut 17% from our budget. WE DON'T NEED AN INCREASE IN THE DEBT CEILING.

- Based on the events yesterday (the million vet march), Americans seem to be getting along just fine. In fact, this "crisis" is inspiring citizens to act.....THANK GOD!


You make a deal on this, you'll be OUT in the next election cycle.

Count on it.

Hirota: out.

PS- If you need a road map on "how to be popular with the people":

(to paraphrase Biden):

Three words:  TED CRUZ.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


I complain a LOT about Obamacare and immigration issues.

No real secret about how I feel.

And, sometimes, even the Republicans grow a pair (albeit, a really tiny pair....) and attempt to stop the march of Socialism (you know....The Democratic Party) through these two issues.

And in reaction, the Socialists accuse Republicans of having no solutions.


Want to fix healthcare in a way that a) makes sense, b) would work, c) would HUGELY reduce costs and d) wouldn't require 3000 pages?

Two steps:

1. Allow privately-insured people to purchase insurance from ANY state of their choosing. IMMEDIATELY, healthcare costs would come down.

2. Tort reform. Control the lawsuits, which would reduce the need for "defensive medicine", which account for 80% of all healthcare costs.

Just those two steps, folks. That's all we'd need.

Regarding illegal immigration?

Amnesty? NO. Stupid, Socialist idea.

Here's how to fix:

1. Entitlement reform (even European nations are beginning to cut illegals off from freebies). The idea is simple: take the cookies out of the cookie jar.

2. Simplify the path to citizenry. Aren't we supposed to be living in the computer age, or something? How long does a background check take? A week? Two? Three? There's NO reason that it should take 5-10 YEARS to gain citizenship.

Two simple fixes. Both would work. Both would help people....ESPECIALLY THOSE IN MOST NEED. Both are fiscally sound (and likely revenue-positive).

BUT....neither will be done because BOTH sides aren't about helping people, building things that work or being fiscally responsible.

BOTH sides are about taking your money and controlling you.

And it will be this way until we, as Americans, get off our fat asses and stop them by ANY means necessary.

You out framers did.....

Hirota: out.


The latest from the "I'm too stupid to have a real job, so I got elected instead" file:

Of course, Boehner isn't alone.

ANYONE in favor of ANOTHER debt ceiling increase should be recalled or otherwise tossed from office. Period.

Folks, we are currently living in a country that just hacked off 17% of it's spending......AND WE'RE STILL HERE.

Forget about debt ceilings, which exist ONLY to a) require MORE of YOUR money and b) create an unlimited spending spree for politicians.....who'll use the money to go on luxury vacations, NOT pay taxes, etc...

So.....while you are working your ass off to try to make ends meet, the idiot YOU elected....the person who is supposed to be working for living high in luxury on YOUR dime.


Hirota: out.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Idiot meter...... does the idiot meter read today?
lessee......Obama's approval rating is at 37%.

So, 37% of Americans are STILL complete idiots.

Hirota: out.

More shutdown....

So, now, the Liberals are refusing to pay death benefits to the families of fallen soldiers...

     Dear fallen soldier (baby killer):
             Thank you for dying for our freedom. 
             And to your families: F*** YOU!
     Hugs and kisses, 

Hirota: out

What people SHOULD be learning about the "shutdown" (but won't, because......)

(...because the media WON'T be talking about it and people, in general, won't take the time to reason it out....)

1. 83% of the Government is still functioning.....which means that we've, in effect, cut the budget by 17%.....and America is STILL here. Think about it folks.....Liberals are CONSTANTLY raising the debt ceiling, claiming that we MUST spend more money and collect more taxes. Yet, right now, we just cut the budget by 17% (of $4.4 TRILLION, which is, what, around $750 BILLION?). Congratulations, America! I guess the Liberals were wrong again (frankly, I am shocked...)

2. Of the Government parts that ARE shut down, has anyone noticed that they are ALL aimed at voters? Obama's gym is still open for biz, but Amber alert is (was) shut down. National Parks, memorials, etc......anything to which regular folks have access is the target of the shutdown. This makes me think about two things:
      - If more of the government were privatized (like the Constitution mandates), we wouldn't have these issues.
      - Liberals, again, remind me of radicals such as the Chechen Muslim extremists who took over a school in soon as they figured out that they weren't going to get their way, they just opened fire on the children. Liberals are alike everywhere....

Folks, the longer the shutdown, the larger the argument for cutting government....

....and the Liberals KNOW it; which is why they are opening fire on YOU.

Hirota: out.


Thanks, Jerry, for bringing abortions back to the "back alley" days.

On a side note, women will now be at FAR higher risk of serious injury and death.

.....which, of course, Liberals will blame on Republicans....

Hirota: out.

Typical consequences of Liberal stupidity

Ya know what DOES stop bullies?

A SEVERE ass kicking delivered by some brave kid.

All the legislation in the we see over and over.....isn't going to stop the behavior.

An serious whooping will.

Hirota: out.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The (likely) news you (ABSOLUTELY) won't hear....

So, as the story unfolds, turns out that the nutcase who was shot attempting to storm the White House was delusional.

What a...uh.....shock.

And, an even bigger shock, turns out she was obsessed with Barry. You everyone else who supports him. (I can't think of better proof of an unstable mind).

Black woman.

Obama worshipper.


Yup...that's the Democrat profile.

Hirota: out.

(PS- Turns out that we don't have mental illness screening for drivers licenses, either......)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

See how it works?

Good ol' Wasserman-Schultz.....

You can always depend on two things:

1. Deb will let you know what the Liberals are REALLY all about
2. The people who support her are BREATHTAKINGLY stupid

Get it?

YOU don't matter.

As long as Democrats can F*** over the GOP, they win.

That is the ONLY thing that matters.

Once again (since you Liberals, reading this blog, are just too stupid to get it the first....or really, ANY, time....):




Any questions? Comments?


.....I didn't think so....

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thank you, Democrats, for our public schools....

Want to read MORE?

This moron is a University professor....

She's black.....go figure.

Folks, IDIOTS like this are teaching YOUR children!

Hirota: out.


A note to the 12:

You give up the fight, you are gone in the next election.

Is that simple enough to understand?

Hirota: out.

The Shooting Gallery (October 2, 2013)

How Democrats want this to play out:

Intruder approaches woman.

Intruder rapes woman.

Intruder ransacks house.

IF intruder doesn't kill woman:

Woman calls the police.

MAYBEEEEE the intruder is found, convicted and serves 5 years in prison. (average jail time served for rape)

More likely, though:

Rapist never caught. If caught, not convicted.

Rapist goes free after little or no time served.

Woman psychologically damaged for life....

ALL because she wasn't allowed to legally possess a gun, thanks to Democrats.

See, ladies?

The Democrats really DO care about you.

Oh.....wait......sorry....they really care about the rapist.

Hirota: out.