Monday, February 19, 2018

THE inconvenient truth.

“In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”
C.S. LewisThe Abolition of Man

-       For some seventy years, our children have been taught to disrespect authority; whatever the form. Government, police, teachers, bosses, parents…. our children, many of whom are adults now, are brought up in a culture of disrespect and are told that disrespect is a quality to be admired.

-       Madonna, Che Guevara, Miley Cyrus, “Chelsea” Manning……our children are told that these people are heroes. HEROES. The previous generations? Bill Ayers, Timothy Leary, Jane Fonda…

-       For some seventy years, our children are told that they can make ANY choice they want, without fear of consequence and without ANY personal responsibility.
o   Want to abuse drugs? No problem….the state will provide the needles.
o   Want to be promiscuous? No problem….if something happens, blame the unborn child, then kill it.
o   Want to kill someone? No problem…..blame your upbringing, blame the gun, blame society. Then, become a cult hero.
And, legislatively, we have set up, in official terms, the release of personal responsibility.

-       For seventy-odd years, we have taught our children that the exercise of their rights is more important than the rights of others. In other words, they can make ANY choice, whether or not that choice violates the rights of others. The greatest example of this is, of course, abortion.

-       For seventy-plus years, there has been a systematic attack on “family”; Welfare, “single motherhood”, “gay” marriage, etc, are all designed to diminish the core unit of a successful society. Without family, core values, morality, respect for others, are absent. Without family, the state becomes the moral compass, the state becomes the teacher of core values, the state becomes “family”.

-       For some seventy years, our children are taught that winning is unfair, that participation is the same as winning and that no one loses.

No family.
No moral compass.
No values.
No personal responsibility.
No consequences.

And, today, we, somehow, cannot fathom how tragedies like Parkland happen.