Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year'

No real surprise here, folks. TIME Magazine's "Person of the Year" was awarded to 'The Protester'.

As in The Occupy movement, and various protests around the world.

So......I got to thinking........and then did some looking.....

"Person of the Year (formerly Man of the Year) is an annual issue of the United States news magazine that features and profiles a person, couple, group, idea, place, or machine that 'for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year.'"

Such is the criterion by which Time claims to qualify their selection.

Two words come to mind: "Bull" and "Sh**".

You might think that the "Person of the Year" for 2010 ought to have been a BLINDINGLY obvious choice, but alas... was Mark Zuckerberg.

No doubt, Zuckerberg does fit the criterion.

But PLEASE don't tell me that he was MORE influential that year than "THE TEA PARTY MOVEMENT"!

This is the group that inspired the nation to achieve the greatest turnover in American politics in history.

Yet, EVEN though TIME would consider this feat to represent the "for worse" part of their criterion, found fit leave them behind.

No great surprise.....

Hirota: out

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