Can someone PLEASE explain to me WHY there's so much talk about Joe Biden? You'd think that, after ALL these years, "the people" would finally get it.....
Joe Biden is an idiot. He's very decidely NOT smart. He's about the dullest knife in the drawer. If you doubled his IQ, it STILL wouldn't hit triple digits....
So....WHY does that really surprise anyone?
After all, here's a guy who Liberal pols and pundits say is every bit as nuanced and sagely as any Kennedy, Obama, Pelosi,, Reid, either Clinton or Jimma Carter.
And, folks.....make NO mistake.....those Liberal pols and pundits ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!
Joe, in all his eloquence (heck, at least he's able to speak without a Teleprompter...), says EXACTLY what EVERY Liberal says......he just doesn't attempt to mince words.
His "put y'all back in chains" is no less offensive or revealing than Robert Byrd's "white nigger" comments.
His "20th century" gaffe is certainly no worse than Obama's "57 states" gaffe, is it?
He's an abysmally stupid, misinformed dunce whom other Liberals praise as a GOD! My lord, they elevated him to the #2 post in the country! THAT is how much they lionize the man!
And yet, he remains JUST a Liberal: stupid, ignorant, misinformed.
Hirota: out.
1 comment:
All true....and yet, what a kick-in-the-pants it would be to have a beer with him. I'll bet that he would keep one in stitches with all of his lies and anecdotes....As much of a moron as he is, Joe would be entertaining!
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