Friday, September 28, 2012


So....Obama spokesidiot, Jan Psaki, said today that Obama is simply TOO busy to prep for upcoming debates with Mitt Romney.

Show of hands, folks....who believes that???

No, Jan......he's not too busy. In fact, I'd be willing to wager that Obama is spending nearly 100% of his time prepping for these debates.

First step: learn how to be President.

Second, learn something....ANYTHING....about the Constitution.

Third: learn something......AGAIN, ANYTHING....about foreign policy.

Steps 4-10: learn how to speak without the aid of a Teleprompter.

My God.....

What is happening right now, with respect to Obama and these debates is much like a student pulling an "all-nighter", studying for a test in a class he never showed-up to.....

Our president: IDIOT.

Hirota: out.

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