Friday, November 30, 2012

The ugly truth

It is said, of alcoholics and drug addicts, that the only true path to sobriety happens AFTER the person hits rock bottom.

With regard to the fiscal cliff, Republicans should simply walk away from the process, leaving the Democrats to do with our dollars ANYTHING they wish.

Is this surrender? Is this raising the white flag?

Certainly not.

Rather, it is the realization that America is now a drug-dependent society; that drug being government handouts.

And, like ANY other form of addiction, the ONLY path to sobriety begins when the bottom has been reached.

Surrender? No.

Expediting the true American reformation?


Hirota: out.

1 comment:

Jerry Klein said...

That's an excellent analogy Tim. It's what the American people voted for in the last election and it's what we shall have, like it or not.