Thursday, December 27, 2012

Only a couple days to go.....


There are only a few precious days left in the year, and you seem to be letting a damn Brit steal the coveted "Most STUPID human on the planet" award.

This award is practically an American tradition, from Sean Penn, Rosie O'Donnell, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton (a dual award...her and Bill), NARAL, NOW, Jeanine Garofolo, Harry Belafonte, Moragn Freeman, Brad Pitt, Alan Grayson, Jesse Jackson, Nancy Pelosi.......

ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON.......Liberal Americans, from every corner of their cesspool, line up to capture the title.

....and yet, with only a couple days to go, looks like Piers Morgan is going to be a SLAM-DUNK winner.

I can't fathom a more stupid statement than, not only what USUALLY comes out of his useless pie hole, his statement today about "gay marriage". Suggesting that the Bible and the Constitution are "inherently flawed", said the moron Morgan, in a conversation with Rick Warren:

“Both the Bible and the Constitution were well intentioned but they are basically, inherently flawed. Hence, the need to amend it.”

“My point to you about gay rights, for example, it’s time for an amendment to the Bible.”
Personally, I think we've got a winner. IN fact, I think Morgan may have hit some kind of record....

THE most stupid statement in history.

This is the stuff of legends, folks!

Back to reality:

NO, the Constitution ISN'T "flawed".
NO, the Bible ISN'T "flawed".

The definition of "marriage" WILL NEVER CHANGE, no matter HOW Liberals attempt to destroy it's meaning.

Oh, sure, Americans may continue their frank ignorance and vote for something as useless as "gay marriage", but it will not last.  It never does.

No, the only thing "flawed" about the Constitution OR the Bible are the interpretations of those who are intent on rendering them meaningless.

You know.....LIBERALS.

Hirota: out.

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