Friday, February 1, 2013

The message is clear....

An unborn child has now been clearly Sandra Fluke, spokes-thing for the DNC.

Speaking on the contraceptive coverage in Obamacare (her favorite topic, since she lead the charge from the Left which sought to force taxpayers to subsidize her sexcapades), said Fluke:

"What's important to note is that some of the folks who are continuing to object to this policy are actually worried about employers who are private companies, not religiously affiliated employers in any way, but the boss has a particular religious concern, and they want to be able to deny their employees particular types of healthcare. Now if you take a step back and think about that, that's--you know, you work at a restaurant, you work at a store, and your boss is able to deny you leukemia coverage, or contraception coverage, or blood transfusions, or any number of medical concerns that someone might have a religious objection to. So the folks who are still objecting have some very extreme ideas about religious freedom and employee healthcare in this country."

An unborn child = cancer.

Jeeeez.....where Bill Clinton when you need him?? HE'D shut her up, one way or another!

(And he'd STILL be beloved by NARAL and NOW...)

Hirota: out.

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