Friday, March 29, 2013

Ho hum.......

....just another garden variety Liberal......whose actions other garden variety Liberals will defend....

What? Nothing to say, Liberals? 

.....go ahead....insert thumb....

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thank you, "J", for this....

Check this out, folks.....

Now that this little piece of news is out, the collective response from Liberals will be:


From "Judicial Watch":

Obama Daughters are Michelle's 'Senior Staffers'

Michelle was caught cheating on her expense report. What a show of arrogance!

This information was obtained by Judicial Watch March, 2012. The administration had to be sued to get this through the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT.

Michelle Obama listed daughters as 'Senior Staffers' to justify her expensive African vacation and safari.

October 5, 2011, Judicial Watch said the U.S. Air Force provided a C-32 ( a Boeing 757 ), modified by the military for the purpose of flying big-wigs around the world, to fly the First Lady and her entourage to and from Africa , at a cost of $424,142. Another $928.44 was listed as 'bulk food' costs per meal for the192 on board meals for the 21 people who made the trip. Lobster ain't cheap when you fly it around the world.

The Obama daughters were listed on the manifest as senior staff. 'This trip was as much an opportunity for the Obama family to go on a safari as it was a trip to conduct government business,' said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. 'This junket wasted tax dollars and the resources of our over extended military. No wonder we had to sue to pry loose this information.' The nation is suffering with the economy sputtering, the national debt soaring and Obama's economic rescue policies not only failing, but actively making things worse.

Meanwhile, the First Lady justifies an expensive trip to Africa to take a vacation and safari with her daughters by saying it's 'official business' and even going so far as to list her children as staffers. The level of arrogance and dishonesty on display here is nothing short of shocking.

But, 'hope for change' - when?

It's a true story. Check out these links and read it for yourself:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Let's get something straight, here.....

...and yes, that WAS an intended pun....

With "gay marriage" being weighed in the Supreme Court, I'm compelled to clear a couple things un-muddy the waters (where Liberals prefer to reside...):

Irrespective of how this SCOTUS decision may come down, marriage doesn't change.

It never has and it never will.

In those times when multiple marriages, etc, were acceptable, marriage, the TRUE definition, never changed.

Let's say, for instance, that some other idiot Liberal group (I know...redundant...) decided to wage a campaign to change the legal definition of a car. Let's say that, instead of calling it a car, they fought, and won the right, to call it a "garden".

Would that legality change the nature of "car"?


And neither would "gay marriage" change the nature of marriage.

Roe v Wade, although legally changed the definition of "human", it didn't, hasn't and won't change the truth of humanity.

In simplest terms, "gay marriage" does not, and cannot exist; no more than I, a heterosexual, could suddenly call myself "homosexual". Definitionally, regardless of ANY legal action, it isn't a possibility.

So, win the Socialists may. After all, this same ideology, not so many years ago, legally changed the definition of "human", and, as a result, have butchered over 54 MILLION Americans.

No folks, the REAL intent to "gay marriage" has NOTHING to do with marriage; just like the REAL intent of "Roe v Wade" has NOTHING to do with "women's rights".

The intent of BOTH is five-fold:

1. Destruction of "family". Pure and simple, the more grotesquely the legal definition of marriage is bastardized ( pun intended), the more the nature of "family" is rendered, socially, worthless. This leads to the intermediate goal:

2. Destruction of "God".  Without "God", there is NO such thing as "unalienable rights". Without "unalienable rights", the Government, taking the place of God, decides which of us is equal. Which leads, finally, to...

3. The Socialization of America. Marxism CANNOT exist where "family" and "God" are strong. Weaken, or eliminate God and family, the way is cleared for Marxism. (Ask Hitler and worked for them...)

4. Also, as with ALL Liberal legislation, "gay marriage" serves to place the consequences and responsibilities of a BEHAVIORAL the shoulders of the choice-makers, and squarely ON the shoulders of society. (Keep in mind that, to date, "homosexuality" is NOT a genetic reality but, rather, a behavioral choice. Therefore, it is NOT the same, as Liberals would try to have you believe, as women's voting rights, race-based rights, etc).

5. If decided in favor of "gays", this decision opens the door to all manner of Liberal wet dreams, including multiple marriage, bestial marriage, incestuous marriage, statutory marriage, etc.

Now, although Liberals will not respond to this piece (because they are wrong, they know it, and they are cowards), they will refer to me as "homophobic".

By way of official response, to those Liberals: (yawn)

Don't worry, folks. If the "gays" get there way, it STILL won't be marriage.

In fact, it NEVER will be.


To quote Pope Francis I on "gay marriage": "Let’s not be naive: this isn’t a simple political fight, it’s an attempt to destroy God’s plan"

To this, I would add, "...and replace it with Karl Marx's..."

Hirota: out.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Also in the news....

More Liberals shenanagnas....

PAPER: PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its headquarters last year...

Almost 90% of those they took in...

I guess the only logical conclusion is:

If you REALLY care about animals, make PETA go away....

Hirota: out.

Did you see the news?

Russia flies nuclear bombers near US bases in Asia for four time since June...

Official White House response?

....insert thumb.

Hirota: out.

Prepare for a dramatic increase in Socialist (Liberal) hostility...

The Pope is making noises like a true Conservative...

...which, of course means that, if true, Pope Francis I is a TRUE Catholic (as opposed to ANY Liberal who claims to be Catholic...).

Show me a "Liberal Catholic", and I'll show you a Liberal.

Hirota: out.


...why, do you  suppose, the mainstream media is COMPLETELY disinterested in this story:

After all, an abortionist promotes THEIR agenda.
After all, the killing of BORN children promotes OBAMA'S agenda.

So....WHY? Why is this story being ignored by Liberals?

Isn't it obvious enough?

There are TWO reasons:

1. THIS is the natural consequence of Liberalism (Socialism).
2. This is EXACTLY what Liberals want....LOTS of dead children, born and unborn.

Hirota: out.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Applying some Liberal logic (which means that what I'm about to say possesses NO logic, whatsoever...), it's too bad that Pope Francis I isn't a philandering, spineless Liberal white guy...

...because, if he WERE all this, The Democratic Party could call him "the first black pope".

...just like the REAL "first black president", Bill Clinton.

Hirota: out

The silence is deafening!

Liberals? Hello? HELLLLLLLOOOOO?????

Where ARE you, Liberals?

All you idiots who, when President Bush was in office, wailed and hand-rung about how invasive Government was becoming?  Homeland security, wiretaps, etc....

You brought lawsuits against the Federal Government....


Now, that YOUR savior has cleared the way for ALL US intelligence agencies to access, without consent, ALL Americans' financial information?

Now, that YOUR savior's Justice Department, under Holder, has cleared the way to use drones to attack American citizens?

Now, that YOUR savior includes, as part of his screening process for new General officers, asks them whether they would, if given the order, open fire on US citizens?

Now, that YOUR savior, with these actions, has rendered meaningless Posse Comitatus?

Liberals, where are you? Are you THAT cowardly? Are you THAT blindly obedient?

My God, it would seem that the Democratic Party should dump the donkey emblem and, instead, adopt a SHEEP.....BENT OVER.

Hirota: out.

Pope Francis I

A few headlines.....

And....from Liberals....

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


More later, but there's a new Pope.....

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio from Argentina is now Pope Francis.

Early reports seem to indicate a VERY Conservative person....anti-abortion, anti-gay-marriage, etc.

Sadly, so far, Liberals will be VERY upset; especially those who claim to be Catholic (you know....the pro-gay-marriage, pro-big-government, pro-abortion Catholics....).

So far.....THANK YOU, GOD!

Hirota: out.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The proof, so it would seem, is QUITE OBVIOUSLY in....

Recently, in the state of Colorado, a couple pieces of new 'Americana' have made the news.

First, the senate in Colorado has approved a a sweeping gun control law which comes close, in function, to an outright ban on nearly EVERY type of gun manufactured. Now, although I cannot IMAGINE that this psychotic law will stand the Constitutional test, I'm no longer prepared to ANYTHING is too stupid or bizarre to believe. (After all, Obama was re-elected...).

Then, in a classic Liberal pro-discrimination move, the state has forwarded legislation to the Governor's desk legalizing gay "civil unions".
.....and I thought only California was THAT idiotic...

So, as you can well and easily see, Colorado is going the way of California where common sense is legally banned and the criminals run the prison.

Oh...and "the proof"?

If it isn't clear by now, MARIJUANA MAKES YOU STUPID.

...they don't call it "dope" for nothing...

Hirota: out.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The message is clear...

State Senator Evie Hudak (DEMOCRAT, go figure...) told rape survivor Amanda Collins that having a gun would not have done her any good.

Said the idiot Hudak:

“I just want to say, statistics are not on your side, even if you had had a gun. You said that you were a martial arts student, I mean person, experience in taekwondo, and yet because this individual was so large and was able to overcome you even with your skills, and chances are that if you had had a gun, then he would have been able to get than from you and possibly use it against you …”

Since no one in either the media OR the Democratic Party OR N.O.W. OR ANY of the other Liberal feminist groups out there seem to be saying much of ANYTHING against Hudak, it's safe to assume that they are all good with it.

So the message, from the DNC, from NOW, from the media, is CLEAR:


As a Conservative, I'd like to offer a rebuttal....




(Remember, this is the ONLY way criminals will learn NOT to commit crimes. Liberals would rather teach criminals that crime is easy, safe and profitable.)

Hirota: BANG!

Oh....and on a more personal note: Hudak, you are an IDIOT.