Recently, in the state of Colorado, a couple pieces of new 'Americana' have made the news.
First, the senate in Colorado has approved a a sweeping gun control law which comes close, in function, to an outright ban on nearly EVERY type of gun manufactured. Now, although I cannot IMAGINE that this psychotic law will stand the Constitutional test, I'm no longer prepared to ANYTHING is too stupid or bizarre to believe. (After all, Obama was re-elected...).
Then, in a classic Liberal pro-discrimination move, the state has forwarded legislation to the Governor's desk legalizing gay "civil unions".
.....and I thought only California was THAT idiotic...
So, as you can well and easily see, Colorado is going the way of California where common sense is legally banned and the criminals run the prison.
Oh...and "the proof"?
If it isn't clear by now, MARIJUANA MAKES YOU STUPID.
...they don't call it "dope" for nothing...
Hirota: out.
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