Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The remarkable thing is......


Well....the remarkable things are.....

- I thought that Obamacare was SO VERY necessary? I thought Americans REALLYREALLYREALLY needed it RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND!?!? Now, it's been delayed....again.....for what, the 4th time?

- Breathtakingly stupid people are going vote for these Democrats ANYWAY, even KNOWING that this is merely a delay tactic intended to get votes

- THE BIGGY: This is an admission by the Democrats that Obamacare is a COLOSSAL FAIL! And yet, they support it, protect it and expand it. And now, in order to maintain their absolute, tyrannical control, they withhold it from the needy.

Democrat voters: you are owned. You might as well be slaves.

Hirota: out.

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