Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nancy and Harry

Nancy Pelosi just made my day. Here's some of what she said:

“To succeed, we must inspire, educate and remove obstacles to participation. Only by changing our political environment and broadening the universe of the electorate can we build a strong sense of community and an economy that works for everyone,”
You see, folks, the problem with Tuesday's election was.....VOTER SUPPRESSION!

And, I suppose she IS right in one sense: we DID somewhat suppress the dead vote, the illegal vote and the multiple in 100%...Democrat, BTW.

AND....along with Harry Reid, she wants to remain in control of the House!

I think that's GREAT!!!!!  Why?

She and Harry, BOTH, helped get the Democrats' collective ass handed to them.

So ABSOLUTELY, Nancy and Harry.....PLEASE stay in power. We are going to need you in 2016!

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