Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Supremes' supreme ignorance

Yep, science.

Not unlike in '73, when the Supremes completely ignored the human rights issue in the abortion debate, the "gay marriage" decision also blatantly ignores science.

(Personally, I find it curious that Liberals....ever accusing the Right of being in "science denial", deny science on issues like homosexuality, reproductive genetics and historical global climate patterns.)

I digress....

With the blogosphere alight with "gay pride", one thing is PAINFULLY clear: most of the folks, on both sides of the issue, haven't a CLUE as to the nature of the debate. So, here we go:

1. The Human Genome Project was concluded in 2006, having mapped the entirety of the human genome. Before, during and since, Liberals have hoping to find "the gay gene". To date, no such gene has been found. The body of science is, ultimately, inconclusive. However, SOME science DOES seem to indicate a "genetic predisposition" to homosexuality, though this, too, remains inconclusive.
Therefore, based on current, relevant science, homosexuality remains a behavioral choice.

A behavioral choice, folks.

2. Throughout the history of our culture, "marriage" has been specifically defined and, although there have been those who have worked feverishly to redefine it, marriage remains unchanged in its definition. No Supreme Court decision will change that (just like no Supreme Court decision will redefine "homosexual". It's a definitional thing).

3. The Supremes' decision to legalize "gay marriage" in all states accomplishes two primary things:
First, relieves "gays" of the consequences of their behavioral choice and forces society to assume those consequences. Second, it violates states' rights sovereignty and makes "gay marriage" a federal issue (they did the same in Roe).

4. Although there is language....sort of....making allowances for "religious freedoms", in actual practice, the First Amendment's religious freedoms have been rendered meaningless. THAT battle is one we will see IMMEDIATELY and continually from this point forward.

So, in one decision, the Supremes have alleviated personal responsibility, taken on the role of Meriam-Webster, relegated states' rights to the trash heap and rendered the First Amendment meaningless.

But, there are FAR deeper issues here, folks.


In 2011 (and far earlier than that, in other blogs and letters-to-the-editor), I've warned of the consequences associated with the legalization of "gay marriage":

And repeated that warning many times since:

This IS the "slippery slope", folks. First "gay marriage", then multiple, incestuous, bestial, etc...

It is only a matter of time.

Check these out:

ALL of this leads to the one thing essential to a Marxist state: the destruction of the family.

It is ABSOLUTELY clear, throughout history, that the destruction of the family, along with the destruction of the concept of God, the destruction of private property rights (hello "Kelo") and the confiscation of private firearms lead to one...ONLY...conclusion:


This week, we witnessed two GIANT steps toward that end.

The only question that remains is this:


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