No pun intended, folks...
So, Fidel stated today that "new leaders" must fix the Cuban economy.
FIX the Cuban economy???? What on earth is wrong with the Cuban economy? Don't they have the greatest healthcare in the world (this according to Liberals...and Michael Moore)? Aren't they the world's champions of human rights (this according to Liberals...and Michael Moore)? Isn't this the place that has 100% employment (this according to Liberals....and Michael Moore)? ( least they DID have 100% employment, until the government laid off half the population...).
Michael? Michael?
...he must be busy making another gripping, fact-rich, well-rounded (again: no pun intended), balanced documentary about it...
OK, now this one is truly funny. However, wouldn't it be nice if our Federal government started laying off workers instead of always raising our taxes. I'd be OK with that!
And, what you point out only proves that this administration isn't even as smart as Castro''s THAT for pathetic!
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