Alec Baldwin should be in the "Idiot Hall of Fame", along with Sean Penn, Jeanine Garofolo and Babs Streisand. These particular Liberals just seem to say breathtakingly stupid things FAR more often than the regular old garden variety Liberals, who only occasionally open their mouths, thus proving their stupidity.
Baldwin was at it again this week, with this whopper:
"Well, I mean, I think so because I think that when you come into office and you want to put your mark on things -- this is just my opinion, when you want to put your mark on things, you want to be able to spend. And what’s crippled Obama's administration, as far as I’m concerned, is the financial crisis and it’s prevented him from doing any new spending"
Anyone looking for that "silver lining" on this stormy, Liberal-caused economy? Well.....Baldwin just provided it!
Hirota: out.
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