Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The piece I hope I DON'T end up writing....

The House vote on the raising of the debt ceiling is coming to a vote very soon (within about a week).

Of course, you already ought to know where the Democrats faithful Socialists, they want an unlimited debt ceiling so that they can spend YOU into oblivion; bankrupting the nation and irreparably sinking our economy. REMEMBER, folks, that this is EXACTLY why you voted them out of office in November, 2010.

What is COMPLETELY unforgivable is the fact that 20 REPUBLICANS are in favor of raising the debt limit. In addition to that, another group remains "undecided"...which means "I'm a Liberal and I'm going to wait to see who'll pay what for my vote".

Here's the list:

In favor of raising the debt ceiling:
Spencer Bachus AL-06
Kevin McCarthey CA-22
Peter Roskam IL-06
Robert Dold IL-10
Aaron Schock IL-18
Mike Pompeo KS-04
Hal Rogers KY-05
Dave Camp MI-04
Rick Berg ND-00
Charles Bass NH-02
Peter King NY-03
Michael Grimm NY-13
John Beohner OH-08
Jim Rennaci OH-16
James Lankford OK-05
Tom Marino PA-10
Sam Johnson TX-03
Eric Cantor VA-07
Paul Ryan WI-01
Thomas Petri WI-06


Joe Bonner AL-01
Rick Crawford AR-01
Tim Griffin AR-02
Ben Quayle AZ-03
David Drier CA-26
Duncan Hunter CA-52
Steve Southerland FL-02
Rich Nugent FL-05
John Mica FL-07
Gus Billrakis FL-09
Sandy Adams FL-24
Rob Woodall GA-07
Austin Scott GA-08
Todd Young IN-09
Jeoff Davis KY-04
Bill Cassidy LA-06
Chip Cravaack MN-08
Sam Graves MO-06
Jo Ann Emerson MO-08
Renee Ellmers NC-02
Patrick McHenry NC-10
Jeff Fortenberry NE-01
Adrian Smith NE-03
Jon Runyan NJ-03
Joe Heck NV-03
Nan Hayworth NY-19
Chris Gibson NY-20
Michael Turner OH-03
Steven La Tourette OH-14
Greg Walden OR-02
Mike Fitzpatrick PA-08
Todd Platts PA-19
Scott Desjarlais TN-05
Diane Black TN-06
Mac Thornberry TX-13
Rob Wittman VA-01
Randy Forbes VA-04
Morgan Griffith VA-09
Doc Hastings WA-04

AS I continue to caution: Liberty MUST be constantly defended. Your vote in November, as important as it was, means NOTHING if you refuse to continue to fight Socialism in America.

These "Republicans" MUST HEAR FROM YOU. NEVER compromise on principle! Let THEM know that YOU will not allow THEM to compromise, either.

Liberties, folks: only fight for the ones you want to keep.......

BTW, as to the title of this piece "The piece I hope I DON'T end up writing": if this vote ends up handing a gigantic financial cookie jar to the Socialists, there will be NO ONE to blame but ourselves.....because, as the saying goes, "...good men did nothing"

Hirota: out

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