Tuesday, March 22, 2011

From "The Patriot Post"

Top 10 Rejected Obama Mission Names

Apparently the White House tossed out a number of perfectly good names before arriving at "Operation Odyssey Dawn":

10.Operation Nine Months In The Senate Didn't Prepare Me For This
9. Operation Organizing for Libya
8. Operation Double Standard
7. Operation FINE! I'll Do Something
6. Operation Enduring Narcissism
5. Operation So That's What the Red Button Does
4. Operation France Backed Me Into A Corner
3. Operation Start Without Me
2. Operation Unlike Bush Wars This One Is Justified Because Hey Look A Squirrel
1. Operation Aimless Fury

Hirotanote: "Operation Enduring Freedom", "Operation Desert Shield", "Operation Desert Storm"........these mission names have meaning, as do the missions themselves.

"Operation Odyssey Dawn"?

Well.....it would seem that the mission name SHOULD reflect the mission (and, for that matter, the man himself): neither the mission name, the mission nor the man make any sense

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