Because, evidently, voters STILL just don't get it, Liberals remind us, through their actions, WHY we should take more time to understand....TRULY UNDERSTAND....issues and candidates BEFORE we vote on them.
On display, right now in Wisconsin, is Liberalism in it's truest form. Now that Governor Walker and Republicans have found a way to vote on the Public Union collective bargaining issue, while Democrats continue to hide under rocks, Liberals are acting out like the petulent children they are.
Republicans are now receiving death threats and Public Unions are now threatening businesses with boycotts is those businesses do not join them in protesting against Governor Walker.
Remember, folks, that this is the Party that claims to be "for the people", "the party of peace", "the party of fairness", "the party of individual rights", "the party of choice".
In truth, they are NONE OF THE ABOVE. Rather, they are the party "you'll do it my way or you're dead".
Hirota: out.
We need to find another term rather than "public union collective bargaining." Because it is not really "bargaining." It is in fact collective extortion or collective bribery of legislators. How about public union collective thugery?
Junior, you are absolutely correct. It IS extortion. So that, from this point forward, is what I'll call it. (If I happen to forget, please do remind me!)
Thanks for the comments!
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