Obama's worshippers in the media got their wish: Obama has, with the crisis in the Middle East (which, in reality, is only a crisis because of Obama's feckless leadership....think Kennedy/Cuban Missile Crisis), been handed an opportunity to show the world what kind of leader he really is.
And, boy....has he showed 'em!
There's an old saying that "it's better to be thought of as a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt".
This is the "action" version of that quote.
Obama has already been relegated to "go sit in the corner...children should be seen but not heard" status by the world leadership. Now, with his bumbling antics in Lybia, his childish behavior is on full display. No WONDER no one takes him seriously...
But, there's a down side, folks.
In his pathetic rules of engagement, no populated centers will be attacked. ONLY places of "military value", FAR from cities, will be listed as potential targets. NO ground forces will be committed.
...and, as he SHOULD have learned from the past, fighting with these types of rules of engagement is like claiming to be half-pregnant.
So, because there IS precedent to Obama's "Bush Moment" bumbling, I'd like to make a prediction:
Ground forces WILL be necessary. They might not end up being ours, but someone from the coalition will have to take an actual leadership role in Obama's War For Oil.
Why will ground forces be needed? Simple:
Lybian military forces (along with their new ally, al Qaeda), especially now that they know that we won't be fighting in populated areas, will move to populated areas, terrorize the citizenry, and FORCE the coalition to either surrender or go fight them on their turf.
BTW, the reason the enemy knows all this is because a) they DO study history and b) our blithering-idiot-in-chief announced his war plan.
Hirota: out.
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