Stimulus: response.
Stimulus: response.
Stimulus: response...
Egypt blows up: Obama hosts a concert at the White House.
Lybia blows up: Obama goes golfing.
Nearly the whole of the Middle East erupts in violent protest, pleading for America's help: Obama picks b-ball games.
Allied forces (with the exception of America) FINALLY respond to Lybia: Obama parties in Rio...
Obama, along with rest of his administration of academics, has completely checked out. His presidency, thus far (especially lately) has been like a Haight-Ashbury commune, where every day is a drug-induced delusion, whose "family" dreams in color, incapable of contemplating anything more significant than their own belly buttons...
And, while the world explodes around us, America sits idly by, waiting for leadership to happen....which, of course, it won't.
BUT, folks, let's take a moment to count our blessings.
While the Democrats, led by the Reverend Sun Myung Obama, lick postage stamps and suck on sugar cubes all day, AT LEAST they aren't attempting to make substantive decisions.
Let's face it, folks, if Obama has shown anything during his time as President, its this: he is COMPLETELY incapable of making a rational, reasoned, competent decision.
So....I ask you: which is better? To have a President (and administration) who has obviously "left the reservation", or have this President (and administration) actually make a decision....knowing full well that that decision will be THE WORST possible decision that can be made?
Remember: let's count our blessings today.....then pray for the good folks in the Middle East...
Hirota: out.
Two words: Sonja Sotomayor. We never, ever want that guy to make a decision.
Julian in Alsace...
Amen to that!
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