Monday, May 16, 2011


As I announced months ago, I'm running for President in 2012. Since I won't be spending the money for the filing fee, nor filling out the "Statement of Candidacy" forms, my campaign will have to be of the "demand-of-the-people" variety (which has never been done before).

The primary objective of my campaign will be to take the money out of the political process. Money, it is said, is the root of all evil. I disagree. Money is only money. It is what people DO with that money that is the root of all evil. The reality is that the money currently involved in the system, while grotesque, is Constitutionally protected, so my administration will not seek to legislate the money out of the system; I'll leave that to the Statists (while they're busy grubbing for cash...). Rather, I will depend entirely on the will and activism of the American people who, if they are truly serious about their desire to remove money from the political campaign system, will take up the cause.

The agenda of the Hirota administration


The focus of the Hirota administration will be to restore America to its founding principles, reconnect the American people with their political process and recognize that:

- A citizenry of activists, educated on the issues, is the only guarantor of liberty and freedom.
- ALL people, regardless of race, creed, color or stage of life, are created equal and “…endowed by The Creator with certain unalienable rights…”.
- The reformation of Government to its role, as defined by The Constitution and as restricted by The Bill of Rights.
- The desire, by some, to convene a “second Continental Congress”, while well-intended, is unnecessary. The current Constitution and Bill of Rights remains valid, current and complete. The current level of abuse of our founding documents is not the result of the Constitution, Bill of Rights or the Declaration of Independence, but rather the abuse by those who interpret those documents for their own personal gain.
- While people are free to make any choice regarding their lives, those choices come with consequence, which must be assumed by the individual. The only case where there exists no freedom of choice is when that choice violates the unalienable rights of another.

General comments for a few of the more important agenda items follow. Details of each will come with future emails.


General Comments:
In order to begin the process of restoring America to its Constitutional principles and to restore the scope and role of Government to its Constitutionally-defined size and structure, thorough tax reform is mandatory. The Federal Government, since the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, has abused its power and grown far beyond its mandated role and scope. And, in order to feed its huge appetite, Congress has devised a confusing, convoluted, discriminatory tax code which serves not only to legally rape the American people but also prevent any person from inquiry or understanding.


General Comments:
Immigration reform is a matter of national security. Any policy proposed that only focuses on strengthening borders or providing for some type of amnesty will ultimately fail. Immigration reform must include stronger border security, streamlining of the immigration process and national entitlement reform.


General Comments:
Whether defending our borders or protecting our national interests outside our borders or supporting our allies, America must have a strong military; well trained, well equipped and clearly tasked. Ambiguity and indecision have no place, with respect to America ’s national security. In addition, America ’s ability to gather and assess intelligence is as important an aspect of our National Security and will be funded accordingly.


General Comments:
At the very least, entitlement reform, across the board, is mandatory. In a more general sense, the Federal Government has little or no business in entitlements, as they currently serve only as a means to control the people, insure Government corpulence and defund the whole of the citizenry.


General Comments:
All people are created equal. Any piece of legislation which specifically favors one group over another must be reformed.


General Comments:
The reliance on fossil fuels, alone, is not the answer to addressing the needs of the future. Nor is ANY other single means of energy production, “green” or otherwise. An appropriate energy policy must be balanced, relying of the myriad of technologies in order to satisfy the needs of the future.


General Comments:
The fundamental mindset of elected office must change. Elected office exists at the behest of the citizenry, rather than in-spite-of. Elected office is not a “ruling class”, but rather a “service class”. The barely-believable and rampant corruption in our Government must end. Elected office has become the ultimate entitlement program, where, once elected, officials in elected office grow powerful and wealthy by “gaming” the system, relying on the apathy, complacency and ignorance of the citizenry.


In summary, the goal of the Hirota administration will be to de-fund Federal Government and restore it to its Constitutional boundaries. Additionally, de-funding the Federal Government will return the citizenry to its rightful role, as the caretakers of our freedoms and liberties, growers of our economy and as “task masters” to elected officials. Our responsibility to our future generations is to take a permanently-active role in governing our great nation.

In future postings, I'll post more specifics about issues. While the rest of the politicians try to tell you that the world is mostly gray, with thin borders of "black and white", I'm here to tell you that the world is, in fact, nearly ALL "black and white", with a thin line of gray between. My stance on issues will be "black and white" and unambiguous...

Folks, unlike ANY recent presidential contender, I’ll let you know EXACTLY where I stand on issues and I will NOT claim to be something I am not.

AND, unlike any other candidate, I owe NOTHING to the special interests. The ONLY "special interest" that matters to me is "The American People".

I’m not in this in order to get wealthy or famous.

I’m in this because I love my country and I care about my family.

Hirota: out.

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