The one thing I like about the zoo of candidates vying for the top slot early in the 2012 race is the fact that they ALL sound staunchly Conservative! This tells me, CLEARLY, that Americans WANT a Conservative in the White House (let's face it, if America wanted Obama for another four years, EVERY candidate would be parroting Obama's words...).
Reagan, move over!?
Not so fast...
Romney, a Conservative as he now claims? NOPE.
Pawlenty? NOPE.
Huntsman? NOPE.
Paul? NOPE.
Giuliani? NOPE.
Gingrich? NOPE.
In fact, EVERY candidate, with the possible exception of Herman Cain, carries TONS of Liberal baggage. All but Cain have dumped their "principles" in favor of political expediency. is it possible to pick the REAL Conservative?
It's simple, really: Just keep your eyes and ears open. Listen to two groups, specifically: The Democratic Party and the GOP.
In fact, BOTH these groups have the same goal with respect to the next President: NEITHER wants a Conservative in office. That's right, the GOP DOES NOT WANT A CONSERVATIVE IN THE OVAL OFFICE!
Why? Because the GOP has become nothing more than a "fifth column" for the Democratic Party. They are the new "Whig" party, refusing to act on principle. (With the Whigs, it was slavery; with the GOP, it's abortion and embryonic stem cell research).
So, IF you do listen to these two groups, the next step is even more simple: pay attention to whom they attack most often and with the greatest vitriol. See who they demonize. Pay attention to the person they seek to demoralize and marginalize.
Only ONE name comes up:
Liberals FEAR her.
The GOP FEARS her.
SHE is the most qualified candidate and she is the most Conservative candidate. Period.
Only two questions remain:
- Will she run?
- Will YOU have the guts to ACTIVELY, LOUDLY, support her?
Hirota: out.
While I agree with your interpretation in regards to the Whig Party, I believe, in principle, the GOP is still more conservative than the Democratic party, which in the recent years (post Carter years) has just become an extension of the "Socialist Union party of America." However, once in power, both parties has either the will power, guts, or willingness to stand up against powerful PAC’s nor reduce entitlement incentives since it’s through these programs that get them elected and pours money into their respective districts.
In regards to the current GOP candidates, it is clear that Paul and Gingrich can match gray power with Obama with Gingrich getting the edge. However, as we all know, all of the above candidates except Cain will tow the party line if elected. Cain not only has the intellectual power to match wits with Obama extemporaneously, he is the only candidate that will actually call Obama out on his past and present associations with unsavory organizations such as ACORN, etc… and his close ideealogies with people such as Rev. Wright, Van Jones, and other organizations supported by Soros.
As a side note, least we not forget that polling data gives Obama a favorable rating of 51.6% and a negative rating of 43.1% so my gut feeling is that at this point, it’s all about educating the voters since over 50% of the voters are far to the right of Obama.
I agree that the GOP is politically "Right" of the Democratic Party, this is NOT to say that it is "right of center". It is not. The GOP is decidedly "left of center", "right of hard-line left". This, in my book, means that the GOP is Liberal. And, being so, can only be counted-on, for CLEAR Conservative votes, when political expediency requires. Don't count on the GOP for principled positions.
Thanks for the note, "anonymous"!
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