Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Ah......the memories (or lack thereof) of Liberals...
Of COURSE you don't remember.....if you're a Liberal.
Well....Conservatives DO remember, which is why we're wondering wne Liberals will start calling Obama "Incompetent" and "a failure as a President"? After all....he's losing staff left and right (in fact, losing them at a higher rate, faster than Bush ever did).
Obama: Incompetent and a failure as a President.
There....SOMEBODY had to say it.....
Hirota: out.
Holy crap, who's NEXT?????
Kennedy (Jack....not his loser brother)
Is there ANYONE left who Obama (or his throngs of mindless worshippers) HASN'T compared himself to????
To be sure, he seems only to compare himself to the GOOD attributes of these folks (you know...kinda like he only identifies with his black half....). Curiously, he DOESN'T identify with...oh....say.....Kennedy's drug addiction (while President) or his penchant for hookers (in the White House). Nor does he compare himself to the part of Lincoln that neglected to hold Northern slave-holding states to the same standard as Southern slave-holding states. Nor does he liken himself to the "let's enjoy a cigar, Monica" part of Clinton...
Well....since he may be in need of more comparisons, I thought I'd do my civic duty....in support of my President.....
How about:
Genghis Khan (he was an.....'explorer')
Richard Speck (he believed in healthcare)
Josef Stalin (he built lots of schools)
Pol Pot (he believed in children's rights)
Jimmy Carter (uh...no comment)
Nero (he was a musician)
Benedict Arnold (he was a brilliant military leader)
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (they were very smart)
Charles Manson (he was a community organizer)
Adolf Hitler (he was a supporter of animal rights)
Ted Bundy (he was good looking)
Ted Kaszinsky (he was against big corporations)
There.....I feel better about supporting my President now......
Ya know.....I'd like to offer YOU a chance to support Obama, too.....so...please...let's hear YOUR suggestions about who Obama should liken himself to.
Hirota: out!
Monday, August 29, 2011
News moment....
Ever heard of "Norman Thomas High School"?
Norman Thomas High School is in New York City, a cesspool of Liberalism. Norman Thomas, if you don't recognize the name, was a six-time Presidential nominee, representing....THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA.
Thomas is most famous for saying, "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without
knowing how it happened."
True to Thomas' hidden agenda, his namesake school's Mission Statement goes something like this:
"Our high school was named Norman Thomas in tribute to a man who dedicated his life to the pursuit of social and economic justice. He taught respect for the people who provide their human labor for economic purposes. This philosophical concept is the underpinning of the operation of our school. It is the mission of Norman Thomas High School to prepare students to be literate, caring, questioning and critically thinking members of society. Our young people will be prepared to meet the academic and technological demands of the 21st century, thereby enabling them to succeed in college and the business world. We recognize that our mission also extends to new populations in the mainstream of American life."
All roses and happiness, yes?
"Social and economic justice"? Right....just like the Soviet Union.
"Respect for people..."? Sure....just like Communist China.
"...prepar(ing) students to be literate, caring, questioning and critically thinking members of society"? Uh huh.....just like Cambodia...
Altruistic? Not a chance.
This, folks, is Liberalism. This school, like ALL the public school system, is the primary indoctrination of our children by Socialists who are intent to dismantle our liberties and freedoms by first dismantling the family.
This, folks, is the public school system that YOU keep allowing to fester...
....and it WILL continue to grow and fester as long as YOU do nothing...
And, if it remains your choice to do nothing, you will prove Thomas right.
Hirota: out.
Minor media correction...
In truth, it SHOULD read, "Mental illness rise linked to 'climate change' BELIEF"
....just saying....
The percentages are IN!
So, CNN conducted a poll and found that 27% of Democrats want to nominate someone OTHER than Obama for the 2012 race, while 72% want him re-nominated.
Which, to me, means...
- By Democrats' own characterization, 27% of Democrats are RACISTS, and...
- 72% of Democrats are COMPLETELY detached from reality.
The numbers here ARE correct, folks:
27% + 72% = 100%.....to Democrats.
Hirota: out.
Next stop.....bigger hair....

On another note.....
Now, Barack has "Uncle Omar".....in jail for a) drinking and driving...I wonder if he was drinking "Billy Beer"...and b) being an illegal alien.
(What was that old Carter joke: who's got the biggest boobs in the world...?"
So, Hurricane Irene, after all the hype, which included our blunderer-in-chief acting like he's in charge of 'stormwatch' (this....from a guy who couldn't command a raft in a bathtub...), turned out to be FAR that what was feared (sounds like H1N1, don't it?).
Not to diminish the damage caused by the storm, but news reports, which saturated the airwaves for the past week, stopped just short of suggesting that east-coasters start gathering two of every animal and begin collecting gopher wood.....
A few of the quotes today:
"People see that and assume we can predict everything. It's frustrating when people take our forecasts verbatim and say, 'This is where it's going to be at this time and this is how strong it's going to be,' because even though the track is good it's not certain." National Hurricane Center senior forecaster Richard Pasch.
"We're not completely sure how the interplay of various features is causing the strength of a storm to change. Why it did that, we don't know. That's a gap in the science."
Bill Read (Current director of the hurricane center)
“We’re still not where we want to be on intensity.” Ken Clark, senior meteorologist with AccuWeather Inc.
Listing ALL qualifying quotes would take VOLUMES of pages, so I'll assume you get the picture.
What's MOST important about the aftermath of Hurricane Irene is the fact that, for the most part, the meteorologists got it only partially right; they were MOSTLY wrong.
WHY should this be viewed with perspective?
Consider dumb ol' Al Gore, along with the ENTIRE body of Global Warming cultists...
Here's a group who claims that Global Warming (the anthropogenic part) is ABSOLUTELY "settled science". Gore himself claims that "the debate is over".
So.....how, exactly, can a body of scientists be CERTAIN that anthropogenic Global Warming is an ABSOLUTE, when those very scientists cannot predict something as minuscule (in global perspective) as the track and intensity of a hurricane?
For that matter, these scientists cannot even forecast local weather patterns with certainty; which is why you don't hear: "tomorrow, it'll rain 3 inches from 8:57am until 3:29PM....". What you DO hear is, "there's a 20% chance of rain forecasted tomorrow...".
Hirota: out.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Al Gore....
Not only does Al have the science wrong, but he's WELL known for saying things, making speeches and taking stands that are QUICKLY proven wrong and end up making him look like an even bigger buffoon.
Take, for instance, Hurricane Katrina. There's ol' Al Gore, making a speech to The Sierra Club, burying President Bush. Then....THE VERY NEXT DAY....it's determined that the failure of the levees was due to the fact that they were insufficiently reinforced. THEN it turns out that the REASON they were insuffieciently reinforced was because of a series of lawsuits brought in the late 70's, where "environmental issues" were key to the levees never being reinforced.
So...who brought that lawsuit and eventually won it?
You got it: THE SIERRA CLUB.
Anyway, back to Al....
So, today, he's carping about how Global Warming deniers are today's "racists".
No kidding, folks. Here's some of what Al said:
“I remember, again going back to my early years in the South, when the Civil Rights revolution was unfolding, there were two things that really made an impression on me. My generation watched Bull Connor turning the hose on civil rights demonstrators and we went, ‘Whoa! How gross and evil is that?’ My generation asked old people, ‘Explain to me again why it is okay to discriminate against people because their skin color is different?’ And when they couldn’t really answer that question with integrity, the change really started.”
“Secondly, back to this phrase ‘win the conversation. There came a time when friends or people you work with or people you were in clubs with — you’re much younger than me so you didn’t have to go through this personally — but there came a time when racist comments would come up in the course of the conversation and in years past they were just natural. Then there came a time when people would say, ‘Hey, man why do you talk that way, I mean that is wrong. I don’t go for that so don’t talk that way around me. I just don’t believe that.’ That happened in millions of conversations and slowly the conversation was won.”
“We have to win the conversation on climate."
Unfortunately for Al Gore, there is just one, little problem with his analogy:
If anything, those who deny Global Warming are THE FARTHEST thing from racists during the civil rights movement. Let's set the record straight, folks: BULL CONNOR WAS A DEMOCRAT. In fact, the anti-civil rights movement was composed of DEMOCRATS (the party of racism).
Open your eyes, folks: the Democratic Party, until the death of Senator Robert Byrd, had former Ku Klux Klan chiefs counted among it's ranks.
(And you think the racists are all out now? How about Maxine Waters? How about Loretta Sanchez? Should I list more......?)
No, Al, if anything, those who deny Global Warming are more like the people who FOUGHT AGAINST racism: CONSERVATIVES.
And, btw....on a side note: you won't be winning THIS conversation either, Democrats.
I have to wonder how those who struggled under the tyranny of the Democratic Party; who, by virtue of the color of their skin were relegated to the status of less-than-equal by the party of Al Gore, must feel about him using their struggle to.....make a bunch of money?
Al....that's some pretty shameful stuff....please say more....
Hirota: out.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Having voted for THE worst President in history, "Independents", who were told by The Democratic Party that Obama was a "moderate".....a man who'd "end racism", a man "who brings people together"...only to find out that they'd been sold a HUGE bill of goods: The Democratic Party and Obama LIED TO THEM.
"Independents" ignored Obama's voting record (which showed both cowardice in his "present" votes as well as hard line Socialist in the votes he DID cast). They ignored his personal history of being mentored by radicals like Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright. They even chose to ignore the fact that Obama was OFFICIALLY ENDORSED BY THE COMMUNIST PARTY, USA!
Somehow, "Independents" were exposed to ALL these truths, and STILL managed to conclude:
Yup......he's who he says he is: a Centrist.
Now, supposedly freshly educated on the facts, we approach 2012....
Mitt Romney is, so far, right at or near the top of the heap for likely GOP candidates.
....and "Independents" are glomming onto (NEARLY) his every word. Romney, who now pitches himself as a "Conservative", is, as we speak, pandering to the Tea Party.
In fact, Romney is as FAR from a Conservative as is Obama.
- Romney is SOLELY responsible for the DISASTER of a healthcare program in Massachusetts ("Romneycare")....a DECIDEDLY Socialist program.
- Romney is CURRENTLY "pro-life". In the past, in order to win the Governorship in Massachusetts, Romney was a staunch "pro-abortion" candidate.
- This week, Romney officially waffled on the Global Warming issue, stating variously that Al Gore is right, all the way to the "I'm not sure" position.
"Independents": What happened to "NEVER AGAIN"?
Are you THAT ignorant? Will 2012 be another testament to why America, our freedoms and liberty, will be relegated to the ash heap of history?
In 3 years, will it be "NEVER AGAIN!" all over again?
"Independents" (and Conservatives, for that matter): PLEASE......
- Do your homework on candidates and issues
- Teach others around you and encourage THEM to do THEIR homework.
- SPEAK OUT against Liberalism
- SPEAK OUT against the lies of the Leftist candidates (in the Democratic Party AND the GOP)
Hirota: OUT.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Idiot of the Week award....
BUT NOW.....we have a NEW winner!
David Cross (actor), in an interview with Keith Olbermann (another oft-awarded recipient), stated flatly that what we need for Obamacare to work, is for seniors to die "a little bit earlier"....
No...really....he said this......
Check it out:
Hirota: out.
I'm just sayin'.....
Vacationing on Martha's Vineyard, I wonder when he's going to address the local council, requesting that the official name "Martha's Vineyard" be changed to "Martha's Plantation"....
...just wondering....
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I've got an idea....
This is GREAT news........for the abortion industry.
Liberals, who claim to believe that abortions should be "safe, legal and RARE", should relish the idea of displaying grotesque images of abortions in all abortion clinics.
What is clearly working for the anti-smoking crowd ought to also work for the "safe, legal and RARE" crowd, shouldn't it?
Hmmmmm.....I wonder when Liberals will take up this cause....?
Hirota: out.
1. Biden, with his foot firmly wedged in his mouth....again....reveals the dream of every Liberal politician in America.
2. Krauthammer, as always, is a master.
3. Make sure to pay CLOSE attention to right around 1:44 into the clip....where Biden demonstrates his archery skills.........(snicker)....
BTW.....Joe.....on a personal note.....when are you going to get the rest of your "head lift"??? I mean, from the eyes up, you look like you've been shrink-wrapped. But from the nose down, you look like an over-inflated-then-deflated balloon.....
....I doubt Phyllis Diller would approve....
Hirota: out
On another note....

But let's be clear: the reason I have made fun of them ISN'T because I think they're particularly big (they probably are normal size....it's just that they LOOK big in comparison to his pencil-like head). The ONLY reason I make fun of them is because, during his campaign, Obama scolded a reporter, cautioning him not to make fun of them....evidently, it was a tender spot for Barry.
With this in mind....I've been wondering....
With his poll numbers falling like a brick over a cliff...
...I wonder how far away people will be able to hear the "POP" in THOSE ears!
I suppose it'll be like listening to certain parts of the 1812 Overture....
Obama dodges a bullet....
He's lucky because his supporters......Liberals.....have an attention span rivaling that of a goldfish (who can only retain information for a few seconds).
In his short, flaccid tenure are President...just over three years...Obama has been able to increase our nation's debt by $4 TRILLION, the largest debt increase under ANY President in American history! (By way of comparison, Bush raised the debt by $4 Trillion in eight years).
Thankfully, though, his supporters are idiots; and idiots devoid of long-term memory....
...because it wasn't all that long ago (July 3rd, 2008, to be precise), Obama said THIS about Bush:
"The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic."
Yup, those were HIS words...from HIS mouth...probably on HIS TelePrompTer...
So, Liberals....now that you've been reminded:
Based on the words from your own "personal Jesus", the fact that he has ALREADY rung up more debt than Bush, doesn't that make Obama "irresponsible"? Doesn't that make Obama "unpatriotic"?
Please send notes....I'd really like to know...
I swear....it's like the entire Democratic Party is made up of "Ten-second Toms"....
Hirota: out
Monday, August 22, 2011
PETA porn (WARNING.......language and concepts)
No kidding, folks.
PETA is starting a porn website, where viewers can enjoy the delightful antics of heavily drugged women (and the men who are hired to rape them) doing "the nasty". BUT, along with that, viewers (perhaps after two-minutes of viewing porn...you know...after they "lose interest") get to view "hidden cam" PETA videos of animal torture.
Aside from being a major setback for the feminist movement (evidently, animals are more important to PETA Liberals than are women), this might actually work AGAINST PETA's intentions....
Think about it....a viewer watches porn, then watches animal torture. Porn, animal torture, porn, animal torture, porn, animal torture.....
Because Liberals mostly operate at the brain-stem level (the part of the brain that governs digestion, excretion, etc), this porn/animal torture association may act to stimulate porn enthusiasts to acts of animal torture. This may even end up including bestiality (oooh.....tortured horse....BOING!).
Of course, perhaps this is exactly PETA's intention......
Anyway, it's pretty clear that PETA has a whole new target audience:
Horny immature boys...
Hirota: out.
I Love Maxine

From her openly hostile, racist comments to her wonderfully "just ate a bag of lemons" expression, to her delightfully irrelevent and vacuous speeches, Maxine stands among my very favorite Liberals.
This week, Maxine told the "Tea Party" movement to "go to hell". Her full statement is even more colorful (no pun intended):
"I'm not afraid of anybody. This is a tough game. You can't be intimidated. You can't be frightened. And as far as I'm concerned, the 'tea party' can go straight to hell."
Waters has absolutely no reason TO be afraid of anybody....except, of course, the Tea Party.
Her constituents, who keep electing her no matter HOW worthless she is, are simply too stupid to figure out that Maxine acts against them CONSTANTLY, through support of pro-illegal immigration programs (which act to take jobs and benefits away from those who support her) and her undying (no pun intended) support of abortion, which focuses mostly on blacks.
As to her ideology, Liberals have ensured that idiots like Waters can say anything and do anything, safe in the absolute knowledge that ANY negative comment to her moronic antics will be attributed not to her own, personal stupidity (which knows no race, creed or ideology), but rather to "disgracelful racism".
So, Maxine is safe. Between her "blackness" and her breathtakingly ignorant constituents, Waters holds a position akin to a Supreme Court Justice: LIFE LONG.
Truly, the ONLY thing Waters needs to fear is that, perhaps one day, her constituents will stop being so aggressively stupid and finally recognize what a POS she is....
Hirota: out.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Where's Waldo?
Check out these "Youtube" videos from Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security. They're from a series of "See Something, Say Something" videos, designed to "educate" the public about potential acts of terrorism and raise awareness of the citizenry to who these people are.
Except for one, tiny thing: TRY FINDING A MUSLIM in any of the videos.
The terrorists represented in the videos are nearly all WHITE women and WHITE men (all Conservative Christians, no doubt, since Conservative Christians, as you know, perpetrate nearly 100% of terrorist acts in the US and around the world).
The message is clear, folks: WHITE PEOPLE ARE TERRORISTS.
So, if you see a (Consevative Christian) White person, male or female: SAY SOMETHING, because they are likely trying to commit an act of terrorism.
Hirota: out.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Warren Buffet......an open letter....
I like you idea of taxing the "super rich". And, I like your idea of closing loopholes in the tax system.
HOWEVER, in your letter bemoaning the unfairness of a system, designed by your own ideological peers (Liberals), you point out only your own, personal hypocrisy.
First, contrary to your notion that the "super rich" don't pay more than the average 'Joe Six-pack' is nonsense. Even based on your own personal example, I doubt Joe six-pack is shelling out $7 million in income tax (tough to do when the average income in the US is around $23k). What you refer to is based on percentage, not actual dollars. In fact, the "super rich" pay HUGELY more than the average taxpayer.
Second, in your example, based on your own personal tax infomation, you admit to taking full advantage of "tax loopholes" in order to pay LESS in taxes.
So, Warren, why don't you lead by example:
CLOSE YOUR OWN PERSONAL TAX LOOPHOLES. Why do you only pay out 17.4% of your personal income when, true to your argument, you COULD simply cut a check to the government reflecting a 50% tax rate?
Or, better yet, why don't you become just like Joe six-pack and cut a check to the government for ALL your money, less $23k (national average income)?
Don't bother answering.....I know the true answer: you have NO INTENTION of voluntarily divesting yourself of wealth....even though you are a committed Liberal. As we Joe six-packs are (hopefully) learning, Liberals are ALL talk....ZERO action.
Want to be believable? Take home $23k a year. Give the rest......VOLUNTARILY....to the Government.
Hirota: OUT.
Monday Morning Java....

Now, of course, it's Hirota's.....
HAPPY Monday, everyone!
And remember: The easiest way to tell whether a Liberal is lying is to watch their mouths closely.....if their lips are moving, they're lying.
Hirota: OUT!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
When public Unions lose, AMERICANS win!
First of all, a HUGE distinction needs to be drawn between PUBLIC sector Unions and PRIVATE sector Unions.
In the simplest form:
PUBLIC sector Unions are unions of local, state or federal employees. The "bosses" of those employees are the officials that WE elect into office.
PRIVATE sector Unions are unions of privately-owned entities. The "bosses" of these employees are owners of companies, etc...
Why bother pointing out the difference? One VERY important reason:
Unions were first established in order for employees of companies to have a unified voice when dealing with abuses of employers. So, it MUST be realized that PUBLIC Unions are COMPLETELY unnecessary, because THOSE employees' "abusive" bosses are.......local, state and federal GOVERNMENTS!
...See the problem here?
In fact, the rise of PUBLIC Unions have only served two purposes, which play into each other:
- First, employees "fight" against....and consequently gain significantly from....their "bosses" (elected officials, governments), who are SUPPOSED to be acting in the interests of ALL constiuents. In doing so, when these unions gain, those gains come DIRECTLY out of the pockets of private citizens....WHO HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER.
- Second, the "bosses" (local, state, federal governments) who cave to PUBLIC sector Unions garner favor, money and support from these Unions in trade for their capitulation. These Unions, who now know that these "bosses" can be easily bought, throw their considerable weight behind them in order to keep them in office.....and caving to the Unions.
It's a giant "circle jerk", folks, between elected officials (ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY DEMOCRATS, BY THE WAY), and PUBLIC sector Unions.
That's what the fight has been about in Wisconsin. The PUBLIC sector Unions have spent unprecedented amounts of cash (thanks to Obama's "stimulus package") in their attempt to dump the officials who fight against them. In other words, the PUBLIC sector Unions want to recall ANYONE who acts in defense of the people....the ordinary citizens...of Wisconsin.
...AND THE UNIONS LOST.....BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hirota: OUT.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Why???? Well, I'll tell you...
Clearly, this is to be the new talking point for Liberals: BLAME THE TEA PARTY. IT'S THE "TEA PARTY DOWNGRADE"!
Well....at least they've taken a break from blaming Bush.....for a while...
Folks, there is a clear track record of these kinds of ridiculous fabrications from Liberals in our Government and media:
- "Increasing our debt limit will reduce our deficit"
- "Abortions should be safe, legal and RARE"
- "Welfare helps blacks"
The list of lies is endless.
And, the REASON that Liberals lie about EVERYTHING is twofold:
1. There is NO WAY that ANY of their agenda would be accepted by Americans, truthfully presented. Could you imagine:
- My government wants to break the financial back of America? Awesome!
- Harry Reid manispulates blacks so that he can create a permanent underclass? Awesome!
- Obama wants to control the population by butchering as many unborn children as possible? He's got my vote!
2. Liberals just assume that you are too stupid to figure it out and, IF you did figure it out, you're too lazy to do anything about it. (Of course, a 46% approval rating means that Liberals are right about this 46% of the time).
So, the question, really, is this:
ARE the Liberals right?
ARE you too stupid to figure out the lies?
And, if you DO figure it out, ARE you too lazy to do anything about it???
Liberals are CONFIDENT and HOPING that you are.
Hirota: out.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
We should all take a moment to count our blessings....
I teach, train and mentor managers. Been doing it for a long time. The first mistake that ALL newly-made managers make is "micromanage"; unable to separate the old ways from the new, they begin their management career deeply involved in the minutiae, just as they were responsible to do in whatever position they held before. And, unless mentored out of this poor style of management, they are doomed to fail, because a person focused on the minutiae cannot possibly focus on the big picture.
With this President, who, as a first-time manager, is typical of type (a micro manager), has also blundered (again, because of his inexperience) into another trap: he has surrounded himself with people JUST LIKE HIM.
Obama's administration, his Cabinet, his advisors, etc, are nearly ALL academics; almost entirely devoid of ANY real-world management experience. The live in a theoretical world. And as ANYONE who has studied the sciences knows: the OVERWHELMING majority of theories fail.
So, you might ask: Ok, Hirota.....given these truths, WHY on Earth should we "count our blessings"????!!!
The answer, friends, is simple.
So far, in his administration, Obama has only accomplished a few important things: "Obamacare" (which is questionable whether it will remain or be found unconstitutional), higher taxes, HUGE, out-of-control spending bills.
But think about it....these are but a few of his desires. Remember, he also strongly endorses abortion, he strongly supports the homosexual agenda, he strongly supports the abolition of the Second Amendment, he strongly supports an anti-white-male agenda (legislated discrimination toward women, blacks, etc), he strongly supports Shariah law, he strongly supports legislation aimed at illegalizing Christianity, he strongly supports the agenda of The Communist Party, USA, he strongly supports a weakened military, he strongly supports UN-based control of American issues, he strongly supports the abolition of the Constitution...
These are only a FEW of Obama's desires.
Back to the question: WHY should we count our blessings?
FOLKS: IF Obama were competent...IF he were a great, experienced executive manager.....THE ENTIRETY OF HIS AGENDA WOULD PASS.
Think about where we'd be if Obama WASN'T COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT!
Hirota: out.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Sometimes I HATE being right.....
I can't begin to guess how many times, when I've concluded that Obama (and the entirety of the Democratic Party) is a Communist, that I've been laughed at (by Liberals), mocked (by Liberals), told that I'm paranoid (by Liberals), and called other things not worth mentioning. It happens often because, well, I call Obama and the Democratic Party Communists CONSTANTLY.
This conclusion of mine really wasn't difficult to reach; after all, there is LOADS of supporting history:
- Legislation written by Democrats is consitent with Communist policies.
- The power of BOTH parties is built on lies, fabrications and media manipulation.
- Obama's stated policies read almost word for word like the stated policies of the Communist Party USA.
- Campaign planks of both the Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA are IDENTICAL. (Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP!)
- And, as if predicting the future (from the '60s until now), Norman Thomas (President of the American Socialist Party) had stated, long ago, that, "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."
- In the 2008 Presidential election, Obama received an interesting (but completely ignored by the media) endorsement THE COMMUNIST PARTY, USA! That's right, folks, evidently, The "CPUSA" believed that Obama's agenda mirrored their own; closely enough throw their weight behind him.
So, here we are, ramping up for the 2012 Presidential election, and Obama has received his first official endorsement.
The Communists are OFFICIALLY RE-endorsing Obama. Evidently, they are VERY happy with the way he's governing; happy with his policies, happy with the economy, etc.
To me, this seems odd, though. If you read the agenda and "constitution" of the CPUSA (which can be found here: http://cpusa.org/the-party/), Obama's administration has failed in nearly ALL the goals of the Communist Party. Currently, BECAUSE of Obama's policies, unemplyment rates are at record highs...and growing, poverty levels are growing, a greater separation of wealth is occurring, etc....
There can ONLY be one reason why the CPUSA would continue to endorse Obama, who seemingly has failed so thoroughly to achieve their agenda: their stated goals are lies.
And, in fact, this is exactly the case. EVERY Communist regime, throughout history, was built on the lie that, in it, ALL people are to be made equal. And, in EVERY case, equality meant two things: some are FAR more 'equal' than others, and, of those others, equally destitute.
The media has dutifully ignored this endorsement (but remember: control of information is KEY to establishing Communism).
One has to wonder how Americans would feel....and how the press would treat....if, say, Mitt Romney received an official endorsement by the Ku Klux Klan?
My sincerest hope is that SOME......A FEW.......ONE.....of you Liberals out there will open your eyes and see the truth behind the wall of lies. Then, look deep and ask yourself: am I a Communist? And, if the answer is "H** NO!", turn away from Liberalism.
BTW....you can read about the official endorsement here: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=329449
Hirota: OUT.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Quote of the Day!
But, for anyone keeping score, Biden also has a more recent history of another sort: having his ass handed to him by Sarah Palin. If you recall in the debate (for Veep candidates), despite Gwen Ifill's (you know....the "fair and balanced" moderator who, at the time, was putting the finishing touches on her book, sanctifying Obama....even though he hadn't won the election yet) best efforts (to bury Palin), Joe just wouldn't play that game. Nope....stupid ol' Joe could not answer a single question competently. In fact, most of his answers were filled with fabricated numbers, votes, statistics. In one WHOPPINGLY softball question, Biden, despite his 34 years in the Senate, had NO idea that the Vice President also acts as the President of the Senate! (Of course, how COULD he know.....its in the Constitution, a document that Biden has never read...)
Palin ran circles around Biden. BUT, since Liberals hate attractive women who are also intelligent, there was simply NO way that Palin would be allowed to win.....
So.....back to the "terrorist" thing....
Palin did it again...handed Joe (and Obama) his ass.
In reaction to Biden's stupid accusation, Palin had THIS to say:
"Heck, Sean, if we were real domestic terrorists...President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us, wouldn’t he?"
...You'd think that a guy with THAT huge a forehead (what time does the movie start?) would have SOMETHING....ANYTHING....behind it!
So....welcoming Gabrielle Giffords back to Congress (she's the Arizona Congressperson who was tragically shot in the head...), Biden said, "Now we're both members of the Cracked Head club...".
IMAGINE if a Republican had said that! (Liberals, don't bother imagining....remember that you HAVE no imagination).
Biden reminded Giffords that he has had two craniotomies where, in his own words, "...they literally took the top of my head off".
Biden.....two craniotomies......
That explains a lot!!
Ya know.....I'm almost tempted to start believing that there IS someone more stupid than Bill Maher....
Monday, August 1, 2011
Only one word for it.....(warning...language)
Biden is CHARGING rent to those sworn to lay down their lives, if necessary, for this idiot.
I can only think of one word that adequately describes Biden, with respect to this:
Hirota: out.
A THRILLING piece of news......
PLEASE read about the "Signs of Hope" legislation:
The plain truth:
Is this where we need to be, nationally, on abortion law? NO. But, it's a step....and a good one at that!
Think about it: Liberals LOVE to SAY that "abortion should be legal, safe and rare". (In fact, Liberals don't care about the "safe" part, just as they don't care about the "rare" part. Liberals ONLY care about the "legal" part.
.....just ask Obama, who IMMEDIATELY signs ANY piece of legislation (or Executive Order) which has the affect of EXPANDING abortion laws.
But, let's take them at their words:
With the "Signs of Hope" law....
- Does abortion remain "legal"? YES.
- Does abortion remain "safe"? Well....the new law has no affect on abortion's safety.
- Does abortion remain "rare"? (Well...given the fact that, to Liberals, "rare" is 800 THOUSAND + per year). This law has the potential to help Liberals achieve their (stated) goal in making abortions more "rare".
So, really, it's a win-win-WIN for Liberals.
Unfortunately, still, it remains a LOSE-LOSE-LOSE for the unborn.
But hey.....why would Liberals care about the unborn? I mean....it's not like they can vote.....
Hirota: OUT.
Debt deal.......
It's not difficult to figure out whether the current version (being called "3.0" by Reid and gang) is going to actually help this country...
Well, I SHOULD point out that it's not difficult...IF you received private school math education....
The two important issues of the deal, debt ceiling limit and spending cuts, are as follows:
- Debt ceiling limit: Will be raised by $2.4 TRILLION dollars.
- Spending cuts: Government will make cuts of $2.1 TRILLION.
The problem with this deal?
- Debt ceiling limit: That $2.4 TRILLION increase IS UNTIL THE NEXT ELECTION. In other words: the debt ceiling is raised by that amount IN THE NEXT YEAR!
- Spending cuts: The $2.1 TRILLION is to be spread out over the next TEN YEARS!
So......while Government spending will INCREASE (and make NO mistake....it WILL increase by that amount) in a SINGLE YEAR, the cuts, over the same period, will ONLY BE $210 BILLION.
Let's say you're making $100k per year. If YOU accept this "decifit cutting" plan at home, you'll agree to cut $100 of spending in a single year, while also creating $1000 of new spending.
As you can VERY plainly see, this will NOT reduce your indebtedness. In fact, you've accomplished NOTHING, other than increase your rate of spending and bring your FASTER toward bankruptcy.
The answer to this debt deal is: VOTE NO!
Write letters TODAY to your Congressmen and Senators, and DEMAND that they vote NO!
Hirota: out.