Saturday, August 20, 2011

Where's Waldo?

...or should I say "Wahlid"?

Check out these "Youtube" videos from Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security. They're from a series of "See Something, Say Something" videos, designed to "educate" the public about potential acts of terrorism and raise awareness of the citizenry to who these people are.

Except for one, tiny thing: TRY FINDING A MUSLIM in any of the videos.

The terrorists represented in the videos are nearly all WHITE women and WHITE men (all Conservative Christians, no doubt, since Conservative Christians, as you know, perpetrate nearly 100% of terrorist acts in the US and around the world).

The message is clear, folks: WHITE PEOPLE ARE TERRORISTS.

So, if you see a (Consevative Christian) White person, male or female: SAY SOMETHING, because they are likely trying to commit an act of terrorism.

Hirota: out.

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