Friday, August 5, 2011

Sometimes I HATE being right.....

I hate to say "I told you so", but.....


I can't begin to guess how many times, when I've concluded that Obama (and the entirety of the Democratic Party) is a Communist, that I've been laughed at (by Liberals), mocked (by Liberals), told that I'm paranoid (by Liberals), and called other things not worth mentioning. It happens often because, well, I call Obama and the Democratic Party Communists CONSTANTLY.

This conclusion of mine really wasn't difficult to reach; after all, there is LOADS of supporting history:

- Legislation written by Democrats is consitent with Communist policies.

- The power of BOTH parties is built on lies, fabrications and media manipulation.

- Obama's stated policies read almost word for word like the stated policies of the Communist Party USA.

- Campaign planks of both the Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA are IDENTICAL. (Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP!)

- And, as if predicting the future (from the '60s until now), Norman Thomas (President of the American Socialist Party) had stated, long ago, that, "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

- In the 2008 Presidential election, Obama received an interesting (but completely ignored by the media) endorsement THE COMMUNIST PARTY, USA! That's right, folks, evidently, The "CPUSA" believed that Obama's agenda mirrored their own; closely enough throw their weight behind him.

So, here we are, ramping up for the 2012 Presidential election, and Obama has received his first official endorsement.


The Communists are OFFICIALLY RE-endorsing Obama. Evidently, they are VERY happy with the way he's governing; happy with his policies, happy with the economy, etc.

To me, this seems odd, though. If you read the agenda and "constitution" of the CPUSA (which can be found here:, Obama's administration has failed in nearly ALL the goals of the Communist Party. Currently, BECAUSE of Obama's policies, unemplyment rates are at record highs...and growing, poverty levels are growing, a greater separation of wealth is occurring, etc....

There can ONLY be one reason why the CPUSA would continue to endorse Obama, who seemingly has failed so thoroughly to achieve their agenda: their stated goals are lies.

And, in fact, this is exactly the case. EVERY Communist regime, throughout history, was built on the lie that, in it, ALL people are to be made equal. And, in EVERY case, equality meant two things: some are FAR more 'equal' than others, and, of those others, equally destitute.

The media has dutifully ignored this endorsement (but remember: control of information is KEY to establishing Communism).

One has to wonder how Americans would feel....and how the press would treat....if, say, Mitt Romney received an official endorsement by the Ku Klux Klan?

My sincerest hope is that SOME......A FEW.......ONE.....of you Liberals out there will open your eyes and see the truth behind the wall of lies. Then, look deep and ask yourself: am I a Communist? And, if the answer is "H** NO!", turn away from Liberalism. can read about the official endorsement here:

Hirota: OUT.

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