Thursday, September 29, 2011
FINALLY: some truth
“I did not love every class I took. I wasn’t always paying attention the way I should have. I remember when I was in 8th grade I had to take a class called ethics. Now, ethics is about right and wrong, but if you’d ask me what my favorite subject was back in 8th grade, it was basketball. I don’t think ethics would have made it on the list.”
To the part of the quote about not paying attention, obviously Obama was talking about his classes on Constitutional law.
As to the rest, well......DUH!
Hirota: out.
Behold the face of stupidity:

Behold, people, the face of stupidity; the face of absurdity, the face of self-hatred, the face of ignorance, the face of blithering idiocy: Janine Garofalo.
Long known for voicing every moronic concept espoused by Liberals, Garofalo is EASILY the biggest idiot in Hollywood.
Today, Janine vomited the following:
"Herman Cain is probably well liked by some of the Republicans because it hides the racist elements of the Republican party. Conservative movement and tea party movement, one in the same. People like Karl Rove liked to keep the racism very covert. And so Herman Cain provides this great opportunity say you can say 'Look, this is not a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-female, anti-gay movement. Look we have a black man."
So, if the Republicans support Cain in order to hide their racism, what does that say about Democrats, who claim to support women, blacks, the middle class, homosexuals, the poor, etc?
And, if this IS true, about why Republicans support Cain, then it stands to reason that the reason we support the unborn is....because we hate them?
Conversely, what does all this say about the fact that Democrats HATE the rich?
Janine, I pray, nearly every night, that you will continue to make these kinds of statements.
I have to admit, watching politics is alot like watching a circus.
And, after all, what good would a circus be without you?
Hirota: out! (And laughing hysterically)
HALLIBURTON: the name hisssssssssses from the lips of Liberals.
Quite frankly, I'm rather surprised that, in a fit of artistic license, the producers of the Harry Potter series didn't rename the "Voldemort" character "Halliburton"!
Libs: you missed your chance....
To the sentient world, Halliburton's association with Vice President Dick Cheney is not only a "former" association, but also one that is ultimately meaningless from a cronyism point of view.
Liberals claim that the Bush administration offered "no-bid" contracts to Halliburton, which, to them, serves as the proof of cronyism. In truth, the Bush administration DID offer Halliburton no-bid did Clinton's administration (does this mean that Clinton and Halliburton were in collusion????). No. It means that Halliburton, with it's expertise, experience and comprehensive services were recognized by BOTH administrations.
So.....back to Nancy Pelosi....
On the heels of the Solyndra scandal, in which Obama is ears-deep, comes a fresh, new scandal, this time tied DIRECTLY to Nancy Pelosi.
Yup.....seems Nancy's brother in law, Ronald Pelosi, just secured a loan guarantee from the federal government for $737 MILLION, in order to build a solar-thermal project in Nevada (Harry Reid's state).
First question: If 'green' energy technology is so darn good, useful, successful, why does the government need to throw so much money at it?
Second question: Does anyone REALLY believe that Liberals will take issue with this rather OBVIOUS example of ACTUAL cronyism?
Final question: How long will it be before we decide to stop being stupid (as a citizenry)?
Hirota: out.
Another idea....
Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA-22).
Congressman McCarthy is one of the "Young Guns", a STRONGLY Conservative group which also includes Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan. Folks, these three guys are fighting to protect the Constitution. It's really as simple as that.
McCarthy, in addition to the fact that he's VERY Conservative, is also.....astonishingly....a Californian!
California, as most of you (Conservatives) know, is a write-off state for elections because, being a "winner-take-all" electoral state, Liberals ALWAYS win and Conservatives ALWAYS lose. (IF the good people of California, in an attempt to fairness and equality in our electoral process, would demand, and pass, electoral reform, then elections WOULD matter, as ALL votes would actually count. BUT, Liberals will never never NEVER allow this. You see, when it comes to what is equal and fair, Liberals ONLY consider themselves as equal and fair.)
So, here is a person (McCarthy) who has the right credentials (Conservative), would have a heavy draw from the "home team" (California), and is a favorite of the Tea Party (Independent voters).
If Republicans, under the current f***ed-up state of affairs in California, want a reasonable shot at taking the state, then...
Kevin McCarthy for Vice President!
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Oh....and BTW.....
...wonder no more:
Senator J. William Fullbright (D-Arkansas, 1945-1074) once opined (referring to the President):
"...our moral teacher and our leader," and is "hobbled in his task by the restrictions of power imposed on him by this antiquated document." He must "be freed," so that he "can do for us" what he knows "is best."
Hirota: out.
No....REALLY....they are threatening to do it....
If I may paraphrase that great philosopher, Saddam Hussein:
"This will be the mother of practices" for the American Armed Forces!
(Oh......I HAVE to wonder how...or when....or IF...Obama will respond (after he changes his diapers, of course)
Hirota: out.
THIS, folks, is why we have the Second Amendment...
I have no doubt that that "couple years" was thrown in to soften her true position...of having NO elections, so that those in power may remain in power...irrespective of the consent of the people.
Well, now another PROMINENT DEMOCRAT, Peter Orszag (Obama's budget director) has added more weight to my constant assertion (that Democrats desire a totalitarian government, with the head):
"To solve the serious problems facing our country, we need to minimize the harm from legislative inertia by relying more on automatic policies and depoliticized commissions for certain policy decisions. In other words, radical as it sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by making them a bit less democratic...Our polarized political system has proved incapable of reaching a consensus on this common-sense approach. What we need, then, are ways around our politicians...".
A couple points worth making:
1. THIS is why the Constitution was written; specifically to prevent those (the Democratic Party) who would so abuse power as to enslave the people. This is what "the separation of powers" and The Bill of Rights is ALL about.
2. If you pay attention to the words and actions of Democrats, and are NOT able to conclude that these people are Socialists, then, I'm sorry, you're just plain f***ing stupid. There IS no other way to put it....
3. THIS is why the Second Amendment was written: SPECIFICALLY, to afford the citizenry a means of defense against THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT.
Folks, anyone who argues that "Government is broken" (like Liberals are doing right now) is flat wrong.
What we are seeing now is EXACTLY how our government is supposed to work!
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"J" compared the egregious acts of our elected leaders to the actions of a termite.
You see, a termite, by itself, can't bring a house down.
BUT, the actions of MILLIONS of termites can certainly destroy that house.....unless acted upon by the home owner.
My response?
WE, the American people, OWN THIS HOUSE (the United States). It's up to us to stop the actions of the termites.
Hirota: out.
Spoken like a Democrat.....
So suggested Governor Bev Perdue (North Carolina-DEMOCRAT).
The operative phrase: "I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover."
Liberals, I'd LOVE to hear from you on this. I'd LOVE to hear you justify Governor Perdue's statement.
First, folks: Please pay attention to the fact that Governor Perdue DIDN'T suggest term limits, which would unquestionably achieve the same goal (of having elected officials concentrate more on helping the country than on their own personal agenda).
Hirota: out.
No, really.....he DOES care....

It kinda gives a person a warm, fuzzy feeling (sort of a Chris Matthews' "thrill going up my leg"
moment) when Liberals like Obama and Reid tell you about how hard they fight for you....your job, your safety, your money, your happiness....your job.....and then tell you that that long, tough battle to create a job for you has to be put on hold so that they, Obama and Reid, can go on vacation...or do a little fundraising...
I may have to rethink this whole "freedom" thing...
Really, folks....based on the remarkable abuses that are taking place in elected office...from Pelosi's multi-million dollars private plane escorts to Michelle Obama's hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars mini vacations...and the fact that we Americans seem unconcerned with it all....I'm not sure we DESERVE the freedoms and liberties that we have.
Hirota: out.
Monday, September 26, 2011
So, our idiot-in-chief, instead of offering comfort and encouragement to the great people of Texas during the raging fires currently engulfing parts of that state, has decided to "Al Gore" Rick Perry, chastising the Governor as a denier of Global Warming.
THIS is how Obama's going to fight his way to re-election??? By making fun of Global Warming deniers????
What is next? Who's he going to go after next? Maybe Mitt Romney, that "round-earther"?
Doesn't Obama understand that only Californians are still stupid enough to believe in Global Warming? (Of course, what do expect from a population that thinks that Jerry Brown, Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer are "really smart people"?)
He IS going to need more than 55 electoral votes....
Hirota: out.
Shameful! (snicker)

I never thought I'd disagree with Scalia....
Commented Scalia, "I am sometimes asked if my beliefs as a Catholic – I would rather say my nature or my identity as a Catholic – affects my legal decision. My response is ‘I certainly hope not’”.
“The laws that I apply have a fair meaning. And that meaning is no different for a Catholic than it is for a Jew, any more than it is different for a woman and a man, or a white man and a black.”
In other words, his judgement, as a Supreme Court Justice, is based solely on a strict interpretation of the Constitution. That Catholicism's ethical standards are parallel to those of the Constitution does not mean that Scalia's decisions are religiously-based.
But this is not where I disagree with Justice Scalia (a person for whom I have GREAT respect).
Rather, it's the comments he made following his initial comments that are at issue with me...
Scalia stated, "In my honest reading of the Constitutional text, it addresses the subject (abortion) not at all, which means it is left up to the individual states."
Although Scalia IS correct in that the Constitution does not SPECIFICALLY state anything about "abortion" itself, the notion that the concept of abortion is not addressed in the Constitution is flatly wrong.
The Constitution demands equality for ALL, irrespective of race, creed, color....OR stage in life.
Even Liberals cannot argue this point, as this notion is the basis for all civil rights legislation.
After all, if one can claim that the Constitution provides equality for ANY human, it must, therefore, provide equality for ALL humans.
So, the rights of ALL--EVEN the not-yet born--are NOT a matter for individual states.
Wasn't this the same argument in the days when slavery was legal??
Either EVERYONE is equal, or NO ONE is...
Sorry Antonin......
Hirota: out.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Obama's black half....
Obama, in his address to the Congressional Black Caucus this weekend, told blacks to quit crying and complaining and "put on your marching shoes" for jobs an opportunity.
Carped The Little 'O':
“Take off your bedroom slippers. Put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. Stop complainin’. Stop grumblin’. Stop cryin’. We are going to press on. We have work to do.”
From a diction, inflection and grammar standpoint, it was painfully obvious that Obama's white half was mocking his black half, fundamentally suggesting that blacks get off their lazy asses and get to work.
Yet, the blacks in the CBC didn't seem to mind being told what to do. In fact, they applauded Obama....ALL of him!
I guess y'all isn't ready fo' dat which dem half-white folks gits....
...has a nice day, y'all!
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
A couple initial observations...
Three, initial, thoughts:
1. Interestingly (and, frankly, encouragingly), all the GOP candidates are talking like Conservatives. I haven't seen this kind of Conservatism since...well....the 2010 campaign season.
And we KNOW how THAT turned out...
2. The fact that Romney and Perry are currently in the lead tells me, sadly, that Americans have, thus far, learned NOTHING from 2008.
Then, this EXTREMIST radical, Liberal, ULTRA-LEFT-WING half-black candidate appeared out of nowhere, with almost NO voting record (other than "present"), not a single piece of substantive legislation authored, with ZERO management experience, no agenda and no formal positions, but WAS proved to be have direct ties to extremist radicals like Bill Ayers and Reverend Jeremiah Wright.....BUT, he claimed to be a Centrist....said he would bring both sides together....said he Governed from the middle.....and people believed him!
Both Romney and Perry, according to their rhetoric, are damned Reaganesque! NOTHING could be farther from the truth. BOTH these idiots, along with pretty much the entire field, are BARELY centrist voters. In fact, in the case of both Romney and Perry, some are decidedly LEFT-of-center in their voting!
Yet, Americans, who CLEARLY either haven't done their homework, are gluttons for punishment or are just plain stupid, seem to believe every word they say!
To this, all I can say is: WTF?!
3. I'm not real convinced that ANY of these candidates will still be in the race, come early next year. After all, McCain and Obama pretty much came out of nowhere (where they should have stayed).
So, I'm not really making guesses yet. Pathetically, I haven't seen ANYTHING that tells me that we have the right candidate who stands a chance at beating Obama. Evidently, Republicans are choosing to battle a five-alarm fire....with a squirt gun. What we NEED to fight that fire is AN OCEAN.
We SHOULD be learning a lesson from Reagan's second term: PROVE YOURSELF TO BE A REAL....ACTUAL....CONSERVATIVE, AND THE RACE IS A SLAM-DUNK (in Reagan's second term, he took 49/50 states....the biggest landslide in US history!)
Summon some spine, Conservatives: if we get off our fat, lazy asses, we CAN return this great country to it's founding principles...
Hirota: out.
"Witch Hunt"? Part 2...
Another piece was released yesterday (Tuesday), which furthered the allegations and mentioned a bit more detail.
In the new piece, the letters (anonymously sent) also accused "another high ranking male county employee" of sexual impropriety.
I find it interesting that the name of the "other high ranking male county employee" is not revealed, while Bustamonte's is. And, this other "high ranking male county employee" was not placed on administrative leave; at least, it's not mentioned in the article.
The article goes on to, again, reveal Bustamonte's salary, yet doesn't state the salary of the other "high ranking male county employee".
If I may quote Alice:
Curiouser and curiouser...
Hirota: out.
Again, I have no idea whether these allegations are true or false.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Joke of the Day
The bartender asks, "What can I get you, Mr. President?"
....And when they are NOT just racists.....
WHAT?????? How can this POSSIBLY be?????
I thought Liberals were ALL about women's rights? Hello NARAL? Hello NOW????
MY God....who's next?
It's already WELL known that Liberals act out against blacks and the poor (one and the same, if you listen to Liberals).
But women, too???? Shameful!
Who's the next Liberal target-of-aggression?
The elderly?
Unions? (Not likely) ALMOST seems like Liberals don't really care AT ALL about those they CLAIM to care about, don't it????
Hirota: out
YAWNNNNNNNN....more racism from Liberals....
But here it is anyway:
A news piece today stated flatly that Liberals are planning a primary challenge for the Democratic Party nomination, against Obama, for the 2012 general election. BIG surprise...
But, let's make it very clear:
Since Liberals CONSTANTLY accuse Republicans and Conservatives (no....they are NOT the same thing) of racism whenever they disagree with Obama, then it only makes sense that THEY (Liberals) MUST BE RACISTS, if they are, in fact, planning a primary challenge.
News reports are VERY vague when it comes to the specific Liberal group mounting the primary challenge, which, quite frankly, is equivalent to the "white pointy hoods" of the attempt to hide who they are.
The only name they DO mention is Ralph Nader, psycho-Liberal, white guy.
(FYI....typically, the party in power NEVER offers a challenger to THEIR OWN PARTY, so one can only conclude two things: Obama, even to Democrats, IS A FAILURE, and, Liberals...ARE RACISTS, as defined BY THEM!)
Hirota: out.
For-REAL racist...
Speak ill of Obama: you're a racist.
Point out the failure of Welfare: you're a racist.
Opine that Jesse Jackson is a money-grubbing, philandering, race-baiting extortionist: you're a racist.
Evidently, the key to being called a "racist" is.....TELLING THE TRUTH.
Well, a FOR-REAL racist revealed himself this weekend and, NO, it wasn't a Conservative.
In fact, it wasn't even a Republican!
In fact, this person WASN'T EVEN WHITE!
The racist was none other than EMANUEL CLEAVER (D-Mo), Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus!
Stated Cleaver, "If Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching on the White House."
How does this make him a racist? For Liberals out there, I'll explain:
Cleaver, in his pronouncement, clarifies the CBC's position: Obama is a failure, but we won't take action against him BECAUSE HE IS BLACK!
The fact that, in his statement, he targets Bill Clinton (White...Liberal Democrat), it proves that Cleaver ISN'T targeting party affiliation. Both Clinton and Obama, after all, are Democrats!
Now, I already am WELL aware that Cleaver will pay NO price for his racism....because he is black. Nor will he take any heat from Democrats....because they are ALL racists.
Cleaver accomplished nothing more than Conservatives....what Liberals stand for.
Hirota: out.
Monday morning Java....
Friday, September 16, 2011
Witch hunt?
So, when I was asked, by readers, to weigh in on the news concerning the allegations of sexual impropriety levelled at Councilman Carlos Bustamonte, I did my due diligence by first reading the article, posted in The Orange County Register. As with all such issues, I knew that my "weight" would initially be based on the news itself, followed (assuming the story eventually develops), either by reinforcement of my initial opinion or by modification of my opinion based on new revelations...
The news piece, which can be found here (, reports that Councilman Bustamonte was placed on administrative leave as a result of an allegation of sexual impropriety.
As a matter of full disclosure, it must be known that Carlos is a close friend, with whose family I have known nearly my entire life.
So, it was with a sense of disappointment that I prepared to read this article.
Then.....I read the article.
Now, I have NO idea whether the allegations carry any truth. I wasn't there. I CAN tell you that the accusations levelled at Carlos are WAYYYYYYY out of character of the man I know.
But, to my eye, there are aspects of the article that appear, on the surface, to smack more of a political hatchet job than a matter of honest news reporting.
For instance, the allegations are evidently based on an "anonymous letter". Now, I FULLY realize that the writer of this letter may not wish to be identified (due to retaliation), but it's equally possible that ANYONE with a vendetta against Bustamonte could have penned that letter. This, to me, is a possible 'red flag'.
Further, which, to me, also raises a red flag, is that Bustamonte's county salary is also disclosed in the news report....
Why disclose income in a report about sexual allegations? This makes no sense, unless, of course, the desired affect of this disclosure is intended to incite class envy.
Finally, this story comes on the heels of an rather nasty situation in the Santa Ana City Council, revolving around another Councilperson, who recently made disparaging remarks (I won't bother going into specifics....). Councilman Bustamonte, along with another Councilmember, officially denounced this Councilperson, calling for their removal from city office. The key here, politically, is that Bustamonte is a Republican (the other Councilmember is a Democrat), while the Councilmember who made the disparaging comments is....a Democrat. Could this be a vendetta?
Because I write a political blog, and treat both sides equally, I'll be following this news story....
From what is available right now, I find these allegations highly suspicious.
Will this opinion change? Depends on how the story develops....
Stay tuned.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
A pleasant....VERY pleasant...start to the day
Anthony Weiner's seat (I hope they wiped it down) has been won by....A REPUBLICAN!
Republican Bob Turner, political newbie, defeated Democrat David Weprin, political hack in what can only be described (by anyone with intellectual honesty, which automatically counts Liberals out) as a stunning slam on the Democratic Party.
With most districts reporting, Turner was leading 54% to Weprin's 46%. Now, in the actual, real world, that is a "mandate", a "slam dunk", a "clear message", a "cataclysm". Of course, to Democrats, it'll be reported (IF reported at all) as "a statistical glitch", "a typical vote", "obvious voter intimidation", "racism", "religious persecution", "Bush's fault".
But here's the reality, folks:
This vote IS a mandate, without question. And this mandate offers a couple VERY real lessons:
- The 2010 election continues, which is GOOD news for Conservatives. Now, let's make NO mistake: Turner AIN'T no Conservative. BUT, in his home district, ANYTHING to the right of Mao and Stalin is considered "Conservative".
- In a district that is 40% Jewish, for Weprin, a Jewish, Liberal and Democrat, this is a STUNNING defeat, especially given the fact that, astonishingly, most Jews vote Liberal Democrat (WTF?!)
Get ready, folks, for the media blitz that's about to happen.
You are about to witness a remarkable machine in action.
Anyone with a modicum of common sense will conclude, from this election, that SUCH a stunning defeat was clearly a message straight to the Oval Office. The media will be working overtime to dissuade you from that notion...'s Bush's fault.'s the economy, caused by Republicans fighting the jobs bill, the debt limit, the stimulus, abortion....whatever.'s Weiner's fault (this actually sounds good, but certainly isn't the case.....after all, look how many times Ted Kennedy got re-elected...)'s the was, caused by Republicans.'s the hurricanes.'s the earthquake in DC.
Folks, pay careful attention to the media regarding this election.
Watch the three-ring circus.
Hirota: out.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Pointing out the obvious
Personally, I don't need a "9/11 anniversary" for ANY of the reasons listed above because I, like ALL Conservatives, LIVE these remembrances and renewals each and every day.
The 9/11 motto, "NEVER FORGET", for Conservatives, actually means "NEVER FORGET!"
But I would be remiss in NOT reminding people, on this anniversary, of something else of equal importance:
Post WWII, after the atrocities committed by the "Nazi Party" (in actuality, the "National Socialist Party") were fully uncovered, Americans (and certainly, most people around the world) vowed, "NEVER AGAIN!"
At that moment, the world vowed to learn a horrific lesson and to never allow such atrocities to take place again.
...until Socialists such as Chairman Mao and Pol Pot came along; perpetrating the same acts of aggression against their own people and butchering FAR more that even Hitler was capable...
But all these butchers had two things in common: first, they were Socialists; believers in Marx and Engle, believers in one, all-powerful, controlling Government. Second, in order to execute their plans of genocide and total control, they operated almost entirely without resistance; either from the people OR from outside intervention.
Fast-forward to more recent times, in the mid-90's, an genocide took place in Rwanda. Hutu's (MUSLIMS) butchered around ONE MILLION Tutsis (Christians). This was, without question, a religious genocide, but this one ushered in a new and frightening aspect: it happened IN FULL VIEW OF, AND COMPLETE AWARENESS OF, THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT (Bill Clinton).
Although Clinton denies, to this day, any knowledge of the genocide in Rwanda, CIA documents and other internal White House memorandum released under the FOIA, have demonstrated, conclusively, that he was FULLY aware of the genocide.
Worse, those memorandum ALSO have proven that Clinton PREVENTED his administration (and the United Nations Security Council) from acting to stop the atrocities in Rwanda.
So the world that has once vowed, "NEVER AGAIN", instead decided, "WE DON'T CARE!"
And today, ten short years after the butchery of 9/11, one thing is PAINFULLY obvious:
President Obama, along with the rest of the Democratic Party...all Socialists...who originally chanted "NEVER FORGET" as if it were the theme of the prom, have now OBVIOUSLY forgotten. And, just as Clinton, another Socialist, did with Rwanda, are now turning their eyes from the VERY REAL threat of Islamic Fascism.
Through a campaign of appeasement and capitulation, along with campaigns against private property rights and private gun ownership (two hallmarks of ALL acts of genocide in the 20th Century) the Democratic Party is attempting to set the stage for genocide in America which, in truth, has already existed since 1973.
For those who scoff and believe that genocide is "a thing of the past" and "could never happen in America", consider this:
The list of genocides, POST-WWII, worldwide, include:
Kim Il Sung
Yakubu Gowon
Leonid Brezhnev
Jean Kambanda
Saddam Hussein
Fumimaro Konoe
Jonas Savimbi
Mullah Omar
Idi Amin
Yahya Khan
Charles Taylor
Foday Sankoh
Ho Chi Min
Michel Micombero
Slobodan Milosevic
Hassan Turabi
ALL of these butchers, at some point, decided simply that some aspect of humanity was deemed "not worthy of protecting".
And, right here in America, since 1973, and continuing AS I WRITE THIS BLOG, our own genocide is taking place, IN THE FULL KNOWLEDGE OF, FULL CONSENT OF, the Socialists in our Government: THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.
But Democrats have, just as Clinton did in Rwanda, introduced a new phase of genocide. Democrats today are not only aware of the American Genocide, THEY ACT TO PROTECT AND EXPAND IT, LEGALLY.
Of course, the genocide of which I speak is abortion, which has claimed FIFTY TWO MILLION to date (which is more that Hitler AND Stalin.....COMBINED).
At what point will a brave group of people act to stop this madness?
Hirota: OUT.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
So...I read this headline today....
If ever there existed prime candidates for "The Darwin Awards", it's this group of "frustrated blacks"!
With a National unemployment rate of 9.1% (actual rate is at least 3-4 point higher), it is impossible NOT to conclude that Obama's grandiose promises have been nothing but lies; pipe dreams from his own little extremist radical mind. As evident is the fact that, as abysmal as the unemployment is for the general population, it’s even worse for blacks, who currently experience an unemployment rate of around 17% (with black teens at a staggering 47%, nationally).
So, if Obama and the Democrats have proven anything since gaining control of Congress in 2006 and taking the White House in 2008, it’s that they are either COMPLETELY incompetent or are deliberately trying to sink America. If there’s another possible conclusion, I’d sure like to hear about it…..(LIBERALS, now’s your chance to weigh in; to set the record straight, to put me in my place and demonstrate….with actual facts….just how wrong I am).
Perhaps the most shameful thing to me is the fact that, if these same “frustrated blacks” had as much faith IN THEMSELVES as they do in our Federal Government Officials, blithering idiots like Obama, Rangel, Waters and Hastings would NEVER….EVER…be elected…
Hirota: out.
Friday, September 9, 2011
I predict......
Setting aside the fact that all the pandering and ass-kissing Democrats have done to appease terrorists seem to be failing, the administration is scrambling to locate the terrorists committed to this mission.
DHS has described at least one of the terrorists as an American citizen...
IF and when these bozos get caught....hopefully BEFORE they act...I predict that initial mainstream media reports will STRONGLY suggest that the homegrown idiot has "ties to the Tea Party".
The Democratic Party: making the world safe from freedom and liberty.....
Hirota: OUT.
REAL "hope and change", Mississippi style....
And make NO mistake about it: the dehumanization of the unborn is 100% a product of Liberalism, as expressed through The Democratic Party, who protect, defend and expand the 1973 Roe v Wade decision, and who, in frank honestly, revel in the butchery of the most innocent of all humans.
Throughout American history, the Democratic Party has proven to be the party of "legislated inequality", from their protection of slavery, to their excluding blacks and women from voting rights, to "hate crime" legislation, to "women's rights" laws, to abortion law, to embryonic stem cell research. At the root of ALL these wildly discriminatory, unconstitutional pieces of legislation
is...The Democratic Party. Although, I freely admit that what has aided in this march to Marxism has been a "silent (Conservative) majority".
The Ballot Measure in Mississippi is important for a couple reasons, in addition to THE MOST important reason: protection of the rights of the unborn (or rather, the ESTABLISHMENT of human rights for the unborn).
First, along with South Dakota, a systematic attack on "Roe" IS necessary to eventually overturn this "abortion" of a law. More states following suit WILL lead to the most profound (and necessary) equal rights legislation, along with the abolition of slavery, in our nation's history.
In actuality, overturning Roe v Wade, just like the abolition of slavery or women's suffrage, restores the Constitution to it's original language, it's original intent and acts to reverse the damage caused by FAR too many years of Liberalism.
Second, placing Ballot Measure 26 on the ballot in the 2012 general election will bring Conservative voters to the polls. Of course, although it can be argued that an equal reaction from hardcore Marxists will ALSO come out to vote...against it..., the reality is there are more Conservatives than Liberals in America (as proven by the 2004 election, when thirteen states had "gay marriage" on the ballot: ALL 13 states defeated the proposals and those thirteen states carried Bush to his second term). And, since it is IMPERATIVE that Conservatives get out and vote for Conservative candidates, ballot measures like #26 will help to regain the Senate, hold and grow the House and, perhaps, recapture the Oval Office.
BRAVO to Mississippi! I hope those great people will take up the challenge in defense of our innocents.
And, I hope that other states place on THEIR ballots, other measures that DIRECTLY attack Liberalism ("Gay Marriage", "Single Payer Health care", Gun Control legislation, etc).
Folks: Liberals have declared war on our nation.
Don't we owe it to our future generations to preserve our freedom and liberty?
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Hillary vs Obama?
I have only one thing to say about that idea:
Hirota: out.
Monday, September 5, 2011
THANK YOU, Jimmy Hoffa!
President Obama, our Union-owned leader-from-behind, is celebrating Labor Day at a union rally where, I imagine, they'll don animal skins, chant, light fires, and celebrate the coming Socialist Spring...
Jimmy Hoffa, President of the Teamsters Union, at this rally, said:
"We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They've got a war, they got a war with us and there's only going to be one winner. It's going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We're going to win that war. President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong."
Folks, if it wasn't clear before, I can only HOPE that it's clear now: THE UNIONS AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY ARE ONE IN THE SAME. And, together, they are intent on the destruction of America; our freedoms, our liberty and our sanctity.
Hoffa declared it, Obama, through his silence, advocated it.
Americans: We ARE at war.
And now, the enemy has identified itself: THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, the destroyers of American exceptionalism.
So....let's oblige them.
Let's go to war.
Hirota: out.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Seems as a group of "white supremacists" are in Wisconsin, rallying in protest against the Wisconsin State Fair riots.
I'm SURE you heard about it, didn't you? It HAD to be in the mainstream news SOMEWHERE, dammit!?!?
...what do you mean "it wasn't"??!
A riot broke out at the Wisconsin State Fair this year. For no apparent reason, a bunch of people.......(BLACKS)......targeted a random bunch of other people.....(WHITES)....and beat them.
All this, without reason or motivation, other than "they were white".
Yet, evidently, the world seems unable to see this as a "hate crime".
...Go figure....
Anyway, these "White Supremacists" are rallying. NO DOUBT that THIS will make the news, which will go something like this:
"Neo-Nazi groups conducted a potentially violent rally today in Wisconsin. The group, claiming to be protesting 'hate crimes' against white people, used the rally to promote their anti-black, anti-minority, pro-Christian, racist agenda..."
--then comes the "on the scene" take--
"I'm here at the Neo-Nazi Anti-black rally, and I can't help but be reminded of the scenes in Nazi Germany, when largely native-German neighborhoods protested against the Jews who held properties in those neighborhoods....".
Gosh....I wonder if the press would use the same verbiage at a "Rainbow Coalition" rally.....or a Reverend Al Sharpton family get-together....?
Hirota: out!
Oh.....BY THE WAY....I'm SURE a speech by the President, who'll do his damnedest to calm the situation, will be forthcoming....maybe, say, 4 months from now...
" fellow Americans: because of the overwhelming discrimination demonstrated during the previous administration...."
You might ask: WHY should all this happen?
"Chaz" Bono, one-time daughter of "Cher" (of the former "Sonny and Cher"), now SON of "Cher", is going to be a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars"! (Can you believe it??? I know...I'm excited, too!)
Anyway, there's this elephant in the ballroom (no, not Chaz), folks. An obvious slight against a segment of society SO GLARINGLY evident that it may just be the downfall of ABC and BBC.
Chaz, who changed from girl to guy, falls into the EXTREME minority within that "I flaunt my bad decisions" community, which is largely (no pun intended) comprised of men changing to women.
Well, depending how you look at this Chaz/Dancing situation, the protestations/lawsuits/investigations could go a couple different ways:
- Lawsuit revolves around the fact that a "man" (Chaz) is CLEARLY selected over a "woman" (those transgendered who go from man to woman). BIG TIME discrimination against "women".
- Lawsuit revolves around Chaz dancing with a woman. The fact that Chaz USED to be a girl means that, technically, those are two lesbians dancing up there, and are therefore being deliberately chosen over "traditional" lesbians.
- The fact that, any way you cut it, this situation SPECIFICALLY excludes "bisexual"...uh...people (the "B" in LGBT), the "Chaz situation" is obviously unfair to that segment of society. This is discrimination, pure and simple.
Hmmmmm.....I wonder when the suits will be filed........
Folks, the fact that "Chaz" is going to be a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars" serves only two intentions:
- Shock value. This is the #2 reason, by the way. Like Madonna, Britney, Gaga and so many others today, it's a "WHATEVER IT TAKES TO BE NOTICED" method of doing business.
- Desensitization. THIS, folks, is the real agenda. Chaz will be offered on the altar of Liberalism; a sacrificial lamb (a gay one, at that) who will forward the cause and help achieve the ultimate Liberal goal: Destruction of the family.
Hirota: out.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Environmentalists: ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION???
We SHOULD be hearing accusations of "earth killers", "wasters", "pigs", "terrorists"....yaddata yaddata yaddata.....(that's from "The Seven Year Itch", btw...).
Shhhhh......hear that sound? It's the silence of apathy.....
Evidently, environmentalists don't care that their GOD, Obama, has pushed an important regulation, governing smog, right off the table and into the biodegradable composter.
All this because he is "suddenly" concerned about the state of the know....ZERO jobs growth.....
I thought that NOTHING is as important as our precious environment? Al Gore? Huh?
I thought that we, as Americans, must spare NO expense in defense of Mother Nature, the TRUE "God" of Liberalism?
But here he is......Dumbama himself, raping our natural resources just because he fears the loss of jobs.......
HOW pathetic is that?
Hirota: out!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
C'mon....give the guy a break.....where's the hope?
SO WHAT if every decision Obama's made had increased the debt!
SO WHAT if every decision Obama's made has deepened the recession!
SO WHAT if every decision, speech, pronouncement, promise that Obama's made has demonstrated the depth of the failure of his administration!!!!!
James Carney, the new "Minister of Information", has promised that Obama's about to announce a jobs bill that is "guaranteed" to grow jobs and reduce unemployment....
Give the guy a break, folks......HE CAN'T BE WRONG ALL THE TIME, DAMMIT!
Where's all that "hope and change"?
Whassamatter? Don't you believe anymore?!
Hirota: out!