Thursday, September 29, 2011


If you are actually masochistic enough to listen to Liberals, you'd know that THE example of cronyism in our government is HALLIBURTON.

HALLIBURTON: the name hisssssssssses from the lips of Liberals.

Quite frankly, I'm rather surprised that, in a fit of artistic license, the producers of the Harry Potter series didn't rename the "Voldemort" character "Halliburton"!

Libs: you missed your chance....

To the sentient world, Halliburton's association with Vice President Dick Cheney is not only a "former" association, but also one that is ultimately meaningless from a cronyism point of view.

Liberals claim that the Bush administration offered "no-bid" contracts to Halliburton, which, to them, serves as the proof of cronyism. In truth, the Bush administration DID offer Halliburton no-bid did Clinton's administration (does this mean that Clinton and Halliburton were in collusion????). No. It means that Halliburton, with it's expertise, experience and comprehensive services were recognized by BOTH administrations.

So.....back to Nancy Pelosi....

On the heels of the Solyndra scandal, in which Obama is ears-deep, comes a fresh, new scandal, this time tied DIRECTLY to Nancy Pelosi.

Yup.....seems Nancy's brother in law, Ronald Pelosi, just secured a loan guarantee from the federal government for $737 MILLION, in order to build a solar-thermal project in Nevada (Harry Reid's state).

First question: If 'green' energy technology is so darn good, useful, successful, why does the government need to throw so much money at it?

Second question: Does anyone REALLY believe that Liberals will take issue with this rather OBVIOUS example of ACTUAL cronyism?

Final question: How long will it be before we decide to stop being stupid (as a citizenry)?

Hirota: out.

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