"Obama jobs plan heartens frustrated blacks"
If ever there existed prime candidates for "The Darwin Awards", it's this group of "frustrated blacks"!
With a National unemployment rate of 9.1% (actual rate is at least 3-4 point higher), it is impossible NOT to conclude that Obama's grandiose promises have been nothing but lies; pipe dreams from his own little extremist radical mind. As evident is the fact that, as abysmal as the unemployment is for the general population, it’s even worse for blacks, who currently experience an unemployment rate of around 17% (with black teens at a staggering 47%, nationally).
So, if Obama and the Democrats have proven anything since gaining control of Congress in 2006 and taking the White House in 2008, it’s that they are either COMPLETELY incompetent or are deliberately trying to sink America. If there’s another possible conclusion, I’d sure like to hear about it…..(LIBERALS, now’s your chance to weigh in; to set the record straight, to put me in my place and demonstrate….with actual facts….just how wrong I am).
Perhaps the most shameful thing to me is the fact that, if these same “frustrated blacks” had as much faith IN THEMSELVES as they do in our Federal Government Officials, blithering idiots like Obama, Rangel, Waters and Hastings would NEVER….EVER…be elected…
Hirota: out.
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