One one hand, Republicans will be POUNDING Obama about his unconstitutional health care mandate: Obamacare.
On the other, Democrats will be desperately trying to tie Obamacare to "Romneycare", the health care plan that Romney incepted in Massachusetts.
Already, Democrats are out to gait, claiming that "Romneycare was the design used for Obamacare". They've gone on to claim (which I've noted in past postings) that "Romney is the godfather of Obamacare" (a quote from Plouffe).
Folks, THIS is a lie; a complete fabrication, pure and simple.
READ the language of Romneycare; you will see that it has NOTHING to do with Obamacare.
Here's how Obamacare works (individual mandate): by law, every American is REQUIRED to purchase health insurance FROM GOVERNMENT-DESIGNED HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS (EVERY provider is required, BY LAW, to provide a full range of "services", and every American MUST buy into EVERY service provided). If an American chooses NOT to follow this ridiculous law, that American will be "penalized" monetarily.
Romneycare, on the other hand, requires ALL Massachusetts citizens to purchase PRIVATE INSURANCE or must PAY FOR GOVERNMENT INSURANCE. Those citizens ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED a "free ride" insurance. (No WONDER Liberals HATE Romney!). It is a matter of fact that The Heritage Foundation, THE Conservative think tank, helped design "Romneycare".
So you see, although....subtly, Obamacare may SEEM similar to Romneycare, they are POLAR opposites!
BTW, there is precedent for this Liberal tactic....
During his first years in office, while Obama was working vigorously to raise taxes (on everyone, across the board), he targeted HUGE increases in sales tax. In defense of his outrageous position, Obama claimed that his huge increases in sales tax were "in keeping with 'flat tax' and 'fair tax' proposals". (Of course, the REASON he made this claim is because Conservatives LOVE "flat tax" and "fair tax" proposals).
Well, although it IS true that "flat" and "fair" tax proposals call for increases in sales tax, those increases are not nearly on par with the HUGE, across-the-board CUTS is taxes EVERYWHERE else in the system.
Obama's plan was to VASTLY increase sales tax while, AT THE SAME TIME, VASTLY increase ALL taxes across-the-board.
See the difference, folks?
THAT is how Liberals work.
In order to gain control over you, they lie; pure and simple....they lie. They will tell you ANYTHING that they think you'll want to hear.
Hirota: out.
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