Friday, April 13, 2012

A question and a challenge to Liberals

Since it's tax season, and reports are now coming out about a) how Obama DOESN'T pay his "fair share" of taxes (around 20%, which is around 30% LESS than he SHOULD be paying), and b) how little Joe Biden give in charitable contributions (1.5% of his adjusted gross income), I thought it might be a good time to ask Liberals a personal question, and offer them a challenge, based SOLELY on their voting character.

First, the question(s):

- Liberals, are you expecting money BACK from the government this year?

- If so, are you going to take it? Or, instead, since you vote for politicians who believe (aggressively) that taxes should be MUCH higher than they are now, are you going to simply let the government keep whatever they took from you?

- If you make MORE THAN the national average income (around $23,000), are you going to send all of your money, less $23,000, to the government?

- When you file your taxes, are you going to take advantage of ANY deductions (since, as Obama...along with ALL eloquently state, deductions are the very "loopholes" utilized by "rich Americans" to lower their tax liability?)

Now, understand that I know EXACTLY what those answers will be. And, those answers, along with the actions mentioned above, are absolutely hypocritical, since you, through your vote, believe that Americans who've earned whatever they earn, are NOT deserving of that money.

Now, the challenge:

Liberals, in keeping true to your vote and your ideology, I challenge you to the following:

1. Based solely on your total income, reduce your net income to $23,000 (national average) and whatever is above that amount, give to the government.

2. If you've already filed your taxes, and are due money back from the government: when your rebate check comes, endorse it and send it back, since you do not "deserve" that money and the Government would put it to better use. In addition, again, cut the Government a check for for ALL but $23,000, so that you are in keeping with the "fairness" of income in the United States.

Again, I know FOR FACT that NONE of you Liberals will do that. In fact, I know FOR FACT that you'll be taking advantage of EVERY loophole in the tax system and, if you ARE due money back from the Government, you'll not only be keeping it, but you'll be spending on the MOST WORTHLESS of causes: your own, personal.

Shame on Liberals (ALL of you) for your hypocrisy.....AND your selfishness.

Hirota: out!

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