Liberals, who believe in Darwinism, even though there isn't a shred of proof about much of his theory, constantly berate Conservatives about their silly Christianity......because, they say, there is no proof of God.
I beg to differ.
Please read attached article....and tell me "there's no God".....
Are you saying God stepped in and brought vengeance against 1 in 10,000? Seems the big man upstairs wasn't too miffed. Either that or this one individual was really, really bad.
Thankfully, a "belief" in Darwinism is not confined to Liberals. There are many smart Conservatives and Independents who see the folly of giving up logic and going along "because He said so".
To answer your request...I read the article and I will tell you...
"There's no God"
I will also tell you, I would stand shoulder to shoulder with you against these inhabitants of Lahore. The lack of logic and common sense displayed by these protesters is frightening.
We do have a common enemy and I choose to play that card over getting side tracked by convincing you that the spiritual world is man made.
Keep up the good fight.
Today's posts, for the most part, are meant more at poking fun of these various groups.
This particular post is sort of an "there IS justice in the world" moment!
- Common Sense
Oh.......and.......the Darwin argument is NOT a mere side track. Rather, it lies at the core of Liberalism, which can only thrive IF the notion of God and family can be destroyed.
- CS
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