Monday, October 15, 2012

My prediction for Tuesday's debate...

Doesn't take a "rocket scientist" to figure out what'll happen tomorrow night...

Candy Crowley, a HUGE, FANATIC supporter of Obama and a HUGE, WILD HATER of Mitt Romney, will be actively working to BURY Romney.

Obama will come out of the gate swinging (likely with thumbs tucked in...), and Crowley's job will be to silence and hobble Romney.

Jim Lehrer was condemned by Liberals for, of all things, being FAIR during the first debate. (Kudos to Lehrer, of whom I'm no great fan). Lehrer encouraged BOTH sides to debate and counter, while ALSO stopping BOTH in the need to move on.


Tuesday's debate will be an open attack.....FROM OBAMA AND CROWLEY....on Romney.

AND, since Candy "the cow" Crowley will be the one choosing the questions, you can be SURE that those questions WILL be directed to a) BURY Romney and b) protect Obama.

You watch, folks.......the Presidency is on the line for this debate.

Obama will be given EVERY chance and EVERY advantage to.....not fail completely.

Romney, on the other hand, will be more like an Olympic sprinter who is saddled with a 5 ton weight to drag and thugs along the track actively working to kneecap him.

(Oh.....and I predict that Romney will win anyway....)

Hirota: out.

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