Tonight's debate, the final Presidential debate, is scheduled to be on foreign policy.
Romney, although new at foreign policy, will be EXACTLY as he has been through the first two debates: articulate, focused, persuasive and professional. As I've said before: Romney will be Romney.
Obama, on the other hand, will try to be as poised as Romney, but will ultimately devolve into a position further to the extreme than the second debate. Obama will, without question, position himself as the guy who killed bin Laden and assembled the "largest coalition in history". Fact-checks notwithstanding, he'll be relying heavily on Biden-esque bull***t and confabulations; ALL intended to distract voters from the fact that his foreign policy is an even LARGER disaster than Jimmy Carter's.
Romney's gloves will be off with regard to Benghazi. In addition, IF he's allowed, Iran will come up. So will Syria. So will North Korea. So will Russia. So will China........since ALL of these are quickly growing concerns that Obama is IGNORING COMPLETELY.
Watch for Romney to inject the "optimal" gaffe.
Watch for Obama to paint Romney as Bush.
And finally, watch for Bob Schieffer (a VERY Liberal, PRO-OBAMA worshipper) to take Candy Crowley's performance to a HUGELY new level.
Hirota: out.
PS....OH...and.....Romney will win....again. A clean sweep.
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