A news report came out today, stating that you were leading the charge to treat Christian sharing-of-faith in the military as a crime, punishable by court martial.
The news piece to which I refer is here:
In the article, you are quoted as characterizing Christian proselytizing as an act of "treason", "spiritual rape" and suggesting that it is the equivalent of "sexual assault".
To these, I have no comment, other than to affirm your right to have an opinion, no matter HOW preposterous or goofy it is.
It is where you went on to suggest that Christians (in the military) who discuss their faith are "enemies of the Constitution" that I take issue.
Perhaps, Mikey (gotta tell you.....it's kinda hard to take you seriously when you call yourself "Mikey"), you ought to go back and read the Constitution....ALL of it (specifically, with regard to the religion thing, the First Amendment.
Never mind, I know you won't, so, I'll post it here for all to read in its entirety:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Mikey, I'm CERTAIN that you see where it states, "Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion...", because I'm certain that this is where you loosely (and incorrectly, by the way) derive your position. (For the sake of clarity: religious proselytizing in ANY public forum does NOT equate to "establishment" of a religion by the state. If you want to truly understand where the Founding Fathers got this philosophy....which I seriously doubt you do...research merry ol' England, where the King DID, in fact, establish an official state religion).
But, Mikey, I'm equally certain that you DON'T see (or understand) the SECOND part of that statement, which says, "...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...".
NOT included in that statement is "on public property" or "if you're in the military" or "unless you're a Muslim", etc.....
In fact, Mikey, contained within the First Amendment are precisely ZERO prohibitions regarding the free exercise of religion ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
So, your characterization of Christians sharing their religion as "enemies to the Constitution" is absurd.
In fact, Mikey, it is YOUR stance (not your opinion, but your desire to LEGISLATE your opinion) that makes YOU, Mikey Weinstein, an enemy of the Constitution.
Oh....and a note to the Pentagon:
You'd better keep this in mind, too. And remember, too, that THIS is why the SECOND Amendment was written.
(No WONDER Liberals hate the Founding Fathers and the Constitution...)
Hirota: out.
PS- Oh, and Mikey.....might want to change the name of your organization, from "Military Religious Freedom Foundation" to "Military Freedom-from-religion Foundation".....it's FAR more accurate...
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