Thursday, May 2, 2013


SHAME on the people of Florida!

In pure defiance of Obama's (and ALL Liberals') dream of butchering children EVEN AFTER THEY ARE BORN, Florida....UNANIMOUSLY....approved the "Infants Born Alive" legislation; which is expected to be signed by the Governor, Rick Scott, into law (it's expected, because Scott ISN'T a Democrat).

Here's the news piece:

How shameful is it that a LAW has to be passed in order to legally define someone as "human"?

And, folks, let's make NO mistake: Now, as in the past, this psychotic push to attempt to legislate humanity is ALL.....100%....the efforts of The Democratic Party. From slavery to suffrage, abortion to embryonic stem cell research.....ALL issues which The Democratic Party has attempted (and, in some cases, still succeeding) to define some segment of humanity as "LESS THAN HUMAN".

With slavery, Democrats legislated against color.
With women's (non) right to vote, Democrats legislated against gender
With abortion and embryonic stem cell research, the Democrats legislate against stage of life.

Thank you, Florida!

Thank you for not only understanding that "humanity" will NOT be unequally legislated, but also that these most-innocent, most-vulnerable in our society MUST be protected from...


Hirota: PROUD.

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