Susan Estrich, who ran the (historic, as a "how NOT to do it" lesson) Dukakis Presidential campaign (chortle), penned an opinion piece in which she suggested that women remain mistreated in Hollywood.
While I do not take issue with her assertion (in fact, I have no doubt she is spot on), I seriously question her ability to put “2 and 2” together.
But, in contemplating the larger picture, Estrich, with her inability to draw the natural, common sense, conclusion, merely reflects Liberalism in all its confusing glory: to see “2+2=” and come up with the answer “22”.
Think about it: Estrich castigates Hollywood for their treatment of women, while flatly ignoring (or not recognizing) the fact that Hollywood is a bastion of extreme Liberalism. In the same respect, Liberals also advocate for radical Islam, even though Islam relegates women to the status of “property”, without rights or freedoms accorded to men in the society. Islam also condemns (to death) homosexuality, another fiercely protected status of Liberals.
In a broader picture, Liberalism also defends (and works to expand) abortion rights, which, by statistics, terminates more blacks (whom Liberals claim to advocate for) than any other race.
Liberals also condemn America’s reliance on “foreign oil” while, at the same time, condemn oil companies for their desire to explore, drill and refine on American soil.
Liberals work ceaselessly to equate humans to “mere” animals, yet do not allow “Darwinism” (survival of the fittest) to play out naturally.
Religious protectors of our environment, Liberals (like Al Gore) remain the greatest wasters of natural resources.
Liberals discuss and condemn the corruption of “big oil”, after having driven their oil-consuming vehicles to coffee houses, consuming massive amounts of the world’s second biggest commodity while smoking the third largest.
What I cannot be sure of is whether Estrich simply fails to recognize her own hypocrisy or simply, deliberately ignores the truth…
…either of which, of course, just makes her a Liberal.
I guess I am even more confused concerning her comments since I fail to understand when Hollywood always represent men as idiot's on commercials with women always coming through as the superior sex and least we not forget it seems that most every cop show on TV has a young female African American as the superior supervising much older male cops who always seem to play simple minded idiots? Am I missing something? Also, as an ex-pat that was spent much time living and working in Muslim countries, why aren't these women groups speaking out against all the human right abuses being perpetrated out in the open on a daily basis against all races of women around the world? Should that be a concern verses speaking verses taking sides with people who support people like Hugo Chavez while calling Bush a Hitler; go figure.
Perhaps I can clear some of the confusion...
What constitutes "equal" to Liberals constitutes "discriminatory" for everyone else.
It's not enough to merely be equal (to Liberals). Women, homesexuals, blacks, etc, must be MORE equal than others (white, Christian males, mostly).
Does that help?
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