Tuesday, February 1, 2011

FOLLOWUP: WMD's, etc...

From time to time, it's important to revisit past conversations. In this case, I'd like to bring up-to-date a couple items with respect to two of the favorite Liberal arguments against President Bush's decision to conduct the war in Iraq.

The two arguments:

1. "Bush lied (about WMD in Iraq), people died"
2. "Al Qaeda was never in Iraq"

Well, to the first point:

In spite of a growing number of official reports proving otherwise, Liberals continue to accuse President Bush of lying about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Unfortunately for Liberals, the latest Wikileaks dump released a surfeit of documents, supporting evidence of WMD in Iraq.


Also, hunting through my old personal files, looking for WMD-related stuff as well as other topics related to the Iraq war, I found:

A report, citing official findings of the Kay report:


A report, citing "DebkaFile", on the movement of WMD to Syria. (I've read this agency for lots of years, and they are USUALLY pretty good, accuracy-wise. HOWEVER, I always look for other sources, as I don't trust this, or any other for that matter, one completely):


DOD report, on movement of WMD to Syria:


DOD report on finding WMD in Iraq:


With regard to the second item:

Weekly Standard released a piece about Iraq's association with Al Qaeda:


Will these pieces settle the questions? Of course not! Liberals simply believe what they believe and facts are of no significance....

Hirota: OUT!

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