Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Black History Month

February is Black History Month, celebrating the accomplishments, culture and contiributions by blacks in America.

In truth, though, Black History Month represents nothing more than an accepted form of
discrimination. After all, is there a "Yellow History Month", celebrating Asians in America? How about "Brown History Month", celebrating Hispanics in America? Or, "Red History Month" for Native Americans? Or....dare I even suggest...."White History Month"? (For which, I'm certain, I'll be labelled a racist)...

Sure, there are a few "Heritage Months" for some cultures, but none carry the sheer weight of "Black History Month".

On another note, there's a "Womens' History Month", yet no "Mens' History Month"....more discrimination...

How I encourage people to celebrate "Black History Month" is to work toward it's demise, for one simple reason: as long as we find it necessary to "celebrate" discrimination, we'll NEVER be a colorblind nation....

Happy Black History Month!

Hirota: OUT!


Jerry in Dana Point said...

Martin Luther King, Jr. would certainly be saddened by how far we've moved away from his ideal of a society where a person is judged by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin. You make some valid points, Tim. Keep challenging the status quo and conventional "wisdom".


Hirota said...

Couldn't agree with you more, Jerry!

Nowhere in Reverend King's does he suggest that blacks (or other 'minoities') should have rights over and above the rights of others.

Yet, Liberals now channel Reverend King, claiming to be upholding his vision. It is pathetic.

And, in truth, it's very much like Obama comparing himself to Reagan...which could only be believed by profoundly ignorant people....