....which means that it won't be covered by the media....
Today, around 450 Afghan prisoners escaped (mostly Taliban) through a tunnel dug by their brethren.
Undoubtedly, those escapees will return to the battle field, kill American and coalition soldiers; all of which will be ignored by the press as well...
Well.....until Liberals can firgure a way to blame Bush for all this....
Hirota: out.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Just TOO good to pass up.....

I can well imagine what was happening in the White House at that very moment:
There's dumb ol' Barack, on his knees praying: "Oh whoever, if I have failed you, if I have been untrue, if I've been a poor leader, if I have angered you....may I be struck by........"
Friday, April 22, 2011

This is Rembrandt's "Christ Crucified Between The Two Thieves"
If you've never read "A Doctor at Calvary" (Dr. Pierre Barbier), it would be WELL worth it....
...told you so....

Now...as obviously contrived as this photo is, my guess is that we ain't seen NUTHIN' yet! We are WAYYYYY early in the campaign season and as we draw closer to the election, we'll be hearing about Obama's "deep, life-long faith", his "profound humility in front of Jesus Christ, our Savior", his "life-long commitment to his christian upbringing...in Hawaii", blah blah blah.....
Said our apostle-in-chief today, "I wanted to host this breakfast for a simple reason -- because as busy as we are, as many tasks as pile up, during this season, we are reminded that there's something about the resurrection -- something about the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, that puts everything else in perspective."
WOW! I can't imagine more moving, inspired words....
And, although I couldn't find the rest of the quote, I'm SURE it HAD to go something like, "...and how about that Mary? What trust she must have had...you know...to do the nice stuff that she did...and how about that whole 'Trinity' thingy? I mean, we can't even imagine what all that stuff means...really puts things in perspective!"
I suppose that, if I had a wish this Easter, it'd be this: I wish that Obama would be as enthusiastic about the truth of Easter as he clearly is about abortion....
Hirota: out.
So....have you heard......????
What am I thinking? Of COURSE you haven't heard the news, because the media is completely ignoring it.
It seems as a VERY hush hush investigation is going to take place because of a garage fire that took place last week. The suspected culprit?
A GM (CHEVY) VOLT! Yup...the car that is owned by "Obama Motors" which is going to "save the planet" (evidently, by burning it to the ground...).
Well, I guess that this Volt was plugged in for recharging (burning fossil fuels in some electric plant somewhere), and some folks thought that...perhaps....the battery caught fire. Ooops.
Then came some more bad news...
While segregated for investigation, and UNplugged, the battery on that vehicle ignited AGAIN! ALL BY ITSELF! Imagine that!
Did you hear about it? I doubt it. After all...it wasn't a "Prius".
Here's a prediction:
After being NOT-reported, the investigation will be found to have been "inconclusive": story over.
There'll be no screams of outrage. No demands for recall. No class action lawsuits designed to bring the company down.
The issue will merely go away...
Hirota: out.
It seems as a VERY hush hush investigation is going to take place because of a garage fire that took place last week. The suspected culprit?
A GM (CHEVY) VOLT! Yup...the car that is owned by "Obama Motors" which is going to "save the planet" (evidently, by burning it to the ground...).
Well, I guess that this Volt was plugged in for recharging (burning fossil fuels in some electric plant somewhere), and some folks thought that...perhaps....the battery caught fire. Ooops.
Then came some more bad news...
While segregated for investigation, and UNplugged, the battery on that vehicle ignited AGAIN! ALL BY ITSELF! Imagine that!
Did you hear about it? I doubt it. After all...it wasn't a "Prius".
Here's a prediction:
After being NOT-reported, the investigation will be found to have been "inconclusive": story over.
There'll be no screams of outrage. No demands for recall. No class action lawsuits designed to bring the company down.
The issue will merely go away...
Hirota: out.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I'm just sayin'....
You people have it ALL wrong!
You keep accusing Obama (and the rest of the Socialists in Congress) of encumbering our children and our children's children with the debt they are ringing up today.
WOW! Have YOU got it wrong!
Isn't it obvious enough?
Think about it:
With these idiots in office, and Dumbama at the helm, the way they so religiously support abortion at ANY cost, they plan on butchering the future debt payers of America.....
They've already gotten rid of 51 MILLION "inconveniences"....
Hirota: just sayin'....
You keep accusing Obama (and the rest of the Socialists in Congress) of encumbering our children and our children's children with the debt they are ringing up today.
WOW! Have YOU got it wrong!
Isn't it obvious enough?
Think about it:
With these idiots in office, and Dumbama at the helm, the way they so religiously support abortion at ANY cost, they plan on butchering the future debt payers of America.....
They've already gotten rid of 51 MILLION "inconveniences"....
Hirota: just sayin'....
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
....And the hits just keep coming....
Bill Richardson (Governor, New Mexico and nominee for Secretary of Commerce), Tom "dumb dumb" Daschle (nominee for Health and Human Services secretary), Nancy Killifer (nominee for Deputy Director, OMB), Hilda Solis (nominee Labor Secretary), Tim Geithner (Treasury Secretary).....
On and on, it appears that, in order to be nominated to a post in the Obama administration, all you need to do is NOT PAY TAXES.
Now, it's been discovered that good ol' Eric Holder is ALSO a tax dodger (failed to pay taxes on inherited property).
So...what's he going to do now? Prosecute himself?
Liberals, of couse, will give a pass....much like they've done so for ALL the other tax cheats in the Obama administration.
You see, folks, when it comes to Liberalism, words like "quality", "ethics", "morals", "principles", "integrity" are just that: words. They are meaningless to Liberals, solely because the idiots they support possess NONE of these character traits...
Hirota: taxed.
On and on, it appears that, in order to be nominated to a post in the Obama administration, all you need to do is NOT PAY TAXES.
Now, it's been discovered that good ol' Eric Holder is ALSO a tax dodger (failed to pay taxes on inherited property).
So...what's he going to do now? Prosecute himself?
Liberals, of couse, will give a pass....much like they've done so for ALL the other tax cheats in the Obama administration.
You see, folks, when it comes to Liberalism, words like "quality", "ethics", "morals", "principles", "integrity" are just that: words. They are meaningless to Liberals, solely because the idiots they support possess NONE of these character traits...
Hirota: taxed.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Why isn't dumb ol' Michael Moore weighing in on this???
No pun intended, folks...
So, Fidel stated today that "new leaders" must fix the Cuban economy.
FIX the Cuban economy???? What on earth is wrong with the Cuban economy? Don't they have the greatest healthcare in the world (this according to Liberals...and Michael Moore)? Aren't they the world's champions of human rights (this according to Liberals...and Michael Moore)? Isn't this the place that has 100% employment (this according to Liberals....and Michael Moore)? (Well....at least they DID have 100% employment, until the government laid off half the population...).
Michael? Michael?
...he must be busy making another gripping, fact-rich, well-rounded (again: no pun intended), balanced documentary about it...
So, Fidel stated today that "new leaders" must fix the Cuban economy.
FIX the Cuban economy???? What on earth is wrong with the Cuban economy? Don't they have the greatest healthcare in the world (this according to Liberals...and Michael Moore)? Aren't they the world's champions of human rights (this according to Liberals...and Michael Moore)? Isn't this the place that has 100% employment (this according to Liberals....and Michael Moore)? (Well....at least they DID have 100% employment, until the government laid off half the population...).
Michael? Michael?
...he must be busy making another gripping, fact-rich, well-rounded (again: no pun intended), balanced documentary about it...
Al Gore, Barack Obama....and Charlie Manson!
It just doesn't get any better than this, folks!
So.....on the anniversary of the notorious Manson cult killings (perhaps, also, in celebration of a certain upcoming stupid-Liberal event, "Earth Day"), Charlie has broken his silence.
His topic? His rant? His overriding concern?
Ranted Manson:
"Everyone’s God and if we don’t wake up to that there’s going to be no weather because our polar caps are melting because we’re doing bad things to the atmosphere.
If we don’t change that as rapidly as I’m speaking to you now, if we don’t put the green back on the planet and put the trees back that we’ve butchered, if we don’t go to war against the problem..."....Charlie just sort of trailed off after that....
But, in all honesty, he's more logical, more lucid and frankly makes more sense than Al Gore!
Hirota: chortling....
So.....on the anniversary of the notorious Manson cult killings (perhaps, also, in celebration of a certain upcoming stupid-Liberal event, "Earth Day"), Charlie has broken his silence.
His topic? His rant? His overriding concern?
Ranted Manson:
"Everyone’s God and if we don’t wake up to that there’s going to be no weather because our polar caps are melting because we’re doing bad things to the atmosphere.
If we don’t change that as rapidly as I’m speaking to you now, if we don’t put the green back on the planet and put the trees back that we’ve butchered, if we don’t go to war against the problem..."....Charlie just sort of trailed off after that....
But, in all honesty, he's more logical, more lucid and frankly makes more sense than Al Gore!
Hirota: chortling....
Al Gore,
charlie manson,
global warming,
I thought Liberals were supposed to be the smart ones?
After all, isn't that what THEY claim? Aren't we Conservatives "Jethros"? Bumpkins? Joe 6-packs?
Perhpas we are....
I mean, it's pretty obvious, to me, that we MUST be missing the nuance in the news report, released today, that revealed that Obama, reporting an income of $1.78 MILLION in 2010, IS RECEVING A TAX REFUND OF $12,000.00!!!!
Further, Obama paid a total tax of $466,000...FAR less than the 50% tax bracket he's supposed to be in. How does that happen? Did Obama take deductions? OBVIOUSLY, the answer is "YES".
BUT, isn't he the one talking about everyone "paying their fair share"? Isn't HE the one saying that the rich MUST be taxed HARD? Isn't HE the one condemning the "loopholes" in the tax code that help those greedy rich folks keep their money, thereby screwing the rest of us out of our fair share????
The funniest...and most tragic and telling....thing about this report is that Liberals...those brilliant, nuanced Liberals...will NEVER attempt to bring their god to answer for his hypocrisy.
Hirota: out.
Perhpas we are....
I mean, it's pretty obvious, to me, that we MUST be missing the nuance in the news report, released today, that revealed that Obama, reporting an income of $1.78 MILLION in 2010, IS RECEVING A TAX REFUND OF $12,000.00!!!!
Further, Obama paid a total tax of $466,000...FAR less than the 50% tax bracket he's supposed to be in. How does that happen? Did Obama take deductions? OBVIOUSLY, the answer is "YES".
BUT, isn't he the one talking about everyone "paying their fair share"? Isn't HE the one saying that the rich MUST be taxed HARD? Isn't HE the one condemning the "loopholes" in the tax code that help those greedy rich folks keep their money, thereby screwing the rest of us out of our fair share????
The funniest...and most tragic and telling....thing about this report is that Liberals...those brilliant, nuanced Liberals...will NEVER attempt to bring their god to answer for his hypocrisy.
Hirota: out.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Ok Ok.....
I've resisted commenting too much on Charlie Sheen because, frankly, I pretty much ignore his crap...
But, what IS worth commenting on is the fact that his shows have pretty much bombed, and continue to bomb.
Yet, a bunch of people insist on paying anywhere between $35 and $300 per ticket to see this psychologically challenged, perpetual 14 year old, fantasize on stage.
....and those ticket holders end up saying how disappointed they are at the performance.
Obi Wan once said, "who is the bigger fool? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"
I've resisted commenting too much on Charlie Sheen because, frankly, I pretty much ignore his crap...
But, what IS worth commenting on is the fact that his shows have pretty much bombed, and continue to bomb.
Yet, a bunch of people insist on paying anywhere between $35 and $300 per ticket to see this psychologically challenged, perpetual 14 year old, fantasize on stage.
....and those ticket holders end up saying how disappointed they are at the performance.
Obi Wan once said, "who is the bigger fool? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"
.....so says he (Obama).
Now that a deal has been struck, averting a government shutdown, Obama, of course, is taking credit for it. Not only that, but he's taking credit for saving lots of money! (It's worth noting that Obama wanted to INCREASE spending with this budget, even though he's ALREADY spending around eight times what the government is bringing in...)
So, there he, trying to build his case for reelection, claiming to have been the god of this budget deal.
I'm increasingly confident that, at some point in the near future, we'll get to listen to Obama say, "So....what do you think of the sunset I arranged for you yesterday? Pretty nice, huh?"
After all, he would have as much to do with the setting of the sun as he has had to do with the budget deal (or the Middle East situation).
Now that a deal has been struck, averting a government shutdown, Obama, of course, is taking credit for it. Not only that, but he's taking credit for saving lots of money! (It's worth noting that Obama wanted to INCREASE spending with this budget, even though he's ALREADY spending around eight times what the government is bringing in...)
So, there he, trying to build his case for reelection, claiming to have been the god of this budget deal.
I'm increasingly confident that, at some point in the near future, we'll get to listen to Obama say, "So....what do you think of the sunset I arranged for you yesterday? Pretty nice, huh?"
After all, he would have as much to do with the setting of the sun as he has had to do with the budget deal (or the Middle East situation).
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Colossal Idiot of the Day
Alec Baldwin should be in the "Idiot Hall of Fame", along with Sean Penn, Jeanine Garofolo and Babs Streisand. These particular Liberals just seem to say breathtakingly stupid things FAR more often than the regular old garden variety Liberals, who only occasionally open their mouths, thus proving their stupidity.
Baldwin was at it again this week, with this whopper:
"Well, I mean, I think so because I think that when you come into office and you want to put your mark on things -- this is just my opinion, when you want to put your mark on things, you want to be able to spend. And what’s crippled Obama's administration, as far as I’m concerned, is the financial crisis and it’s prevented him from doing any new spending"
Anyone looking for that "silver lining" on this stormy, Liberal-caused economy? Well.....Baldwin just provided it!
Hirota: out.
Baldwin was at it again this week, with this whopper:
"Well, I mean, I think so because I think that when you come into office and you want to put your mark on things -- this is just my opinion, when you want to put your mark on things, you want to be able to spend. And what’s crippled Obama's administration, as far as I’m concerned, is the financial crisis and it’s prevented him from doing any new spending"
Anyone looking for that "silver lining" on this stormy, Liberal-caused economy? Well.....Baldwin just provided it!
Hirota: out.
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