A Harvard study, released today, found that Fourth of July parades seem to serve only one purpose:
Yup, that's right.
Evidently, Fourth of July parades energize Republicans and depress Democrats (Liberals....Socialists....Communists....Statists...take your pick).
The study ALSO showed that Republicans also consider themselves MORE PATRIOTIC than Democrats/Liberals/Socialists/Communists/Statists.
(We needed a study to determine that??? That's like requiring a study to determine that Democrats/Liberals/Socialists/Communists/Statists are stupid)
Aren't some things rather obvious????
So, what Harvard is telling you is this: Democrats hate this country.
Again....aren't some things rather obvious???
Thanks, Harvard....college of the obvious.
Final point: the study concluded that "Republicans have more successful at appropriating American patriotism and it's symbols in hte twentieth century..."
...which is tantamount to concluding that Christians have been more successful at appropriating Christianity....
Hirota: out.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Proof of hypocrisy
While Obama was getting the ages of his daughters wrong, he DID take time to criticize Republicans' procrastination on the debt ceiling talks.
Barfed Obama, "Ya know, Malia and Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time...".
Perhaps dad should learn from his daughters....
Democrats have been procrastinating on a budget for....oh.....over TWO YEARS now.
What's that old saying? Something about "calling the kettle 'black'"?
In the immortal words of Ralph Drabble: "This guy is a fenderhead."
Barfed Obama, "Ya know, Malia and Sasha generally finish their homework a day ahead of time...".
Perhaps dad should learn from his daughters....
Democrats have been procrastinating on a budget for....oh.....over TWO YEARS now.
What's that old saying? Something about "calling the kettle 'black'"?
In the immortal words of Ralph Drabble: "This guy is a fenderhead."
Every time President Reagan made the smallest of spoken errors, Liberals jumped on him with accusations of dementia, Alzheimers, senility...
Yet, Obama never receives this treatment. Odd....
A man who can't remember how many states are in the United States and can't seem to remember the ages of his own daughters OUGHT to be thoroughly checked out....
...of course, this will never happen. (For Liberals, this is tantamount to a Christian questioning God's authority...).
Yet, Obama never receives this treatment. Odd....
A man who can't remember how many states are in the United States and can't seem to remember the ages of his own daughters OUGHT to be thoroughly checked out....
...of course, this will never happen. (For Liberals, this is tantamount to a Christian questioning God's authority...).
So, John "why the long face" Kerry, in an interview yesterday, said, "I would have made a good President. Maybe even a great one."
Now, I WILL give Kerry some credit.....IF he's comparing himself with Obama (of course, Obama would make "Zippy the Pinhead" look like a great President).
Ya know...in the old days, if people heard this idiot speaking, he'd have been exorcised!
HOWEVER, this kind of stuff DOES make for some delightful chuckles in the morning....
John Kerry.....a legend in his own mind.
....what a mope.
Now, I WILL give Kerry some credit.....IF he's comparing himself with Obama (of course, Obama would make "Zippy the Pinhead" look like a great President).
Ya know...in the old days, if people heard this idiot speaking, he'd have been exorcised!
HOWEVER, this kind of stuff DOES make for some delightful chuckles in the morning....
John Kerry.....a legend in his own mind.
....what a mope.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
In case you haven't heard, there's a Presidential election coming up next year.
And while ALL the rage seems to be focused on a) Sarah Palin apoplexy and b) Michelle Bachman apoplexy (hey....I think I'm seeing a theme here...), no one seems to be paying attention to poor ol' Barack (of course, why on earth WOULD they....Jeez...who needs pills to cure insomnia...???)
Anyway, with regard to Barack and Biden ("Team mope and dope"), I predict that Biden will be resigning his post as Veep, a post at which he's achieved the highest standards of "doing absolutely nothing".
Let's face it, folks....just being black AIN'T gonna do it for idiot Liberals this time around! After all.....what, on God's green earth, are they going to do if Herman Cain gets the nod??? AND, God forbid, what if the Republican ticket ends up looking like Cain/Bachman or Bachman/Cain???? That could spell BIGGGGGG trouble for Liberals, who vote ONLY by gender or skin color.
With this in mind, I HAVE to assume they're strategizing away.....and I am reasonably certain that I know who'll take Biden's place.
Criterea for Biden's replacement will include:
- NEARLY non-existent legislative record
- Can be the subject of media masturbation as "a hero" (when the announcement is made, expect LOTS of retrospectives and, perhaps, a made-for-tv movie.....NONE of which will review legislative history)
- Held an actual "job" at some point (VERY difficult to find in the Democratic Party)
- Can be viewed as "having been persecuted by Republicans" by the press
- Is smarter than Biden (kind of a "gimme", really...)
Who'll be the pick? Easy.....
Gabrielle Giffords
Count on it!
Hirota: out
And while ALL the rage seems to be focused on a) Sarah Palin apoplexy and b) Michelle Bachman apoplexy (hey....I think I'm seeing a theme here...), no one seems to be paying attention to poor ol' Barack (of course, why on earth WOULD they....Jeez...who needs pills to cure insomnia...???)
Anyway, with regard to Barack and Biden ("Team mope and dope"), I predict that Biden will be resigning his post as Veep, a post at which he's achieved the highest standards of "doing absolutely nothing".
Let's face it, folks....just being black AIN'T gonna do it for idiot Liberals this time around! After all.....what, on God's green earth, are they going to do if Herman Cain gets the nod??? AND, God forbid, what if the Republican ticket ends up looking like Cain/Bachman or Bachman/Cain???? That could spell BIGGGGGG trouble for Liberals, who vote ONLY by gender or skin color.
With this in mind, I HAVE to assume they're strategizing away.....and I am reasonably certain that I know who'll take Biden's place.
Criterea for Biden's replacement will include:
- NEARLY non-existent legislative record
- Can be the subject of media masturbation as "a hero" (when the announcement is made, expect LOTS of retrospectives and, perhaps, a made-for-tv movie.....NONE of which will review legislative history)
- Held an actual "job" at some point (VERY difficult to find in the Democratic Party)
- Can be viewed as "having been persecuted by Republicans" by the press
- Is smarter than Biden (kind of a "gimme", really...)
Who'll be the pick? Easy.....
Gabrielle Giffords
Count on it!
Hirota: out
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
From now until the election in 2012 (and EVERY DAY after...), please view this web site DAILY:
Monday, June 27, 2011
Proof that complacency works
A film was recently smuggled out of North Korea, showing starving, begging children, starving soldiers and other horrific signs that Kim Jong Il's policies are working.
A people completely lulled into complacency with promises of fortune, safety and well-being, cling to the notion that their "dear leader" will provide for all their needs and wants.
And yet they starve. And yet they disappear if they speak harshly about their country's leader.
...and yet they do NOTHING to stop the madness.
Why is it important to contemplate North Korea?
Because we, in America, aren't all that far behind...
"The oppressed, ultimately, choose oppression"
Hirota: out
A people completely lulled into complacency with promises of fortune, safety and well-being, cling to the notion that their "dear leader" will provide for all their needs and wants.
And yet they starve. And yet they disappear if they speak harshly about their country's leader.
...and yet they do NOTHING to stop the madness.
Why is it important to contemplate North Korea?
Because we, in America, aren't all that far behind...
"The oppressed, ultimately, choose oppression"
Hirota: out
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Probing the defenses.....
No, this isn't about the homosexual "marriage" thing.....
This is about Obama's decision to release oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve, which happened this week.
Right now, what Obama's re-election team is doing is watching......
...will oil prices dip?
...will gas prices dip?
...will Obama's ratings bump?
....what will happen?????
Folks, if the analysts see the right things, COUNT on Obama to order another release....right around September or October of 2012.
(And make no mistake....we'll be seeing LOTS of "probing" between now and the middle of next year....ALL with the same objective)
Hirota: out.
This is about Obama's decision to release oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve, which happened this week.
Right now, what Obama's re-election team is doing is watching......
...will oil prices dip?
...will gas prices dip?
...will Obama's ratings bump?
....what will happen?????
Folks, if the analysts see the right things, COUNT on Obama to order another release....right around September or October of 2012.
(And make no mistake....we'll be seeing LOTS of "probing" between now and the middle of next year....ALL with the same objective)
Hirota: out.
What did you expect?
New York has struck a blow (no pun intended) for the "let others carry the burden of responsibility for my decision" crowd, allowing homosexuals to "marry".
That "marriage" is VERY specifically defined, THROUGHOUT HISTORY, as "between one man and one woman" does not matter to Liberals (or homosexuals).
But, since homosexuals are determined to force society to pay the price for THEIR choices and since New York seems unwilling to be intelligent or historically accurate, I'd like to make a few suggestions which, reflecting the exact same legal, scientific and societal reality, should also be enacted by New York:
- Multiple "marriages" (bigomy, polygamy, polyandry, etc) should be legalized.
- Bestial "marriage" should be legalized.
- Incestuous "marriage" should be legalized.
Obviously, none of THESE are "marriage", by definition, either. BUT, by Governmental (stressing the 'mental') proclamation, they have every right to "marry". The fact is that NONE of these other relationships, including homosexual relationships, are genetically-based; they are personal choices.
Folks, homosexual "marriage" is only about one thing: the continued destruction of "family".
And if YOU allow this "slouch toward Gomorrah", then you also allow and advocate the destruction of our civil society as well as the erosion of our freedoms and liberties.
That "marriage" is VERY specifically defined, THROUGHOUT HISTORY, as "between one man and one woman" does not matter to Liberals (or homosexuals).
But, since homosexuals are determined to force society to pay the price for THEIR choices and since New York seems unwilling to be intelligent or historically accurate, I'd like to make a few suggestions which, reflecting the exact same legal, scientific and societal reality, should also be enacted by New York:
- Multiple "marriages" (bigomy, polygamy, polyandry, etc) should be legalized.
- Bestial "marriage" should be legalized.
- Incestuous "marriage" should be legalized.
Obviously, none of THESE are "marriage", by definition, either. BUT, by Governmental (stressing the 'mental') proclamation, they have every right to "marry". The fact is that NONE of these other relationships, including homosexual relationships, are genetically-based; they are personal choices.
Folks, homosexual "marriage" is only about one thing: the continued destruction of "family".
And if YOU allow this "slouch toward Gomorrah", then you also allow and advocate the destruction of our civil society as well as the erosion of our freedoms and liberties.
Friday, June 24, 2011

This week, Wasserman Schultz, the new chairthingy of the DNC (who, in this pic, looks like she just finished a meeting with union leaders), added to her already hefty list of "remarkably stupid comments" when she accused the GOP of being "anti-woman".
"Anti-woman"......must be "Liberaleze" for "doesn't Twitter small bady parts"...
Lincoln said, "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak out and remove all doubt"
Perhaps Wasserman Schultz oughta to follow this advice.....of course, the fact that Lincoln was a man means that Wasserman ain't listening....
Oh....btw...that new word? "F***ingstupid". (A term used very often, specifically in political discussions involving the Obama administration)
Hirota: out.
So....Hugo Chavez is back in town, following surgery to remove a "pelvic abscess"...
HEY....wait a minute...has anyone seen Sean Penn lately????
HEY....wait a minute...has anyone seen Sean Penn lately????
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Ooooooo....BUMMER....for feminists.....
With a WSJ review released today, I can't wait to hear the deafening silence from NOW, NARAL and all the other psycho-uber-Liberal "women's rights" groups.
The book "Unnatural Selection" (Mara Hvistendahl), reveals much about the pro-abortion movement.
It turns out that in countries such as China, Armenia, Georgia, etc, birth ratios between males and females are oddly...and decidedly....skewed toward males.
That's right, feminists: the political agenda YOU created, protect, defend and seek to expand is being used against you. Or, dare I say....have you simply played pawn to evil MEN, intent to control you?
OBVIOUSLY, abortion was designed to be a convenient tool to rid society of the least-desirable.
(After all, in Nazi Germany, it was Hitler who advocated abortion when it came to, what HE considered, the least desirable in society).
And yet, even though the evidence is crystal-clear, feminists will do NOTHING. They'll say NOTHING. In fact, they'll likely take and EVEN MORE aggressive pro-abortion position...
Oh....and BTW.....for you Liberal (barely)MEN out there: the birth ratio is skewed AGAINST YOU.....in America. (How stupid are YOU for supporting abortion....)
Hirota: out.
The book "Unnatural Selection" (Mara Hvistendahl), reveals much about the pro-abortion movement.
It turns out that in countries such as China, Armenia, Georgia, etc, birth ratios between males and females are oddly...and decidedly....skewed toward males.
That's right, feminists: the political agenda YOU created, protect, defend and seek to expand is being used against you. Or, dare I say....have you simply played pawn to evil MEN, intent to control you?
OBVIOUSLY, abortion was designed to be a convenient tool to rid society of the least-desirable.
(After all, in Nazi Germany, it was Hitler who advocated abortion when it came to, what HE considered, the least desirable in society).
And yet, even though the evidence is crystal-clear, feminists will do NOTHING. They'll say NOTHING. In fact, they'll likely take and EVEN MORE aggressive pro-abortion position...
Oh....and BTW.....for you Liberal (barely)MEN out there: the birth ratio is skewed AGAINST YOU.....in America. (How stupid are YOU for supporting abortion....)
Hirota: out.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Open memo to "Li'l Oscar"....
This morning, I read the news that you are likely to resign your position in Congress, because of the current "Weinergate" scandal. Now, while I'm a staunch Conservative, I feel compelled to say:
BIG MISTAKE, BUDDY! (Not the sexting, pal, but rather the resignation)
In one little (no pun intended) scandal, you've managed to:
- OWN the Hollywood Liberal commune (thank you, Ginger).
- OWN the GLBT commune (thanks to your bra and pantyhose)
- OWN NOW, NARAL and the rest of the permanently-PMS'd feminist communes (thank you for blaming the victims of your sexts)
Oscar: through this single act, you've placed yourself at THE TOP of the "who's who" in Liberal circles. Rep Alcee Hastings had to be convicted of taking bribes, then disbarred and thrown from the bench in Florida before HE became a Liberal god. Charlie Rangel had to be convicted of tax evasion before HE became a Liberal god. And look at dumb ol' Maxine Waters.....currently under investigation for ethics violations......such a struggle.....one can only hope that money will prevail and save this righteous woman....and how about Bill Clinton, cottage-cheese thighs and all....between batteries-not-included cigars and Paula "why the long face" Jones, he is "Jesus Christ come down" for Liberals. (Well, in his defense, I suppose he DOES deserve SOME small measure of power for putting up with Hillary all these years...)
And....John Edwards.....impregnating a very-decided "4" while his wife battled cancer, and now indicted for a plethora of crimes......
...if convicted....Edwards might FINALLY be considered "Presidential material" for the Democratic Party.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.....Weiner....("The Weinster" to his pals...)....DO NOT RESIGN.
Liberals NEED you. I can see it now:
2016: Edwards/Weiner
Between Riale Hunter and Ginger Lee, it's pretty obvious that you two guys have got THE RIGHT STUFF (even though it probably leans to the left...)!!!!
Hirota: out.
This morning, I read the news that you are likely to resign your position in Congress, because of the current "Weinergate" scandal. Now, while I'm a staunch Conservative, I feel compelled to say:
BIG MISTAKE, BUDDY! (Not the sexting, pal, but rather the resignation)
In one little (no pun intended) scandal, you've managed to:
- OWN the Hollywood Liberal commune (thank you, Ginger).
- OWN the GLBT commune (thanks to your bra and pantyhose)
- OWN NOW, NARAL and the rest of the permanently-PMS'd feminist communes (thank you for blaming the victims of your sexts)
Oscar: through this single act, you've placed yourself at THE TOP of the "who's who" in Liberal circles. Rep Alcee Hastings had to be convicted of taking bribes, then disbarred and thrown from the bench in Florida before HE became a Liberal god. Charlie Rangel had to be convicted of tax evasion before HE became a Liberal god. And look at dumb ol' Maxine Waters.....currently under investigation for ethics violations......such a struggle.....one can only hope that money will prevail and save this righteous woman....and how about Bill Clinton, cottage-cheese thighs and all....between batteries-not-included cigars and Paula "why the long face" Jones, he is "Jesus Christ come down" for Liberals. (Well, in his defense, I suppose he DOES deserve SOME small measure of power for putting up with Hillary all these years...)
And....John Edwards.....impregnating a very-decided "4" while his wife battled cancer, and now indicted for a plethora of crimes......
...if convicted....Edwards might FINALLY be considered "Presidential material" for the Democratic Party.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.....Weiner....("The Weinster" to his pals...)....DO NOT RESIGN.
Liberals NEED you. I can see it now:
2016: Edwards/Weiner
Between Riale Hunter and Ginger Lee, it's pretty obvious that you two guys have got THE RIGHT STUFF (even though it probably leans to the left...)!!!!
Hirota: out.
C'mon.....she HAS to be a plant!
There is NO way Wasserman Schultz (new DNC Chairthingy) can be a Democrat.
Yesterday, she stated, emphatically, that, "...Democrats OWN the economy...".
WTF? Seriously?
I mean...she IS right: Democrats ARE 100% responsible for this disaster of a worldwide recession. But....REALLY? Admit to it? WITH PRIDE AND BRAGGADOCIO, no less?????
Since her ascention, Wasserman Schultz has been so completely Biden-esque, one can only assume that Biden himself must look on in reverence....humbled by the celestial stupidity of this relative newbie....
Like I said: no WAY she's actually a Democrat. For SURE, she's a "fifth columnist" for the Republicans.....
Yesterday, she stated, emphatically, that, "...Democrats OWN the economy...".
WTF? Seriously?
I mean...she IS right: Democrats ARE 100% responsible for this disaster of a worldwide recession. But....REALLY? Admit to it? WITH PRIDE AND BRAGGADOCIO, no less?????
Since her ascention, Wasserman Schultz has been so completely Biden-esque, one can only assume that Biden himself must look on in reverence....humbled by the celestial stupidity of this relative newbie....
Like I said: no WAY she's actually a Democrat. For SURE, she's a "fifth columnist" for the Republicans.....
WOW, did he say a mouthful!
Ya gotta love those nuanced Liberals....
Perhaps you heard about Obama's failure of a speech in Miami this week? Aside from the fact that he played to a half-filled auditorium, Obama unwittingly offered up the truth of his Presidency as well as that of the Democratic Party.
Teleprompter'd Obama:
"If you're lookin' for easy answers, you're lookin' in the wrong place."
Voters: truer words were never spoken!
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but.....
If you are looking for easy answers, YOU ARE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE! In other words: if you seek simple solutions, "Government" is the LAST place you should be looking!
Now, does that mean that easy answers aren't out there? NO!
Obama is simply admitting that NO real answers are to be found in either his administration or, really, anywhere in the public sector.
If you want easy answers, if you want actual solutions, if you want REAL progress, you have to turn to the ONLY consistently-reliable entity:
Obama......must be taking lessons from Wasserman Schultz...
Hirota: out.
Perhaps you heard about Obama's failure of a speech in Miami this week? Aside from the fact that he played to a half-filled auditorium, Obama unwittingly offered up the truth of his Presidency as well as that of the Democratic Party.
Teleprompter'd Obama:
"If you're lookin' for easy answers, you're lookin' in the wrong place."
Voters: truer words were never spoken!
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but.....
If you are looking for easy answers, YOU ARE LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE! In other words: if you seek simple solutions, "Government" is the LAST place you should be looking!
Now, does that mean that easy answers aren't out there? NO!
Obama is simply admitting that NO real answers are to be found in either his administration or, really, anywhere in the public sector.
If you want easy answers, if you want actual solutions, if you want REAL progress, you have to turn to the ONLY consistently-reliable entity:
Obama......must be taking lessons from Wasserman Schultz...
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Don't worry, voters....she still feels your pain....
...or so she keeps saying....
Nancy Pelosi, who owns LOTS of businesses, from hotels to wineries is really demonstrating her commitment (her sworn duty, actually) to the people of California, as well as the entire United States. So, while unemployment, nationally, hovers at over 9%, and REAL unemployment is likely over 14% in California, Pelosi is doing exactly what she intended, once in office:
It was reported yesterday that Pelosi, while others struggle to find work, increased her personal wealth by over 62% (I doubt the oil companies, those greedy bastards, performed at a tenth of that).
But, worry not, voters, Nancy still feels your pain.
And, don't fret....she still remembers that she is a humble servant of the people.
So what if she staunchly supports unions, then strictly forbids HER own properties to unionize?
Who really cares if she demanded...and received....her beloved increase in minimum wage, then proceeded to grant waivers to that law to powerful supporters in her Congressional district?
So, what's the big deal if she was instrumental in the passage of Obamacare, then immediately granted waivers to cash-fat companies....within her Congressional district?
People....you HAVE to let things go!
I mean, just because Pelosi is screwing her consituents in favor of the wealthiest in her district, just because the people she's sworn to protect through legislation are, even now, excluded from benefitting from that legislation......really....is that ANY reason not to continue blindly trusting her?
I thought Liberals were supposed to be intelligent?
Hirota: out.
Nancy Pelosi, who owns LOTS of businesses, from hotels to wineries is really demonstrating her commitment (her sworn duty, actually) to the people of California, as well as the entire United States. So, while unemployment, nationally, hovers at over 9%, and REAL unemployment is likely over 14% in California, Pelosi is doing exactly what she intended, once in office:
It was reported yesterday that Pelosi, while others struggle to find work, increased her personal wealth by over 62% (I doubt the oil companies, those greedy bastards, performed at a tenth of that).
But, worry not, voters, Nancy still feels your pain.
And, don't fret....she still remembers that she is a humble servant of the people.
So what if she staunchly supports unions, then strictly forbids HER own properties to unionize?
Who really cares if she demanded...and received....her beloved increase in minimum wage, then proceeded to grant waivers to that law to powerful supporters in her Congressional district?
So, what's the big deal if she was instrumental in the passage of Obamacare, then immediately granted waivers to cash-fat companies....within her Congressional district?
People....you HAVE to let things go!
I mean, just because Pelosi is screwing her consituents in favor of the wealthiest in her district, just because the people she's sworn to protect through legislation are, even now, excluded from benefitting from that legislation......really....is that ANY reason not to continue blindly trusting her?
I thought Liberals were supposed to be intelligent?
Hirota: out.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Hello, my name is.....
You've all received those emails, haven't you? Some idiot from some foreign nation, begging you, personally, for help and with just a minor "test transaction", you can gain MILLIONS of dollars.....
So, just how stupid would you need to be to fall for that scam?
Well folks, based on the polls, if the criminals running these internet scams REALLY want to hit it big, they'll change their greeting to, "Hello friend, my name is Mitt Romney...".
What is painfully evident is that "Independents" have learned NOTHING from the '08 election. Oh sure....they're regretting ever having voted for Obama and, certainly, they're on the "Obama is an idiot" bandwagon now, but voters seem determined to do precisely NOTHING to ensure that our next President will be any better.
Voters REFUSE to research these candidates and it's NOT because the information isn't out there. They were too lazy and star-struck in '08, despite the wealth of information which should have been MORE than sufficient to bury Obama. And, evidently, they are firmly committed to "lazy" now...
FOLKS: Check out www.votesmart.org and www.cagw.org. These two sites (BOTH non-partisan), track all elected officials, by vote. There's no opinion, it's just a vote tally.
By doing some research, it's easy to tell if a candidate is all he or she claims. If, after ACTUALLY doing the research, you conclude that losers like Romney are all they claim to be, then I have this bridge I'd like to sell you....
PLEASE.......speaking for my own little family.......VOTE WISELY. I can't afford your complacency.
Hirota: out.
So, just how stupid would you need to be to fall for that scam?
Well folks, based on the polls, if the criminals running these internet scams REALLY want to hit it big, they'll change their greeting to, "Hello friend, my name is Mitt Romney...".
What is painfully evident is that "Independents" have learned NOTHING from the '08 election. Oh sure....they're regretting ever having voted for Obama and, certainly, they're on the "Obama is an idiot" bandwagon now, but voters seem determined to do precisely NOTHING to ensure that our next President will be any better.
Voters REFUSE to research these candidates and it's NOT because the information isn't out there. They were too lazy and star-struck in '08, despite the wealth of information which should have been MORE than sufficient to bury Obama. And, evidently, they are firmly committed to "lazy" now...
FOLKS: Check out www.votesmart.org and www.cagw.org. These two sites (BOTH non-partisan), track all elected officials, by vote. There's no opinion, it's just a vote tally.
By doing some research, it's easy to tell if a candidate is all he or she claims. If, after ACTUALLY doing the research, you conclude that losers like Romney are all they claim to be, then I have this bridge I'd like to sell you....
PLEASE.......speaking for my own little family.......VOTE WISELY. I can't afford your complacency.
Hirota: out.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Obviously determined to regain her title of "most stupid human being on the face of the earth", Jeanine Garofolo announced, today, that it's the MEDIA'S fault, that Anthony "L'il Oscar" Weiner "...he's being thrown under the bus".....
....of course, she assigns NO blame to Weiner....
Jeanine: pretty good try, but you need to work a little bit harder to beat Wasserman Schultz...
Hirota: out.
....of course, she assigns NO blame to Weiner....
Jeanine: pretty good try, but you need to work a little bit harder to beat Wasserman Schultz...
Hirota: out.
The problem with ONLY hearing half the sales pitch....
"It takes a woman to clean house"
"You must drain the swamp if you are going to govern for the people"
Remember those wonderful, hope-filled, righteous words, all clucked by Nancy Pelosi upon her ascension to Speaker of the House?
To the first quote:
- I guess I have to wonder why no one heard a single critical comment from the feminist groups (NOW, NARAL, etc)....after all, Pelosi, with this quote, pretty much re-relegated women to "bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen".
- This statement WOULD be absolutely spot-on....had she been talking about Sarah Palin. Remember that Palin, while Governor of Alaska, ACTUALLY DID "clean house" of corruption....both Democrats AND Republicans. Pelosi has "cleaned house" of....exactly.....NO ONE. And this, with PLENTY of opportunities to demonstrate her commitment to voters: Rangel (tax evasion), Weiner (sexual problems), Waters (under investigation for political favoritism), a 73% increase in Congressional limousine purchases on taxpayer dole, Congressional travel is through the roof (despite Pelosi's promise of austerity)....the list goes on and on....
To the second quote:
- Perhaps there was a second part to this quote...one that the media neglected to cover. Perhaps....just perhaps....the FULL quote was, "You must drain the swamp and replace it with a Liberal cess pool if you are going to govern for the people...". Well, a Liberal cess pool is what we have, thanks to Pelosi's refusal to "govern for the people".
Hirota: out.
"You must drain the swamp if you are going to govern for the people"
Remember those wonderful, hope-filled, righteous words, all clucked by Nancy Pelosi upon her ascension to Speaker of the House?
To the first quote:
- I guess I have to wonder why no one heard a single critical comment from the feminist groups (NOW, NARAL, etc)....after all, Pelosi, with this quote, pretty much re-relegated women to "bare foot and pregnant in the kitchen".
- This statement WOULD be absolutely spot-on....had she been talking about Sarah Palin. Remember that Palin, while Governor of Alaska, ACTUALLY DID "clean house" of corruption....both Democrats AND Republicans. Pelosi has "cleaned house" of....exactly.....NO ONE. And this, with PLENTY of opportunities to demonstrate her commitment to voters: Rangel (tax evasion), Weiner (sexual problems), Waters (under investigation for political favoritism), a 73% increase in Congressional limousine purchases on taxpayer dole, Congressional travel is through the roof (despite Pelosi's promise of austerity)....the list goes on and on....
To the second quote:
- Perhaps there was a second part to this quote...one that the media neglected to cover. Perhaps....just perhaps....the FULL quote was, "You must drain the swamp and replace it with a Liberal cess pool if you are going to govern for the people...". Well, a Liberal cess pool is what we have, thanks to Pelosi's refusal to "govern for the people".
Hirota: out.
Media bias? Gee....ya think???
So far, it would seem that the 275lbs of Palin emails have revealed NOTHING other than a conscientious, humane person. This is HUGELY bad news for the media, who, collectively, was hoping to bury Palin, using her own words.
BUT, fear not, Liberals: there IS still hope! (No, no....not like the 'hope' of our failure-in-chief Obama...this is REAL Liberal hope!)
Remember: the media STILL completely controls you. So, keeping in mind that you, personally, haven't read any of the Palin emails, you may rest assured that snippets, carefully cut out of context and pasted together, of her emails will be released; setting the Liberal analysis machine into full apoplexy. And, you, the blind, ignorant Socialist faithful, can roll in the "kill"....
Oh....by the way.....the OTHER information that isn't likely to be released will certainly be emails demonstrating Palin's strong ethics and Conservative principles.
And, one last thing....
I'll bet you HAVEN'T heard that a large portion of the emails featured Liberal death threats, particularly when Sarah accepted the nomination for the Veep slot....
Gee.....whatever happened to those "peace loving", "we can talk this out", "killing isn't the answer" Liberals? (evidently, killing IS the Liberal answer, if the question is "Palin").
And...since we're asking....whatever happened to those "open-minded", "enlightened", "knowledge is power" Liberals?
Hirota: out.
BUT, fear not, Liberals: there IS still hope! (No, no....not like the 'hope' of our failure-in-chief Obama...this is REAL Liberal hope!)
Remember: the media STILL completely controls you. So, keeping in mind that you, personally, haven't read any of the Palin emails, you may rest assured that snippets, carefully cut out of context and pasted together, of her emails will be released; setting the Liberal analysis machine into full apoplexy. And, you, the blind, ignorant Socialist faithful, can roll in the "kill"....
Oh....by the way.....the OTHER information that isn't likely to be released will certainly be emails demonstrating Palin's strong ethics and Conservative principles.
And, one last thing....
I'll bet you HAVEN'T heard that a large portion of the emails featured Liberal death threats, particularly when Sarah accepted the nomination for the Veep slot....
Gee.....whatever happened to those "peace loving", "we can talk this out", "killing isn't the answer" Liberals? (evidently, killing IS the Liberal answer, if the question is "Palin").
And...since we're asking....whatever happened to those "open-minded", "enlightened", "knowledge is power" Liberals?
Hirota: out.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Never say "never"!
oooh..I feel like Justin Bieber...
Remember when Jimmy Carter OWNED the "Least Competent President In United States History" award?
...Then came Obama, who didn't only surpass Carter in incompetency, but flew by him like Carter was standing still!
Finding astonishingly stupid statements and comments puked by Liberals is no big deal....the short list could be multi-volumed and leather-bound. And, just when you thought there might be a clear winner between Carter, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Michael Moore, Joe Biden, Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, Jeanine Garofolo, Bill Maher, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Alan Grayson, Whoopi Goldberg, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Rosie O'Donnell, Al Gore, Helen Thomas, Hank Johnson, Barney Frank, Kanye West, Chris Dodd, Jerry Brown, Marion Barry, Maxine Waters......well, I'll end there (I think I'm limited to 100,000 word per blog...)...up steps a "newbie" and steals the prize!
The new Chairthing of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla), known, in her short tenure, for uttering breathtakingly moronic statements, has topped EVEN her own whoppers!
Puked Wasserman: "...and now you have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow Laws and literally--and very transparently--block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote Democratic candidates than Republican candidates."
But understand, folks, that the "Jim Crow" reference ISN'T what made this SUCH a stupid statement. Heck, if it were only that, I'd write her off as an amateur...
Rather, it was the revelation that, in her tiny mind, likely Democratic voters were about get shut out of polling places.
So......how exactly are Republicans planning to shut out Democratic voters?
YES.....you read that right! If those criminal Republicans get their way, if you want to vote, you'll have to PROVE that you are eligible to vote! (Which, of course, means that you are in the US legally and are not a convicted felon...in most states).
The staggeringly stupid Wasserman Schultz, with this latest statement, has admitted that Democratic candidates RELY on illegal votes in order to gain power!
Another thing worth pointing out is the fact that, as Chairthing, Wasserman Schultz represnts the MAINSTREAM mentality in the Democratic Party.
Yup....that's right....this hostile, vitriolic shrew is "Jane Average" for Democrats....
Hirota: laughing hysterically, but knowing that Liberals will be too stupid to figure it out....
Remember when Jimmy Carter OWNED the "Least Competent President In United States History" award?
...Then came Obama, who didn't only surpass Carter in incompetency, but flew by him like Carter was standing still!
Finding astonishingly stupid statements and comments puked by Liberals is no big deal....the short list could be multi-volumed and leather-bound. And, just when you thought there might be a clear winner between Carter, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Michael Moore, Joe Biden, Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, Jeanine Garofolo, Bill Maher, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Alan Grayson, Whoopi Goldberg, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Rosie O'Donnell, Al Gore, Helen Thomas, Hank Johnson, Barney Frank, Kanye West, Chris Dodd, Jerry Brown, Marion Barry, Maxine Waters......well, I'll end there (I think I'm limited to 100,000 word per blog...)...up steps a "newbie" and steals the prize!
The new Chairthing of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla), known, in her short tenure, for uttering breathtakingly moronic statements, has topped EVEN her own whoppers!
Puked Wasserman: "...and now you have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow Laws and literally--and very transparently--block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote Democratic candidates than Republican candidates."
But understand, folks, that the "Jim Crow" reference ISN'T what made this SUCH a stupid statement. Heck, if it were only that, I'd write her off as an amateur...
Rather, it was the revelation that, in her tiny mind, likely Democratic voters were about get shut out of polling places.
So......how exactly are Republicans planning to shut out Democratic voters?
YES.....you read that right! If those criminal Republicans get their way, if you want to vote, you'll have to PROVE that you are eligible to vote! (Which, of course, means that you are in the US legally and are not a convicted felon...in most states).
The staggeringly stupid Wasserman Schultz, with this latest statement, has admitted that Democratic candidates RELY on illegal votes in order to gain power!
Another thing worth pointing out is the fact that, as Chairthing, Wasserman Schultz represnts the MAINSTREAM mentality in the Democratic Party.
Yup....that's right....this hostile, vitriolic shrew is "Jane Average" for Democrats....
Hirota: laughing hysterically, but knowing that Liberals will be too stupid to figure it out....
Anyone care to bet?
...I didn't think so.
Liberals have long tried to hog-tie American industry because America, traditionally, is the largest consumer of energy in the world. Environmental groups, politicians and idiots like Al Gore have led the charge and have shown great success: businesses and industries are leaving America in droves.
But, because of their "valiant" efforts, America has officially become #2.
China has overtaken America in energy consumption.
One wonders whether Gore, Democrats and environmental groups will now leave America alone and go to China to demand a halt to THEIR forward progress?
You'd be stupid to take that bet.....
Liberals have long tried to hog-tie American industry because America, traditionally, is the largest consumer of energy in the world. Environmental groups, politicians and idiots like Al Gore have led the charge and have shown great success: businesses and industries are leaving America in droves.
But, because of their "valiant" efforts, America has officially become #2.
China has overtaken America in energy consumption.
One wonders whether Gore, Democrats and environmental groups will now leave America alone and go to China to demand a halt to THEIR forward progress?
You'd be stupid to take that bet.....
Monday, June 6, 2011
Jews: are you paying attention?
"Foreskin Man" is the latest in a growing, anti-Semitic move to ban circumcisions in....of all places...San Francisco (land of the Right Wing, Jew-hating, gun-toting Conservatives.....oh...wait....)...
Seriously folks: San Francisco (along with a few other Liberal bastions) is attempting to grotesquely violate the rights and religious freedoms of Americans...AGAIN.
So.....where is the ACLU, filing a First Amendment suit?
So, where are the women's rights groups chanting, "Keep your laws off my body"?
So, where are the gay rights groups screaming.....oh....wait....nevermind.
And yet.....Liberal Democrats, as always, will continue to garner (better than) 70% of the Jewish vote...
Ya know, folks: Tyranny dies loudly. Liberty dies in whispers...
Hirota: out.
Seriously folks: San Francisco (along with a few other Liberal bastions) is attempting to grotesquely violate the rights and religious freedoms of Americans...AGAIN.
So.....where is the ACLU, filing a First Amendment suit?
So, where are the women's rights groups chanting, "Keep your laws off my body"?
So, where are the gay rights groups screaming.....oh....wait....nevermind.
And yet.....Liberal Democrats, as always, will continue to garner (better than) 70% of the Jewish vote...
Ya know, folks: Tyranny dies loudly. Liberty dies in whispers...
Hirota: out.
What his constituents SHOULD be learning.....
Anthony Weiner has now admitted to inappropriateness (with his Twitter accounts, etc).
Has he broken any laws? Probably not (so far, this is a BIG "probably", based on the fact that he's lied about everything else...).
Not to suggest that Liberals are hypocrites, but I haven't heard them SCREAMING for his resignation (you know, like they do when, say, a certain Republican propositions a woman to have sex in a public place....who cares that the woman was HIS OWN WIFE...).
Nope...the Liberals have circled the wagons around their Weiner and are ready to come to blows (no pun intended).
But folks....there IS this thing called a "Recall Election".
Weiner consituents: you CAN get rid of this bum.
But, should he be tossed (no pun intended) because of his inappropriate behavior? Nope, says I.
What you SHOULD be dumping this ass for is the fact that HE LIED TO YOU.
So....will you learn this simple lesson: When Weiner feels the heat, HE WILL LIE TO YOU.
And, if YOU, the Weiner constituents, allow him to remain in office or, worse yet, RE-ELECT this idiot, it'll only prove one thing: YOUR stupidity.
Get it? (...no pun intended....)
Hirota: out.
Has he broken any laws? Probably not (so far, this is a BIG "probably", based on the fact that he's lied about everything else...).
Not to suggest that Liberals are hypocrites, but I haven't heard them SCREAMING for his resignation (you know, like they do when, say, a certain Republican propositions a woman to have sex in a public place....who cares that the woman was HIS OWN WIFE...).
Nope...the Liberals have circled the wagons around their Weiner and are ready to come to blows (no pun intended).
But folks....there IS this thing called a "Recall Election".
Weiner consituents: you CAN get rid of this bum.
But, should he be tossed (no pun intended) because of his inappropriate behavior? Nope, says I.
What you SHOULD be dumping this ass for is the fact that HE LIED TO YOU.
So....will you learn this simple lesson: When Weiner feels the heat, HE WILL LIE TO YOU.
And, if YOU, the Weiner constituents, allow him to remain in office or, worse yet, RE-ELECT this idiot, it'll only prove one thing: YOUR stupidity.
Get it? (...no pun intended....)
Hirota: out.
The Liberals are in FULL attack mode....
Evidently, Sarah Palin (Liberals, please begin your convulsions now...) pulled a semi-gaffe in a story about Paul Revere's ride.
Without bothering to repeat the exact gaffe (no need to, as it's being repeated CONSTANTLY in the media...in fact, it's quite impossible to AVOID hearing about it), Palin got a few of her facts about Revere's famous ride jumbled, seemed unsure of her story, upon which the Liberal media IMMEDIATELY seized.
So, it turns out (of course) that Palin, though confused and jumbled, also happened to be substantively correct (which of course will NEVER be reported, because that would mean that ALL the Liberals currently castigating her about this thing are WRONG.)
BUT, this is not the reason I write today. I don't need to defend Palin. And I'm not her apologist.
Rather, I merely point out the fact that THIS example of the "Destroy Palin at ANY cost" Liberal machine is only the beginning....and it comes only days after a news report suggested that she has a legitimate shot at winning in 2012, should she run.
In this election, Americans will witness the most aggressive, personal, vitriolic, coordinated attack in the history of elections. And the sole focus of this attack will be Sarah Palin (I can see their collective eyes twitching at the mention of her name...).
Liberals are already busy condemning the Tea Party for pointing out the voting record of Obama, and accusing ANYONE who speaks out against their savior of being a "racist".
Now, they'll begin the other part of their two-point campaign plan: "DESTROY PALIN AT ANY COST".
And, let's be clear: the women's groups (NOW, NARAL, blah blah blah...) will say NOTHING (perhaps Palin isn't "man" enough for feminist groups to support).
So, the Democrats will have a two-point plan this election season:
Will Liberals talk about their stellar record of achievement? NO. (Of course, there IS none...)
Will Liberals discuss the particulars of ANY issue? NO. (They HAVE no particulars on ANY issue)
Will Liberals reveal a plan for America's future? NO. (They HAVE no plan for the future).
Hirota: out.
Oh....by the way....I'm STILL waiting for someone to provide factual, substantive reasons WHY Palin is unfit for the office of President of the United States........
Without bothering to repeat the exact gaffe (no need to, as it's being repeated CONSTANTLY in the media...in fact, it's quite impossible to AVOID hearing about it), Palin got a few of her facts about Revere's famous ride jumbled, seemed unsure of her story, upon which the Liberal media IMMEDIATELY seized.
So, it turns out (of course) that Palin, though confused and jumbled, also happened to be substantively correct (which of course will NEVER be reported, because that would mean that ALL the Liberals currently castigating her about this thing are WRONG.)
BUT, this is not the reason I write today. I don't need to defend Palin. And I'm not her apologist.
Rather, I merely point out the fact that THIS example of the "Destroy Palin at ANY cost" Liberal machine is only the beginning....and it comes only days after a news report suggested that she has a legitimate shot at winning in 2012, should she run.
In this election, Americans will witness the most aggressive, personal, vitriolic, coordinated attack in the history of elections. And the sole focus of this attack will be Sarah Palin (I can see their collective eyes twitching at the mention of her name...).
Liberals are already busy condemning the Tea Party for pointing out the voting record of Obama, and accusing ANYONE who speaks out against their savior of being a "racist".
Now, they'll begin the other part of their two-point campaign plan: "DESTROY PALIN AT ANY COST".
And, let's be clear: the women's groups (NOW, NARAL, blah blah blah...) will say NOTHING (perhaps Palin isn't "man" enough for feminist groups to support).
So, the Democrats will have a two-point plan this election season:
Will Liberals talk about their stellar record of achievement? NO. (Of course, there IS none...)
Will Liberals discuss the particulars of ANY issue? NO. (They HAVE no particulars on ANY issue)
Will Liberals reveal a plan for America's future? NO. (They HAVE no plan for the future).
Hirota: out.
Oh....by the way....I'm STILL waiting for someone to provide factual, substantive reasons WHY Palin is unfit for the office of President of the United States........
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Weenie....OOOPS...I meant Weiner....
I personally LOVE when the system Liberals created to bury Conervatives (and rational thought) gets applied to them.....
Take Liberal Democrat Anthony Weiner, for example...
Weiner has, evidently, been "tweeting" lots and lots of babes....sending them pictures of his namesake body part...and even exchanging private notes with porn stars (like Ginger Lee).
On a damage-control media tour, Weiner has been saying LOTS of nothing.....MILLIONS of words, not a single one coherent.
But his latest statement kinda takes the cake (for me):
Weiner stated that he can't say "with certitude" that the body parts in those pictures were his.
Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm pretty sure that most men would be able to tell if a body part belonged to them.
I mean....the guy ISN'T Ted-Kennedy-corpulent, so I'm PRETTY sure he can see it in the shower.......
Perhaps he's just not used to seeing it from that angle.......
Do yourself a favor: check him out on "youtube".....the interviews are VERY entertaining.
Hirota: out.
Take Liberal Democrat Anthony Weiner, for example...
Weiner has, evidently, been "tweeting" lots and lots of babes....sending them pictures of his namesake body part...and even exchanging private notes with porn stars (like Ginger Lee).
On a damage-control media tour, Weiner has been saying LOTS of nothing.....MILLIONS of words, not a single one coherent.
But his latest statement kinda takes the cake (for me):
Weiner stated that he can't say "with certitude" that the body parts in those pictures were his.
Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm pretty sure that most men would be able to tell if a body part belonged to them.
I mean....the guy ISN'T Ted-Kennedy-corpulent, so I'm PRETTY sure he can see it in the shower.......
Perhaps he's just not used to seeing it from that angle.......
Do yourself a favor: check him out on "youtube".....the interviews are VERY entertaining.
Hirota: out.
The BEST piece of news I've heard yet....
With Repubican'ts lining up to bid for the top job in the Public Sector, a REAL Conservative has FINALLY spoken up...
Jim DeMint (Senator from South Carolina) has stated that he's "considering" a run for President in 2012.
All I can say is: THANK GOD!
DeMint is an ACTUAL Conservative.
And, although it SEEMS like my endorsement of him violates my rule about candidates (the Congressmen and Senators shouldn't be elected, because they typically don't know anything about business), DeMint is DECIDEDLY different. He founded a research firm, which means that he's ACTUALLY managed people in his career (unlike Obama and MOST of the rest of Democrats)...
I hope he enters the race.....
Hirota: out!
Jim DeMint (Senator from South Carolina) has stated that he's "considering" a run for President in 2012.
All I can say is: THANK GOD!
DeMint is an ACTUAL Conservative.
And, although it SEEMS like my endorsement of him violates my rule about candidates (the Congressmen and Senators shouldn't be elected, because they typically don't know anything about business), DeMint is DECIDEDLY different. He founded a research firm, which means that he's ACTUALLY managed people in his career (unlike Obama and MOST of the rest of Democrats)...
I hope he enters the race.....
Hirota: out!
No Sh**, Schultzy.....
The stupendously idiotic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla), the new "chairwoman" of the Democratic National Committee, castigated Republicans today, stating that they believe illegal immigration "should in fact be a crime".
I'm not sure which law school she attended, but if I'm ever accused of a crime, I hope to be prosecuted by an alumnus of THAT school!
So far, in her tenure as "chairwoman" of the DNC (btw....how is it that a woman can be called "chairwoman", but a man must use "chairperson", lest he be called a "sexist"?), the Wasserman Schultz thing has uttered some of the most aggressively irrational things that she poses a SERIOUS challenge to Joe Biden as "the most stupid person to have ever existed"....
One thing seems clear, though......if you think about Biden, Obama, McCauliffe, Pelosi and now Wasserman Schultz.....if you want to float to the top of the Democratic cesspool, you'd better put on the "stupid hat" and NEVER plan to take it off.....
Hirota: out.
I'm not sure which law school she attended, but if I'm ever accused of a crime, I hope to be prosecuted by an alumnus of THAT school!
So far, in her tenure as "chairwoman" of the DNC (btw....how is it that a woman can be called "chairwoman", but a man must use "chairperson", lest he be called a "sexist"?), the Wasserman Schultz thing has uttered some of the most aggressively irrational things that she poses a SERIOUS challenge to Joe Biden as "the most stupid person to have ever existed"....
One thing seems clear, though......if you think about Biden, Obama, McCauliffe, Pelosi and now Wasserman Schultz.....if you want to float to the top of the Democratic cesspool, you'd better put on the "stupid hat" and NEVER plan to take it off.....
Hirota: out.
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