Monday, June 6, 2011

The Liberals are in FULL attack mode....

Evidently, Sarah Palin (Liberals, please begin your convulsions now...) pulled a semi-gaffe in a story about Paul Revere's ride.

Without bothering to repeat the exact gaffe (no need to, as it's being repeated CONSTANTLY in the fact, it's quite impossible to AVOID hearing about it), Palin got a few of her facts about Revere's famous ride jumbled, seemed unsure of her story, upon which the Liberal media IMMEDIATELY seized.

So, it turns out (of course) that Palin, though confused and jumbled, also happened to be substantively correct (which of course will NEVER be reported, because that would mean that ALL the Liberals currently castigating her about this thing are WRONG.)

BUT, this is not the reason I write today. I don't need to defend Palin. And I'm not her apologist.

Rather, I merely point out the fact that THIS example of the "Destroy Palin at ANY cost" Liberal machine is only the beginning....and it comes only days after a news report suggested that she has a legitimate shot at winning in 2012, should she run.

In this election, Americans will witness the most aggressive, personal, vitriolic, coordinated attack in the history of elections. And the sole focus of this attack will be Sarah Palin (I can see their collective eyes twitching at the mention of her name...).

Liberals are already busy condemning the Tea Party for pointing out the voting record of Obama, and accusing ANYONE who speaks out against their savior of being a "racist".

Now, they'll begin the other part of their two-point campaign plan: "DESTROY PALIN AT ANY COST".

And, let's be clear: the women's groups (NOW, NARAL, blah blah blah...) will say NOTHING (perhaps Palin isn't "man" enough for feminist groups to support).

So, the Democrats will have a two-point plan this election season:


Will Liberals talk about their stellar record of achievement? NO. (Of course, there IS none...)

Will Liberals discuss the particulars of ANY issue? NO. (They HAVE no particulars on ANY issue)

Will Liberals reveal a plan for America's future? NO. (They HAVE no plan for the future).

Hirota: out. the way....I'm STILL waiting for someone to provide factual, substantive reasons WHY Palin is unfit for the office of President of the United States........

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