Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Don't worry, voters....she still feels your pain....

...or so she keeps saying....

Nancy Pelosi, who owns LOTS of businesses, from hotels to wineries is really demonstrating her commitment (her sworn duty, actually) to the people of California, as well as the entire United States. So, while unemployment, nationally, hovers at over 9%, and REAL unemployment is likely over 14% in California, Pelosi is doing exactly what she intended, once in office:


It was reported yesterday that Pelosi, while others struggle to find work, increased her personal wealth by over 62% (I doubt the oil companies, those greedy bastards, performed at a tenth of that).

But, worry not, voters, Nancy still feels your pain.

And, don't fret....she still remembers that she is a humble servant of the people.

So what if she staunchly supports unions, then strictly forbids HER own properties to unionize?

Who really cares if she demanded...and received....her beloved increase in minimum wage, then proceeded to grant waivers to that law to powerful supporters in her Congressional district?

So, what's the big deal if she was instrumental in the passage of Obamacare, then immediately granted waivers to cash-fat companies....within her Congressional district? HAVE to let things go!

I mean, just because Pelosi is screwing her consituents in favor of the wealthiest in her district, just because the people she's sworn to protect through legislation are, even now, excluded from benefitting from that that ANY reason not to continue blindly trusting her?

I thought Liberals were supposed to be intelligent?

Hirota: out.

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