I personally LOVE when the system Liberals created to bury Conervatives (and rational thought) gets applied to them.....
Take Liberal Democrat Anthony Weiner, for example...
Weiner has, evidently, been "tweeting" lots and lots of babes....sending them pictures of his namesake body part...and even exchanging private notes with porn stars (like Ginger Lee).
On a damage-control media tour, Weiner has been saying LOTS of nothing.....MILLIONS of words, not a single one coherent.
But his latest statement kinda takes the cake (for me):
Weiner stated that he can't say "with certitude" that the body parts in those pictures were his.
Now, I'm no rocket scientist, but I'm pretty sure that most men would be able to tell if a body part belonged to them.
I mean....the guy ISN'T Ted-Kennedy-corpulent, so I'm PRETTY sure he can see it in the shower.......
Perhaps he's just not used to seeing it from that angle.......
Do yourself a favor: check him out on "youtube".....the interviews are VERY entertaining.
Hirota: out.
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