Saturday, July 30, 2011
I can hear it now.......
Yep....that'll be the accusation and the rally cry for Liberals everywhere.
Seems as CPAC will not be inviting "GoProud" (a group who claims to be a homosexual Conservative group) to join them. However, in a letter sent to GoProud, stating CPAC's decision, members of GoProud were invited to attend as individuals.
Liberals will be ignoring the individual invitation. After all, Liberal arguments REQUIRE partial, skewed and plainly manufactured information.
So....CPAC, and Conservatives everywhere, will now be (well....AGAIN be) accused of being homophobic.
Don't, along with EVERYTHING else Liberals believe, is a lie.
Rather, Conservatives believe that homosexuals, having made the choice to live that particular lifestyle, are required to PERSONALLY shoulder the consequences of that decision. Period. You see, it has NOTHING to do with homosexuality itself. It has to do with personal responsibility; a concept which, of course, Liberals can not...WILL not...tolerate. With Liberalism, its ALL about forcing society to shoulder the responsibility of people's decisions.
(On a side begs the question: can homosexuals, then, be Conservative? Answer: OF COURSE! How? Having made the decision to live a particular lifestyle, a homosexual who understands that that decision comes with personal responsibilities and consequences and then lives their life accordingly....NOT attempting to force society to carry the consequences of their decisions...IS, in fact, a Conservative.)
Hirota: out
Friday, July 29, 2011
Here's how they work....(putting things in perspective)
Several TRILLION dollars is difficult to comprehend, so I thought I'd give real-world, home-base analogies...
Let's say you make.....$100,000.00 per year. And let's say that, based on that income, you're currently on pace to spend $130,000.00 per year. Clearly in a BIG fiscal mess because of your own stupid spending decisions, you come up with four "solutions" which you believe will "fix" the problem:
FIX I: The various Liberal Plans
Step 1: Obtain a new credit card (no limit)
Step 2: Stop buying chewing gum
Step 3: Buy new car, new boat, new wardrobe, solid gold toilet, 24-hour "spank-o-vision", etc etc etc
FIX II: The Reid Plan
Step 1: Obtain a new credit card with small limit
Step 3: Buy new car, new boat, new wardrobe, solid gold toilets
Step 3: Stop paying mortgage
FIX III: The Dumbama Plan
Step 1: Steal money from wife and children's bank accounts, retirement funds
FIX IV: The "Tea Party" Plan
Step 1: Cut up all credit cards
Step 2: Cancel subscriptions to "Playboy", stop wallpapering with $1000.00 bills, sell solid gold statuary in yard, stop buying $5,000.00 bottles of wine every week.
Clearly, any REASONABLE, RATIONAL human being would see that three of these "fixes" (#1, #2 and #3) WON'T fix the problem. In fact, those three "fixes" will exacrebate the problem and sink you into insolvency.
In fact, I would argue that any of these three "fixes" would make you a "F***ING IDIOT", EVEN for suggesting the "fixes" in the first place...
...then to ACTUALLY choose one??????
But there we have it, folks.
This is how the "debt talks" look in real life...
OBAMA IS A RACIST!!! Well.....the WHITE half is, anyway....
His white half, along with ALL Congressional Liberals (just the white ones...), have constructed an economy that SPECIFICALLY targets blacks, whose unemployment numbers are THROUGH THE ROOF!
Additionally, BECAUSE of Obama's white half, blacks are moving from "middle class" to "poor" in record numbers.
DAMN Obama's white half! BAD white half! BAD white half!!
It's SO obviously racist!!!!
(by the way....the reason that ONLY his white half is racist is simply because Liberals teach us that blacks CANNOT be racists...)
Hirota: OUT!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
FORGET what our idiot-in-chief thinks and FORGET what he's inevitably promising to do. Stop talking with that mope, who, evidently, has a one word vocabulary: TAX!
FORGET the threats of Veto.
Forget, also, the "Reid" plan, which consists of....GUTTING THE MILITARY!
The Obama plan (which does not even exist...except, perhaps...TAX!) and the Reid (gut the military) plan will result in one thing only: the collapse of the American economy. PERIOD.
Pass a Conservative budget....then let him veto it! The Conservative approach is THE only way to stop our economic free-fall.
Pass it, then let the Senate vote it down.
And, if by some miracle, the Senate DOES pass it, then let Dumbama veto it
THAT, folks, will send the only meaningful message to voters.
There are only two choices here:
- Align yourself and your support with our idiot-in-chief, or...
- Align yourself with our Constitution.
Hirota: out.
Who's the racist now, Barry?
They are racists. ALL of them. (btw.....the blacks hate the white half of Obama...the black half is still dandy...)
Hirota: out.
"We don't need no stinking Constitution..."
SHOCKINGLY, he actually suggested NO new taxes and actual, REAL cuts to the budget.
WOW! This is a REMARKABLE move, for a VERY staunch and reliable committed Communist.
Then the whole truth came out....
Turns out that the "fix" consists of.....
....GUTTING the military.
Of course, Senate Democrats are behind him all the way on this. And I'm certain that House Democrats' mouths are watering at the possibility....
So you see, folks, this is how it works in Liberal-land...the "four-step" path to a Socialist state:
Step 1: Ignore the Constitution
Step 2: Cripple the military
Step 3: Shackle the taxpayers
Step 4: Grow Grow GROW Government
Seems that Norman Thomas was right after all...
Hirota: out.
Too stupid to survive.
...we shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Now that we've overwhelmingly demonstrated our stupidity in re-electing Jerry "crystals" Brown, we are getting exactly what we paid for: internet taxation (which will kill business for us and other states), financial aid for illegal aliens, increases in taxes (this, of course, is only a "temporary" measure...well....and extension to a "temporary" tax....uh huh...), etc etc etc...
As he's always done, Jerry suckles at the teet of the unions, who COMPLETELY own him.
And we Californians go on our merry way....oblivious to the inevitable collapse of our state at the hands of this blithering idiot....and the blithering idiots in our state senate and legislature, nearly ALL of whom are extremist Liberals.
Will we EVER learn?
.....did Rome?
Hirota: out.
Monday, July 25, 2011
No real surprise.....
As in EVERY case involving the Liberal media, truths are not reported and lies/fabrications comprise the reporting and opinions.
You've CERTAINLY heard (if you're following the reporting on MSNBC, CNN, New York Times as well as the rest of the Liberal, mainstream media) that Anders Behring Breivik, the nutjob who perpetrated the massacre in Oslo, is a "Right wing, Christian fundamentalist". Where the media got this information remains a mystery. Even more so since, in his 1,500+ page manifesto, he spells out, specifically, what his belief system is.
But, before we get to that, let's review some history....
ITEM: The Breivik and McVey connection
It's important, at this point, to mention one of the most prevalent associations being offered in the media; a mischaracterization which is important for three reasons: first, it represents the media's desire to tie both of these idiots to a similar ideology. Second, it represents the media's attempt to separate terrorism from Islamofascism. Finally, it represents the media's desperate desire to mask the truth.
The likening of Timothy McVey (Oklahoma City bombing) and Breivik has been a key feature in nearly every mainstream media report (utilization of the same methods: fertilizer-based bombs), McVey and Breivik are portrayed as being of the same ideological beliefs: Right Wing, Christian fundamentalist.
In actuality, there two ARE similar in ideology, though not as the media would have you believe.
This is because, as is now being revealed, neither McVey nor Breivik believe in God. That's right....they are both Atheists. (Let's the Left-Wing's own characterization, which is the party of "Right wing Christians"?).
With regard to perpetrators of terrorism, again, the media's desire is to point out that terrorism is NOT the exclusive domain of radical Muslim groups. While no one in the Conservative world has EVER suggested this, the Left would like have you believe that Conservatives hold this as an "absolute". This, to me, is like the Liberal media suggesting that Bo Jackson PROVES that ALL major league baseball players also have professional football careers...
Finally, true to the Liberal media's (as well as its proponents in all walks of life) desire to mask the truth of Liberalism (Socialism, Statism), their efforts are to demonize the Right, Conservative and Christian way; assigning blame for horrific acts committed by LIBERALS to Conservatives and Christians. Thus, it is important that key factors of Socialist ideology are ascribed to Conervatives. To cite examples from history:
CONSTANTLY compared to Conservatives, was, in actuality, a Liberal. (Keep in mind that his party was the "National Socialist Party" of Germany. Key word: SOCIALIST. Additionally, pertinent to this piece, is that fact that Hitler was a devoted DARWINIST. In other words, Hitler was a Liberal.
Leader of the Communist Party, Stalin was and ideologically pure Socialist. And, pertinent to this piece, Stalin was a devoted DARWINIST. In other words, Stalin was a Liberal.
- POL POT: Again, a Socialist and DARWINIST.....and a Liberal.
(BTW, all these men also characterized themselves as "Progressives", which is currently how Liberals in America portray themselves)
More examples? Sure:
- "Bull" Connor: Democrat
- The Ku Klux Clan: almost entirely ccomprised of Democrats (including Senator Robert Byrd, Democrat).
- Hugo Chavez: self-described "Progressive"
- Fidel Castro: self-described "Progressive"
In fact, history is replete with examples of Liberals ("Progressives") who are portrayed as "Conservative" or "Christian Conservative"....the record is ABSOLUTELY clear and unequivocal.
Back to Breivik: Characterized by the media, again, as a "Right Wing, Christian fundmentalist", Breivik is actually, ADMITTEDLY, a DARWINIST. In other words: Breivik is a LIBERAL.
If one thing is CERTAIN:
Based on history, even history written this past week, the most dangerous group on Earth, is advocates of Liberalism, including, but not limited to, The Democratic Party in the United States, who will stop at nothing to enslave humanity.
Hirota: out.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
The pundits have it wrong....again
Meanwhile, talking heads furiously attempt to “crystal ball” the repercussions of a deal not yet struck.
Opinions are typical: Liberal pundits claim that the “Tea Party” deal of “Cut, Cap and Balance” will surely sink Obama’s chance of re-election (reasoning that this deal will alienate his base); that the ONLY solution (to save the re-election chance) is “a balanced approach to debt reduction”. On the Right, pundits claim that that same deal will have the same result, but for different reasons (these folks predict that passage of this deal will prove Obama to be a weak leader… if more proof is necessary…).
They are BOTH wrong.
IF “Cut, Cap and balance” DOES get passed, Obama WILL HUGELY increase his chance at a second term.
Consider: Obama’s approval rating stands at around 45% (depending on the poll). This means that a staggering 45% of those polled STILL believe, all evidence to the contrary, that Obama is doing a wonderful job. These are the “KoolAid” drinkers, who are utterly, blindly, foolishly devoted to their god, Obama.
Truly, Obama could openly admit his solid commitment to Communism and Radical Islam, start smoking crack in meetings, start waving his tiny genitals at reporters, demand legislation requiring that women be relegated to being “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen”, write a Federal ban on ALL abortions, immediately release ALL criminals from prison irrespective of crime, establish Shinto as the official religion of the United States and bitch-slap Michelle and physically beat his daughters on national TV, and, rest assured, this gang of 45% would forgive him, then vote to re-elect him.
…Then they’d blame Bush.
This number, 45%, is a HUGE reduction of his original devotees and is simply explained by the flight of “Independents” (Liberals would call it the “White Flight”) away from a man who has turned out to be just another idiot Socialist. Those same “Independents”, perhaps for the most altruistic reasons, (mis)placed their faith on Obama’s campaign rhetoric: claims of Centrism. And, now that he his true colors (no pun intended) have been revealed, those “Independents” have learned a painful lesson and abandoned him and his Socialist policies.
So, back to the debt deal…
If “Cut, Cap and Balance” passes (a HUGE win for the security of our nation and a HUGE win for Conservatives”, Obama INCREASES his chances for re-election.
- The KoolAid drinkers will never, ever, ever, EVER abandon Obama, no matter HOW horrific a President he is. That 45-or-so% is ABSOLUTELY secure for Obama. He’s pretty much GUARANTEED that 45% in the next election.
- The “Independents”, however, WILL some back to him and MOST of those will end up voting again for him, as he will have FINALLY fulfilled their greatest hopes for his “Centrist” position. Obama will suddenly be seen as “the great mediator”, just as Clinton CONTINUES to get credit for Welfare Reform in the late ‘90s.
- The economy, with this single piece of legislation, WILL stabilize and grow, and this ALONE will sway the election toward him. As most know, elections, overwhelmingly, depend on the economy: a growing economy helps the sitting President, whereas a poor economy will bury a sitting President.
Folks, the only BAD news for Conservatives, really, is this:
If a Liberal compromise (the “gang of six”) is struck, Obama will NOT be re-elected, because the economy will fail. What will be a death-blow to the future of our nation (the Liberal compromise) will also result in the termination of the reign of the worst President in our nation’s history. Period.
So what we have is:
Option “A”: Cut, Cap and Balance passes (America begins the process of regaining its greatness/Obama gets re-elected.
Option “B”: The Liberal “gang of six (idiots)” deal passes (America continues to slouch toward Communism/Obama goes away.
So, what is it that Conservatives want: Another Obama term, or the future of our nation?
While, in a crazy way, this sounds like SUPPORT for Obama, TRUST me, it most certainly ISN’T!
What Conservatives MUST keep in mind is this: If Republicans (Tea Party Conservatives) maintain control of the House and GAIN control of the Senate (THIS is REALLY where the important re-election battle lies), it won’t matter WHO is in the White House………EVEN someone as tragic as Obama.
Food for thought, folks.
Hirota: OUT!
Let's imagine, for a moment...
It's 2005: Bush is still President and both Houses are controlled by Republicans.
An investigative reporter uncovers the fact that the Government is funneling money to foreign countries with the intended purpose of...
Rebuilding and remodeling Christian Churches....
How do you suppose Liberals would react? MSNBC? Dumb ol' Keith Olberman (who was still in business then)? CNN? The Huffington Post?
And how about Liberals in Congress? What would Pelosi say? Reid? ALL the rest of the gangsters?
(If you are not sure....then you've just passed the "am I a Liberal" test, because if you're NOT sure of what the Liberal reaction would SURELY be, you are a certified moron and, therefore, a TRUE Liberal).
So, FOR those morons:
Bush would be CRUCIFIED. Liberals would SCREAM for impeachment. The news would absorb 100% of media's attention (in between impotence and depression medication commercials). There'd be cries of "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE!!!"
So...back to the news...
Check out the video below and ask yourself: How do you suppose the Liberals will react to THIS piece of news? (Caution, Libs....this is part 2 of the "Am I a Liberal" test...
Monday, July 18, 2011
So, I go on vacation for one damn week.....
The Democrats (Socialists) want to "get spending under control" by.....SPENDING MORE MONEY? (this is like saying "I'll get my personal spending under control by cutting out buying a pack of gum per week buying a new car, a new stove, a new Harley, a new kitchen, a new house....blah blah blah....). stupid do you need to be...?
And, I fear, the GOP seems poised to drink the "Kool-Aid".
Note to Republicans:
DON'T RAISE THE DEBT CEILING (rest assured...if you raise it, you'll need to raise it AGAIN in a year...that's how Democrats roll).
If you do ANY of these things, you'll get voted OUT.
Let's face it: Obama KNOWS that the ONLY chance he has at re-election is if Repubicans are successful, because he KNOWS that elections are mostly tied to the economy and the ONLY thing that will fix this Liberal disaster-of-an-economy will be a turn-around in the economy.
Folks, I've told you from the beginning......IF YOU ARE NOT ACTIVISTS, YOU WILL LOSE AMERICA (but you WILL gain Greece...)
Hirota: BACK!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Hey....did you hear? Of COURSE you didn't....

Monday, July 4, 2011
HAPPY 4th!!!
True to the Harvard study, released this week, the Fourth of July IS VERY MUCH a Conservative Holiday, for the simple reason that we Conservatives are NOT embarrassed nor apologetic about our freedoms, liberty or way of life.
And....make NO mistake about it....we SHOULDN'T be embarrassed.
These freedoms and liberties came (and continue to come) at GREAT cost by men and women who work tirelessly (and all too often thanklessly) to defend this great nation. Such is their dedication that countless have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy.
Conservatives understand this. And we deeply appreciate the sacrifices.
Liberals, on the other hand, shown to be decidedly UN-patriotic by the Harvard study, ignore, demean, diminish the sacrifices made by these brave men and women.
Liberals seek to render meaningless the price paid by these heroic men and women...shameful.
So, this Fourth of July, let's take a silence...and remember those who, while we party and celebrate, guard our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic...
Hirota: out.
Friday, July 1, 2011
But, being a Socialist dictator, like his counterparts right here in America, there IS some good news in this:
Chavez, with his close ties to Cuba, can go there to receive, as the idiot Michael Moore puts it, "the greatest healthcare system on Earth".
....which pretty much means that Chavez is a dead man...
Hirota: out