Behind closed doors, Congress and Obama are meeting, trying to settle a deal on the budget. From completely opposing positions, the battle rages…
Meanwhile, talking heads furiously attempt to “crystal ball” the repercussions of a deal not yet struck.
Opinions are typical: Liberal pundits claim that the “Tea Party” deal of “Cut, Cap and Balance” will surely sink Obama’s chance of re-election (reasoning that this deal will alienate his base); that the ONLY solution (to save the re-election chance) is “a balanced approach to debt reduction”. On the Right, pundits claim that that same deal will have the same result, but for different reasons (these folks predict that passage of this deal will prove Obama to be a weak leader… if more proof is necessary…).
They are BOTH wrong.
IF “Cut, Cap and balance” DOES get passed, Obama WILL HUGELY increase his chance at a second term.
Consider: Obama’s approval rating stands at around 45% (depending on the poll). This means that a staggering 45% of those polled STILL believe, all evidence to the contrary, that Obama is doing a wonderful job. These are the “KoolAid” drinkers, who are utterly, blindly, foolishly devoted to their god, Obama.
Truly, Obama could openly admit his solid commitment to Communism and Radical Islam, start smoking crack in meetings, start waving his tiny genitals at reporters, demand legislation requiring that women be relegated to being “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen”, write a Federal ban on ALL abortions, immediately release ALL criminals from prison irrespective of crime, establish Shinto as the official religion of the United States and bitch-slap Michelle and physically beat his daughters on national TV, and, rest assured, this gang of 45% would forgive him, then vote to re-elect him.
…Then they’d blame Bush.
This number, 45%, is a HUGE reduction of his original devotees and is simply explained by the flight of “Independents” (Liberals would call it the “White Flight”) away from a man who has turned out to be just another idiot Socialist. Those same “Independents”, perhaps for the most altruistic reasons, (mis)placed their faith on Obama’s campaign rhetoric: claims of Centrism. And, now that he his true colors (no pun intended) have been revealed, those “Independents” have learned a painful lesson and abandoned him and his Socialist policies.
So, back to the debt deal…
If “Cut, Cap and Balance” passes (a HUGE win for the security of our nation and a HUGE win for Conservatives”, Obama INCREASES his chances for re-election.
- The KoolAid drinkers will never, ever, ever, EVER abandon Obama, no matter HOW horrific a President he is. That 45-or-so% is ABSOLUTELY secure for Obama. He’s pretty much GUARANTEED that 45% in the next election.
- The “Independents”, however, WILL some back to him and MOST of those will end up voting again for him, as he will have FINALLY fulfilled their greatest hopes for his “Centrist” position. Obama will suddenly be seen as “the great mediator”, just as Clinton CONTINUES to get credit for Welfare Reform in the late ‘90s.
- The economy, with this single piece of legislation, WILL stabilize and grow, and this ALONE will sway the election toward him. As most know, elections, overwhelmingly, depend on the economy: a growing economy helps the sitting President, whereas a poor economy will bury a sitting President.
Folks, the only BAD news for Conservatives, really, is this:
If a Liberal compromise (the “gang of six”) is struck, Obama will NOT be re-elected, because the economy will fail. What will be a death-blow to the future of our nation (the Liberal compromise) will also result in the termination of the reign of the worst President in our nation’s history. Period.
So what we have is:
Option “A”: Cut, Cap and Balance passes (America begins the process of regaining its greatness/Obama gets re-elected.
Option “B”: The Liberal “gang of six (idiots)” deal passes (America continues to slouch toward Communism/Obama goes away.
So, what is it that Conservatives want: Another Obama term, or the future of our nation?
While, in a crazy way, this sounds like SUPPORT for Obama, TRUST me, it most certainly ISN’T!
What Conservatives MUST keep in mind is this: If Republicans (Tea Party Conservatives) maintain control of the House and GAIN control of the Senate (THIS is REALLY where the important re-election battle lies), it won’t matter WHO is in the White House………EVEN someone as tragic as Obama.
Food for thought, folks.
Hirota: OUT!
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